Late bus for the Grand Traverse
Mountain Express Town Shuttle will run late for March Spring Break festivities. This weekend, the buses will run late for the Grand Traverse on March 23. The last bus from Crested Butte to Mt. Crested Butte will leave Old Town Hall at 12:10 a.m., and the last bus from Mt. Crested Butte to Crested Butte will leave Mountaineer Square at 12:30 a.m.
Food Pantry gathering in Crested Butte on March 29
The Gunnison Country Food Pantry invites you to Food for Thought: A Social Hour for the Pantry at Bluebird Real Estate, 211 Elk Avenue, on Thursday, March 29, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Enjoy an evening of sharing knowledge and fun, free wine and appetizers and music by Tyler Lucas. Learn about your valley’s Food Pantry and how they are taking a bite out of hunger in the Gunnison Valley. Don’t miss the silent auction. The event is free and open to all community members. Donations will be accepted. All funds raised support the Gunnison Country Food Pantry and its work to feed hungry people in Gunnison Valley.
Oscar short film nights at GAC
If you’re itching to see the best of the best films from this year’s Oscars, catch them at the Gunnison Arts Center. In coordination with the Crested Butte Film Festival, the GAC will screen the Oscar-winning short films. Watch one theme a night: Documentary on Thursday, March 22; Live Action on Friday, March 23; and Animation on Saturday, March 24. A full bar and popcorn will be available. General admission is $10 per person or $25 for a three-night movie pass. Doors open at 6:30 and films begin at 7 p.m.
Help out Jimbo at the Red Room next Wednesday
Support Jimbo Talbot at the Red Room on Wednesday, March 28 at 6:30 p.m. There will be a silent auction and raffle to raise funds for Jimbo. The family-friendly event will feature a DJ spinning island tunes. Jimbo is currently commuting back and forth to Colorado Springs, where he is undergoing cancer treatment.
Novel Tea with David Rothman Thursday
The Novel Tea Book club will meet on Thursday, March 22 at 2 p.m. at the Crested Butte Library. This month’s book is Belle Turnbull: On the Life & Work of an American Master by David Rothman and Jeffrey Villines. Author David Rothman will be on hand to join the discussion of the book, which is a study of the extraordinary and oft forgotten poet Belle Turnbull. Keep company with others, enjoy a warm cup of tea and learn about a truly exceptional Colorado poet. Copies of the book are available to borrow from the library or for purchase from Townie Books. For more information contact the Crested Butte Library at (970) 349-6535 or via email: [email protected].
March 22- Moss Wagner, Joe Davidson
March 23- Shawna Claiborne, Mike Olson, Clayton Freed
March 24- Shelley Albers, Aneliese Frame, Colin Hamilton, Ben Barrett
March 25- Teresa Snyder, Alexandra Gabrielloff
March 26- Sheri Covey, Camille Polster, Tyler Williams, Caroline Inglis
March 27- Katie Vandervoort, Dante Marchitelli, Liberty Hastings, Annie Kuehlhorn
March 28- Shay Wright, Tara Mortell, Mesa Tinger

Cameos: (in honor of national puppy day) What is your puppy’s most endearing quirk?

on the couch.
Kerry & Cooper

and a bear.
Theresa, Ashley, Joshua & Heiwa

Joe & Kenai

Julia & Mia

Quinn & Shiloh