County update: 3/16 11 a.m.

Latest update is that 100 new testing kits are on the way. Currently, the county has eight positive cases and has two negative tests. They are working on new way to document and report more numbers.

The county has also created a new online form for people to self submit their info if they are symptomatic.

11:00 AM 3/16/20 Update

Primary Information Sources

Gunnison Health and Human Services Facebook page


Self Reporting

In an effort to better track folks throughout our community and minimize call volumes to the call center, we have created a google form for those that are showing symptoms. If you are feeling symptomatic, but are not high risk, we ask that you fill out the form instead of call in. As this information becomes more available we will begin posting some of those numbers.


New Public Health Orders

New Public Health Orders have been issued to close all Short-Term Lodging unless an exemption is issued by the Public Health Director for quarantine and emergency response crews. All visitors are asked to return home immediately by the safest and fastest available means. We ask that they self-isolate upon return. The order closes all restaurants and retail other than delivery service. Events are now limited less than 10 people. Same as old guidelines on who can be in attendance. Buses are included in the less than 10 rule. Constructions sites may continue to operate so long as they are complying and have written consent from the Public Health Director. Exemptions on the closures include: Federal, state, local and special district facilities, public utilities or utility service providers (e.g., electric utility providers, internet service providers, water and sewer service providers), grocery stores (e.g., Clark’s, Safeway, or City Market), hardware stores, medical service providers (e.g., hospitals, doctor’s offices, medical clinics, veterinarians, medical supply companies, dental offices, physical therapists, pharmacies), gas stations and discount department stores (e.g., Wal-Mart, Dollar Tree)

The updated orders are posted on the main website.

There is a task force with the local chambers and the ICELab to offer up support and information for businesses that are being affected by these closures. We are working on a dedicated tab on our website for that.

We have heard some pushback around the reporting of positive cases and our other stats. This information can be found online at here at the state’s site. We are also building a similar google doc that will go onto our website, with all of our relevant numbers. This document will be live and updated as we are updated. Our reason for not posting in the last update was to build the urgency around the fact that the 8 positive tests GROSSLY underestimate the true incidence in our community. The testing is far behind the true numbers.

The following patients with COVID-19 symptoms are asked to please call the call center at 970-641-7660.

  • Healthcare workers
  • Employed in public safety occupation (e.g., law enforcement, fire fighter, EMS)
  • Part of an illness cluster in a facility or institution (e.g., healthcare, school, corrections, shelters)
  • With severe lower respiratory illness (hospitalized or fatal)
  • With worsening symptoms
  • Older than 60 years
  • With underlying medical conditions
  • Pregnant women
  • Had contact with a lab-confirmed COVID-19 patient

Assistance programs for those in isolation are underway at a municipal and county wide level. Currently these programs are aimed at helping those who need it most. We ask that you help your neighbors, family, and friends.

While our social distancing and public health orders may seem severe, our model is being adopted across the state and possibly beyond. Our number one priority is to ensure that health care and emergency services are available to those that need it most. In order accomplish this, we have to slow the spread of this illness.

You can still get outside and recreate, so long as you are practicing social distancing, we encourage everyone to keep up the active lifestyle that our community loves.


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