CB council looks to turn over a new leaf

Members agree to meet face to face in June

[ By Kendra Walker ]

During their May 17 meeting, the Crested Butte Town Council acknowledged their brutal seven-and-a-half-hour meeting earlier this month, and expressed the desire to move forward with more respect and to run meetings more effectively as a council.
“I just respectfully want to remind the council that council meetings are not kitchen table discussions and I hope you can take turns,” community member Kent Cowherd said during public comment. “I hope a more professional process or approach can be cultivated in the future.”

Council member Will Dujardin suggested that council look into the possibility of more meetings or higher compensation for future council members. “I’m looking for a little backup from council on this. I think we really need to look at the council compensation moving forward and long-term approach in understanding the workload better. I don’t think our meetings are productive after 10 (p.m.).” For compensation, current members cannot vote to raise their pay, but can vote to give a pay increase to future elected council members.

Dujardin suggested a possible work session or council retreat. “I just think in the long run we have to adjust to what’s worth people’s time in this community. Sometimes it’s the only thing I can care about. Sometimes I don’t have enough time to care about it. In general I’m looking at the long-term approach to council and how we keep talent around even with people moving out of town.”

“Maybe we look at doing a retreat where we look at pay, meeting times and if there is anything we want to be doing differently,” agreed council member Chris Haver.

“I’m very willing to continue the council meeting to the next day, but it’s not something we can plan on. Certainly, we didn’t plan on being there until 1:30 in the morning at the last meeting but there were a lot of circumstances that led us there,” said mayor Jim Schmidt. “I think the council functions much better when we’re sitting at a table looking at each other and I strongly urge that everybody come back to the council chamber starting in June. In our consent agenda we approved almost $20,000 in additions to prep the room to have us here and have a live audience. I think strongly that we need to be here.”

“I think it’s nice that you have a Zoom alternative, but I really advocate for being in person face to face and I will try to prioritize that,” said council member Mona Merrill.

“I’ll come back to you, Jim,” said Haver.

“I’ll be there that first week of June,” said Dujardin.

“Yes, first week of June,” said council member Jason MacMillan.

Council member Mallika Magner was not in attendance at the May 17 meeting.

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