CB Extreme turns dial to take down KBUT

“Should we just forfeit now”

By Than Acuff 

First things first—thank you KBUT for continuing music programming until 5 p.m. It was tough to be in the groove at 4 p.m. only to be interrupted by that sorta funky jam intro music and the subsequent hourlong reality check of atrocities from around the globe. Do we need to know about them? I’d argue yes. But maybe not right after some mind-melting Robin Trower compliments of YOPLB. 

Speaking of meltdowns, CB Extreme was melting down early in their game against KBUT at Tommy V Field Wednesday, June 28 (anyone remember June?). So much so that after some questionable play from CB Extreme the first two innings, shortstop Brett Hubert asked, “should we just forfeit now?”

But it being Tommy V Field with an outfield so big it’s worthy of one of those new mega mansions popping up the past several years, no lead is safe. As we all found out that evening.

KBUT started things off before the game well before the first pitch was tossed as a couple of their players lined the fence to heckle CB Extreme players as they parked at the field. Their pre-game intimidation efforts paid off as the top of their batting order kicked into high gear in the first inning to score four runs. Shawn Harrington led off with a double, Sonny Burgess pushed him home with a double and Kat Harrington and Nick Hight scored three more KBUT runs with base hits.

An error-assisted inside the park home run (ITPHR) from Hubert and an RBI double by Benn Schmalz put two on the board for CB Extreme, but the top of the KBUT batting order continued their hitting ways in the bottom of the second inning started off once again with a double by Shawn. Ahmed Moinuddin pushed Shawn home with a double, Kat and Hight did what they done the inning before, and Jo Ellipsis iced the cake of the five-run rally with an RBI single for a 9-2 KBUT lead, spurning Hubert’s question regarding calling it a night.

I’m sure Hubert was just joking though, and CB Extreme started spinning the radio dial soon finding the right signal at the plate. Speaking of spinning the dial, anyone tune into the weather station when driving to Montrose? It’s hypnotic and may be telling me to do things that perhaps I shouldn’t.

But… I digress.

Jade “McWheels” McLaughlin got things going for CB Extreme pasting a single to left field and then sprinted around the bases on an ITPHR from Mick Demi. Shirley Stichter and Andrew Tower combined for two more base hits and a run. Frank Stichter and Sean Slattery each drove in two runs with singles and Schmalz hit, run and spun for a three-run ITPHR to put CB Extreme on top 12-9 and forcing the umpires to call the 10-run rule.

KBUT reminded everyone the power of community radio to pull the game even 12-12 in the bottom of the third inning, thanks in part to a two-run ITPHR from Burgess. KBUT then retook the lead in the bottom of the fourth inning as Hight and Ellipsis singled and scored off a single from Flemish-heritage hitter Brett Biebuyck and a double by Seth Quigg. A sac hit by Brittany Perkins pushed Quigg closer to home and then he reached home thanks to a triple from Shawn for a 16-12 KBUT lead going into the fifth inning.

CB Extreme nearly shot themselves in the foot after KBUT threw out two runners stretching for extra bases, yet they still managed to score four runs to tie the game once again.

The battle royale continued as KBUT came right back in the bottom of the fifth inning to retake the lead 19-16 as base hits from Burgess and Hight set up Kat and Ellipsis for RBIs. 

The sixth inning is when CB Extreme made their final move as they erupted in the top of the sixth inning. McLaughlin, Heather Cooper, Demi, both Stichters, Evan Sandstrom, Jolene Dreith, Slattery and Schmalz all connected for either base hits or RBI base hits to score 13 runs for a 29-19 CB Extreme lead. What about the 10-run rule you ask? Not applicable in the sixth and seventh innings. Why am I still reading you may also ask? Because it’s better than cleaning the toilet on your $3,000 a month rental.

KBUT did have a little life left as Burgess connected for another two-run ITPHR and Ellipsis tagged an RBI double, but when Biebuyck knocked a base hit through the infield, KBUT runners were on the move only to have one tossed out at home to end up with a 29-22 loss.

Now, go get that pumice stick and start scrubbing.

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