Briefs School: Kendra Walker

First day of school

The first day of school is Monday, August 28 and teachers return Monday, August 21 for a week of preparation. The Crested Butte Community School Back to School night is on Wednesday, September 6 from 5–7 p.m.

Apply to be on a DAG

The Gunnison Watershed School District is preparing Design Advisory Group (DAG) meetings to gather community input that will inform the design of the school facilities expansion and improvements bond project. There are five DAG groups, and the district is looking for community members to serve on each. The groups include Playground, District Wide Safety and Security, GHS and Pathways, Crested Butte Community School and Gunnison Community School. Spaces are limited, so those interested in joining a DAG must fill out an application located on the district website: The first meetings will begin in September. 

Superintendent Leslie Nichols noted during the August 14 school board meeting that while the groups are relatively small, everyone in the district will have a voice and stressed the importance on having a community-guided design process. 

“We are still meeting with teachers and staff to get to that granular level of what’s important to everyone. There will be additional community meetings to allow for broader input from community members, parents and neighbors,” she said. “The input from the community is critical, this is their money.”

Free lunches

Nichols shared that the school lunch program is changing to offer free breakfast and lunch for all students. The district is also looking for a new nutrition director. She noted that while meals are free this school year, it’s still important that families that qualify for the free and reduced lunch program fill out an application so the district can determine populations that might be underserved. “It’s a really important demographic indicator and important in how we’re funded (at the state level),” Nichols said. 

Taylor not seeking reelection

Board treasurer Dave Taylor shared that he will not be seeking reelection this fall. He said he plans to spend more time with his family. 

“You have been an incredibly hard worker,” board president Tyler Martineau told Taylor. “The effort that you contributed to the bond election was above the bar, above what was needed. And your effort in providing oversight in finances of the district has been a huge value.”

Cell phones

Nichols shared the school district’s latest rules regarding cell phones in response to recent public comment asking about the policy. For elementary and middle schools, cell phones must be stored in backpacks or lockers all day. For high schools, students may use their devices before and after school, during passing periods and lunch and at a teacher’s discretion. Nichols noted that the district policy stands to be updated and the board will have a work session on August 28 to discuss further.

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