USFS releases revised GMUG Land Management Plan

60-day objection period, meetings Sept 5 and 6

By Katherine Nettles

On Wednesday, August 30, The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forests released the draft record of decision for the revised land management plan and final environmental impact statement. This begins a 60-day objection filing period, and three meetings next Tuesday and Wednesday will provide a walk-through of the plan.

According to a USFS press release, the revised plan details the desired conditions, standards, guidelines and objectives to provide the foundation for future management activities across the forests for at least the next 15 years; it addresses drought, tree mortality and wildfire risk while amplifying forest restoration and resiliency through local and state partnerships. The GMUG estimated the plan will support 3,900 jobs and provide $125 million in labor income, add 46,000 acres of recommended wilderness and increase fuel treatment objectives by 60 percent.

GMUG Forest Planner Samantha Staley noted the revised forest plan has been in the works since 2018. “After we published the draft plan and received an enormous volume of quality public input, the planning team spent more than a year to thoroughly study and integrate that feedback as much as possible. We believe the plan and preferred alternative reflect the diversity of our communities’ input and interests.”

For draft record of decision, revised plan, environmental impact statement and other documents associated with this release, including interactive maps, webinar recordings and instructions for how to object or file as an interested person, as well as all past publications and other helpful resources, please visit the planning website:

The GMUG is hosting three public meetings to share information and provide orientation about the plan and the next steps:

Virtual via ZOOM, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 10-11:30 a.m., Meeting ID: 874 5395 9663, One tap mobile+12532158782,87453959663# US (Tacoma)+12532050468,87453959663# US

Virtual via ZOOM, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 5-6:30 p.m., Meeting ID: 885 1551 6068, One tap mobile+12532050468,88515516068# US, +12532158782,88515516068# US (Tacoma)

In person, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 5-6:30 p.m., at Montrose County Events Center 1036 N. 7th St, Montrose, CO 81401

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