North Valley Trails Project Decision greenlights 9 miles of new trail construction

[  From the CBMBA  ]  

The Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association, in partnership with the Gunnison Ranger District, is pleased to announce a Decision Notice that approves commencement of the North Valley Trails Project.

This proverbial greenlight from the District Ranger means CBMBA can now move forward on a variety of projects that, when completed, will result in approximately nine miles of new trail, plus one mile of trail decommissioning.

CBMBA is thrilled with this decision and will begin implementing components of the project during the upcoming summer riding season.

“We are thankful for the efforts of the Gunnison Ranger District and the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) team in finding this decision,” said Doug Bradbury, president of the CBMBA Board of Directors. “It opens the door for some truly amazing new recreation amenities that will bring value to our entire community and visitors alike.”

CBMBA began this trails project plan proposal in 2017, engaging in extensive public outreach and stakeholder input. More recently, the local trails advocacy organization presented its proposal to the STOR committee where it was further vetted. 

In 2021, the proposed plan, then titled “Riders Off the Road,” was accepted by the Gunnison Ranger District. It then entered the NEPA process where it was re-titled as the North Valley Trails Project (NVTP). The project includes the CBMBA proposed trails along with designated camping and trailhead infrastructure improvements to be completed on behalf of the ranger district.

After further vetting by district specialists, extensive scoping and public comment periods, the NEPA process was fulfilled, allowing Gunnison district ranger Dayle Funka to provide final sign off on the project. 

“This project has been a collaborative effort, I’m proud of my team for their hard work and I respect CBMBA’s dedication to high quality, safe recreation opportunities,” said Funka. “We are looking forward to our continued partnership with CBMBA as we begin implementation.”  

CBMBA now has direction for several years’ worth of trail construction projects and will continue the tradition of bringing the community together around volunteer workdays. Potential new builds for the 2024 season include the Upper Upper Loop-to-Brush Creek Trailhead connection that will allow riders to avoid a busy section of dirt road in the Brush Creek drainage, and the Teocalli Ridge extension, which will lengthen one of the North Valley’s most iconic downhills while also lessening ride time on the road.

It’s also worth noting that none of these new trails are located in Designated Wilderness or proposed wildlife management areas in the ongoing Forest Plan Revision.   

“This decision provides for new trails, network connections and needed infrastructure improvements that will greatly improve the safety and recreation experiences for all trail users,” remarked Matt Whiting, CBMBA Board of Directors vice president. “Local residents and visitors will greatly benefit from these additions and improvements.”

In addition to the proposed new trails, the NVTP provides for nearly 19 acres of new parking and trailhead infrastructure that will be implemented at the Brush Creek Trailhead, Walrod Trailhead and Tent City Trailhead and Designated Camping Area respectively. Improvements at the Brush Creek and Tent City Trailheads will commence this summer.  

“With our dedicated trail crews and amazing volunteers, we will chip away at these new trail projects for several years,” explained CBMBA executive director Dave Ochs, adding that work will begin in earnest during National Trails Day on June 1. “We can’t wait to get started!”

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