Aces take down Elevate in Thursday slugfest

Cool rain, hot tempers

By Than Acuff 

Well, I would be remiss as a reporter if I didn’t mention things got a little heated Thursday night between the newest team to the league, the Aces, and Elevate.

But I’m not a reporter, I just cover sports and prior to tempers flaring, the Aces and Elevate played six innings of quality softball with a steady rain for several innings that rendered the scorebook unreadable.

First of all, who are the Aces you may ask? Basically, a handful of Hares players with the addition of a bunch of other players, some new to the league. Rumor is the former Hares players left to create a more competitive team but only a reporter would confirm that and, like I said, I’m a coverer. One thing I do know is the Aces take full advantage of the “coed rule.” As stated, “Coed rules apply to all female players and male players 60 years of age and older.” Of the 10 players in the Aces lineup, eight were men, three of whom identified as coeds. I have that feeling that I may have written something offensive. If so, I apologize and write a letter to the editor. Lord knows we will need the copy in the next issue.

That said, things started out quietly for both teams as it took until the bottom of the second inning for someone to score. That someone was Colin Jones, a recent pick up for the Aces from his former team from out of state, Tequila Mockingbird.

Jones  blooped a base hit into no man’s land, I mean no person’s land, and wheeled around the bases for a triple. He then cruised home on a single by Brooke Brown, one of four familial Browns on the team with an additional Brown, unrelated though, as well. So, get ready for that as, or if, you continue reading.

Lucas Brown then singled and while Tucker Brown was tossed out at home stretching a double, Marcy Bryor slapped a two RBI double up the middle and Derek Yeadon sent Bryor home with a double and a 4-0 Aces’ lead.

The Elevate bats woke up starting off with a solo shot off the Mountain Spirits Liquor building by Nick Klaus. Elevate had their own secret weapon on the other end of the age spectrum in Sully Reese. Not only is Reese young, but he’s also short related to the adults, and that left the Aces pitcher flummoxed and walking him. Not Eddie Gaedel short (look it up), but shorter than Freddie Patek.

Sam Reaman followed with a double to put two on base and Cortney Bock and CJ Hoover drove both runners home with back-to-back RBI singles. Christian Allen doubled to right field to score two more runs, Sara Reese walked to load the bases and Klaus then cleared the bags with a grand slam inside the park home run (ITPHR) partially facilitated by a game of hot potato by the Aces outfielders. Sully then singled and scored on a triple from Reaman and Elevate was out front 10-4 with a steady rain falling.

The Aces had plenty of aces up their sleeves though, yep I wrote that, and came roaring back to tie the game back up in the bottom of the third inning. Doubles from Bryce W. Miller and Tom Harken started the scoring, Jones crushed a two-run shot over right field, Lucas doubled, Brett Gardner singled and Tucker popped a three-run shot to left.

The Aces tacked on five more runs in the bottom of the fourth as Jones connected for a three-run home run, Tucker tapped an RBI single and a fly ball from Yeadon dropped unattended allowing another run to score for a 15-10 Aces’ lead.

A solo ITPHR from Reaman and RBI single by Jared Martin had Elevate clawing back into the game but the Aces smacked five base hits and Lucas connected for a two-run home run to put the Aces out front 19-14 heading into the sixth inning.

And this is when things got heated. 

Elevate scored two more runs in the top of the sixth inning to pull within three and were primed for a late game comeback win. But the ump stated it was the last inning due to the rules regarding game times. Given the situation, Elevate was less than enthusiastic about the call and following some terse words, an agreement was made that they would play a full game.

But when an Aces batter nearly took Allen’s head off with a hit up the middle using a reportedly illegal bat, a hit that appeared intentional given the hitter’s ability, a confrontation ensued on the base path, benches sort of cleared and the umpire had enough, ending the game and leaving the Aces with a 19-16 win.

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