Briefs: CB South

By Katherine Nettles

Block 6 infrastructure underway

Adagio Properties has started its infrastructure work on block 6 for 10 mixed-use commercial/residential lots in the Crested Butte South commercial core. Crews are putting in water and sewer main lines, culverts and a new road called Ford’s Way. The work will likely continue in spring and the plan remains for property owners to be able to start building in 2025. 40% of the lots have now been sold, including lot 10 to the Gunnison County Library District which completed its purchase of the largest lot  in the subdivision and wraps around what will be Ford’s Way, Haverly Street and Glacier Lily Way. The library district completed a public design forum last week with architects present to discuss potential plans for a new library there. 

Infrastructure for the 19 townhomes along Haverly, also being built by Adagio, is expected to start in summer 2025.

STR covenant vote November 4-20

The CB South Property Owner’s Association (POA) held a meeting last week to discuss the upcoming covenant vote on short-term rental (STR) caps and licenses. More than 30 attendees expressed concerns, asked questions and listened to a presentation of the proposed covenant changes. The covenant vote will be fully electronic this year and runs November 4–20.

New bank branch? 

The Gunnison Bank & Trust had a meeting with the POA design review committee on Tuesday, October 29 regarding its proposal to build a new branch in the commercial core by clustering lots on Gillaspey in the Pioneer Plaza. Plans include a drive through, and parking for a full-service bank office. The DRC requested additional details on the project and tabled the decision for consideration at an upcoming meeting.

Weighing in on Starview

The POA board is working on a letter of input to provide the applicant for the recently approved Starview Subdivision off Cement Creek Road about traffic impacts and other considerations of a major new housing development with potential commercial activity. It will be discussed at the November 13 meeting.

Red Mtn. Park bus loop repaved

The bus loop re-pavement project from Teocalli to the bus stop entrance on Cascadilla is now complete, and the asphalt runs deeper this time for better longevity and endurance of heavy commercial vehicles. 

Bear activity high

Bears have been extremely active this fall, and POA manager Derek Harwell says that the POA is struggling to enforce POA regulations that require residents to use bear safe practices and bear-safe trash receptacles if they are left outside overnight. The POA has been working with Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and there have been several instances of bears breaking into garages, climbing onto decks and one report of a car break-in. 

Cell tower talks

The POA board will discuss possibilities for a new cell tower located at Red Mountain Park and receive a presentation from ComNet, who does the engineering and lease, during their November 13 meeting.

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