Briefs: Gunnison County

By Katherine Nettles

Sawtooth 2 progress 

Mild fall weather in the South Valley throughout October and into November helped the county’s progress on the affordable housing project Sawtooth 2. The modular apartment style building located near the Gunnison Fairgrounds will provide 32 units ranging from studios to two-bedroom apartments and may be move-in ready by late winter.

 It got “dried in” this fall, said county manager Matthew Birnie, but fell short of getting the alleys, road or a parking lot paved. “We were not able to pave before the asphalt plant shut down unfortunately and we are experiencing a delay in delivery of some of our electrical gear which will delay the project a few weeks,” said John Cattles, Gunnison County assistant manager for sustainability and operations. “However, the project is still proceeding well and we anticipate finishing in February and beginning to move people in in March. We’ll come back in the spring to pave and finish the landscaping.”

Risk mapping updates

Commissioners approved an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) this fall with the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to conduct an updated countywide risk mapping assessment. CWCB and FEMA will update and broaden the existing 2013 floodplain maps throughout Gunnison County, for almost every named reach, stream or tributary to the Gunnison River Basin. It will also include an update in the type of technology that’s used. Birnie said the updates are not required, but failing to do them would make folks ineligible for a subsidized federal flood insurance program. 

Commissioner Laura Puckett Daniels asked what potential impact the new mapping could have on land use and to insurance. Birnie responded that the county reviews any building permits that are within a floodplain hazard area to ensure compliance with federal, state and county regulations. He said the new models could make elevation maps more accurate and it could remove people from the flood plain because it accounts for much more than a more simplified one. “But the county is relatively removed from this process. We are just a partnering agency that’s consulted regarding the types of technology that gets used where these areas are mapped and whether we want to have a base flood elevation indicated in a certain reach,” he said.  

Land conservation easements

Commissioners approved of two land conservation easement grant agreements during their November 19 meeting. 

The first is called Silver Springs Ranch, which encompasses 113 acres on the west side of Highway 135 north of Gunnison along the Gunnison River. The current owner uses it for hay production and livestock grazing, and is visible from 135 and Ohio Creek Road (CR 730). In addition to protecting scenic open space for the general public, preservation of the property will continue to provide range resources for livestock and wildlife including Gunnison sage grouse, since the entire property lies within designated sage grouse habitat, and habitat for big game species and Colorado species of concern such as bald eagles, hawks, sandhill cranes and the northern leopard frog, according to a memo from Mike Pelletier, Gunnison County geographic information services manager. The cost is $102,300.

The second property is called the Flying W Ranch-Vulcan Property for 285 acres in areas along County Road 31 south of Blue Mesa Reservoir. It is also used for livestock grazing, and is visible to the public from CR 31 and Bureau of Land Management lands adjacent to the property. The cost is $126,514. The property is also entirely within designated Gunnison sage grouse habitat, includes habitat for big game species and for Colorado species of concern including bald eagles, peregrine falcons, hawks and northern leopard frogs. 

Both easements protect the entirety of the properties and prevent future subdivision. The Silver Springs easement is a donation by the landowner, and Land Preservation funds make up 5% of the project value. Primary funding for the Flying W Ranch is provided by a grant from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and LP funds represent 24% of the project value. The Gunnison Valley Land Preservation Board approved funding for the projects in September. 

The Land Preservation Funds come from a portion of the revenue from county-wide sales tax that is designated for open space, agricultural preservation, wildlife habitat, wetland preservation, access to public lands, trails and watershed protection in the county. The fund was established in 1997 by a public vote and reauthorized by a second public vote in 2012. 

The agreements are being executed by the Gunnison Ranchland Conservation Legacy.

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