A time of uncertainty…

It feels like the only thing that is certain right now is that everything is uncertain. From a horribly botched workforce housing lottery to the snow forecast to tax money promised for local projects that may now be in jeopardy, no one is sure what to count on. The end of January has us in wait-and-see mode. 

The CB housing lottery held last week is an example of devastating uncertainty. A local household was seemingly awarded a rental unit and an hour later they were informed while celebrating that there was an error, and they instead did not have the stable new home they thought they did. Everyone involved on all sides, — from the three-person household directly impacted, to the town officials running the process, to the other participants in the lottery — were rightfully upset at how it played out and everyone agreed there was no easy and good resolution. 

But the town is reviewing its process to make it better in the future. Talking to people in the most recent lottery and those who have been part of past ones, the process seems incredibly stressful and almost torturous. That should change. There must be a better way than gathering friends and neighbors for a game of Survivor as junk show raffle tickets are literally pulled from a trashcan. The impacted household that includes a two-year old as represented by her mom Scotia Cox was shattered and rightfully angry. But they have shown grace and strength in dealing with an incredibly challenging and uncertain situation. Hopefully they can find some peace soon through an affordable housing award as the town tries to right an unfortunate wrong.

The weather forecast remains uncertain. It was -36 last week and it’s predicted to be +42 on Monday. The snow total estimate for a coming low-pressure system has shifted from nine inches to one in a single day. According to the CBMR website there was apparently a two-day, six-inch snowstorm on the snow stake last week that missed the rest of the entire valley. Weird. CBMR brass told me they are looking into why that inaccurate information was posted but I haven’t heard any response yet. 

The lean snow season is impacting everyone here as word on the street is that business is off in the North Valley. If the snowplows aren’t running and the Bobcats are idle, the drivers, property managers and shovelers aren’t making money to buy lunch, so the restaurants are down. The waitresses are making less than a year ago and aren’t spending big bucks in the shops. Tourists are watching the snow reports and not jumping into their cars to ski the rocks on Flatiron. It all trickles down and as we are halfway through prime season, there’s a lot of uncertainty about how to pay for off-season rent. Pray for snow.

Then there are the local entities that are not sure what some future projects hold even though they were promised federal funds through loans and grants. The Trump administration on Tuesday froze most federal grants and loans, even those that have been allocated and thus budgeted. That could significantly impact places like the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, the local governments and our surrounding public lands.

RMBL relies on federal funds for a lot of its programming and capital projects. We reached out to new RMBL executive director Jenifer Blacklock and longtime ED Ian Billick about the impacts. They said with Gothic under snow, the timing of this pause is not terrible. However, they were clear that if it were to become permanent, or if uncertainty persists through the spring, it would impact initiatives for which the federal government has previously issued what was thought to be binding commitments. Those could include upgrades to Internet that would benefit the entire North Valley, a new washhouse that is halfway built, financial support for first generation and community college students to receive science training in Gothic, and funding to integrate plane and satellite technology to improve our ability to predict and manage fire and drought. 

“As information is still evolving, we are tracking updates daily and working with our RMBL community to support scientific advancements and initiatives in any way we can,” explained Blacklock. “This is a time to think creatively, solve challenges in innovative ways and navigate this changing landscape together.”

On the local government side, there is nothing definitive yet, but there is great uncertainty with things like the proposed Highway 135 roundabouts, RTA bus purchases, what will happen to the recent Thompson Divide public lands protections and the tax credits that make the planned solar farm south of CB viable. 

Gunnison County for example has 34 local projects tied to federal grants worth more than $23 million. Gunnison County commission chair Laura Puckett Daniels commented Tuesday that, “We are keeping an eye on this, and like most of the country, we are waiting to see the details emerge.” 

Fellow commissioner Jonathan Houck said they are waiting for details to see what federal programs are being scrutinized, “then we will evaluate what that looks like here in Gunnison County. There is so much to try to wrap your head around that it is dizzying.”

Mt. CB town manager Carlos Velado said no current town projects should be impacted but “there are multiple federal and state grant programs that we are exploring for future projects that could be affected by this decision. We are already working with our community and state partners to determine how this impacts all of us in Colorado.”

Donald blinked on Wednesday and rescinded that order. But for how long? As Crested Butte mayor Ian Billick said — “There is just a lot of uncertainty…”

Vail Resorts is getting its butt kicked all over the place right now. From publicity over contract negotiations with CBMR lift maintenance workers (looking more positive after negative press!) to employees living in freezing employee housing units in Breckenridge (looking more positive after negative press!) to the ski patrol in Park City to one of its major shareholders, investment firm Late Apex Partners, calling for a complete overhaul of the company that has seen its stock value drop like a rock the last several years. What is the VR future? Who knows?

What is the future of Starview by CB South? Is that crappy gas station gone yet? How about the Crested Butte Post Office? Any bets on the future of Mt. Crested Butte’s newest developments that don’t have solid sewer capabilities? What’s up with the old Princess? When will Mark Walter call…never mind—finally some certainty.

As usual in times of stress and uncertainty, the valley reminds itself that it can pull together. There was a Gunnison Valley Journal celebration last week in the Mallardi Theatre in CB that poignantly expressed how much love and support there is for each other in this community. It was a reminder of how much we come together when things are uncertain and we have to fight (sometimes with love) for our unique place in the world. That’s unfortunately where we are right now…of that I am certain.

—Mark Reaman

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