
Know your budget

There was one major lesson I learned from a successful local businessman before he stepped down from the non-profit board on …

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I’ll never forget my grandfather’s amused disbelief as he wondered at the mountain of sparkling gifts piled underneath our Christmas tree. …

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It may seem quiet on the streets of Crested Butte this week, but don’t be fooled. There’s a war going on. …

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A clear vision

On Monday night, I attended an interesting community meeting organized by some concerned Crested Butte citizens about a proposed molybdenum mine …

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Good news

Crested Butte received good news this week with the announcement from Vancouver-based Kobex Resources Ltd that they were pulling out of …

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It’s a disturbing precedent.Earlier this month, a U.S. District Court Judge issued a ruling that required former USA Today reporter Toni …

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Spring cometh

Something magical happened last week. I was walking the dog out on Cement Creek Road and I witnessed something I hadn’t …

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Sunday Sales

A few weeks ago, I was pulling ingredients out of the refrigerator to make a recipe when I stopped. Wine, two …

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