Search Results for: emmons

State regulators request U.S. Energy to develop new water treatment plan

Stormwater management plan requested

The Water Quality Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has amended its Compliance Advisory issued to U.S. Energy in December 2010. The division amended the advisory after accepting comments from the mining company, the town of Crested Butte, and the public. The new advisory will require additional water monitoring points and a plan to control and monitor stormwater runoff from U.S. Energy’s Keystone Mine Site on Mt. Emmons.


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Mine study, helicopters grounded for this summer

Permitting isn’t up to snuff

Odds are that the helicopters anticipated to be used for baseline studies on the proposed Mount Emmons Project won’t be flying in the nearby valleys this summer. In fact, all the baseline studies and the associated impacts likely won’t start until the summer of 2012 at the earliest. Read More »

High Country Citizens’ Alliance sues Colorado over recent mine decision

Enviro group says a bond is needed…

Local environmental organization High Country Citizens’ Alliance (HCCA) is suing the state over the decision by the Colorado Mined Reclamation Board to allow “prospecting” activities at the proposed Mt. Emmons Project. The Project would mine molybdenum from Mt. Emmons, which sits just west of the town of Crested Butte and is in its  municipal watershed. Read More »

State extends deadline for U.S. Energy water progress report

The Division is gathering information

The state’s Water Quality Control Division of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has extended a deadline for U.S. Energy to produce a progress report over water quality standards. Originally the division had asked to see a report by February 1 but that date has now been extended until April 1. Read More »

Something’s got to change

 Writer’s Note: With the mine on Mt. Emmons gaining momentum, I found myself compelled to throw a few thoughts in the mix as the Forest Service closed out its comment period January 31. This is just the beginning, and as editor Mark Reaman says in this week’s editorial on page 2, “I wish it wasn’t necessary to talk at all about this issue, [but] it appears we are at the new start of a long process.”—MH

RE: Mt. Emmons Public Comment Period

Being a newspaper and magazine editor/journalist, I typically stay out of these discussions, but given the critical nature of this issue I can’t stay quiet. But I’m not here to speak for anyone else or as a journalist. I am reaching out to you as a member of this community. This mine will impact me personally—my business, my family, my future, my lifestyle, and my health. There is a whole community here with the same concerns.
Some disclosure—I’m an editor for the Crested Butte News, Backcountry Magazine, founder of local publishing company Stokelab Media LLC, a contributor to ESPN and a number of other publications and websites. I spend a lot of time writing and speaking about the Gunnison Valley, and make my living that way. Frankly, the mine fight is good for my wallet because it gives me something new to write about. But that is all it is good for, other than padding the wallets of U.S. Energy.
In my opinion you are beholden to a law that was crafted to help populate and extract riches from the western United States, not protect the environment and communities who are dependent on it for their livelihood. Consideration for a destination-based tourism economy wasn’t a concern when this law was crafted; really you can’t blame them, who could have foreseen how critical recreation and tourism would become to sustaining a place like Crested Butte? But things change; unfortunately, in this case, the law hasn’t evolved with our culture and economy. Thank you 1872 Hardrock Mining law. Something has got to change.
It disheartens me, scares me that the U.S. Forest Service is still beholden to an ancient law that was crafted without sufficient foresight for situations like these. I fear this mine greatly because I know the odds are all stacked in U.S. Energy’s favor. We get to submit comments for your consideration; lobbyists spend millions of dollars each year to make sure the mining industry gets its way. It’s an uphill battle that will be fought on one side by carpenters and waitresses versus corporate lawyers and corporate dollars. The carpenters and waitresses need the Forest Service’s representation far more than U.S. Energy. They’ve already got plenty on their side. Please keep that in mind as you make your decisions during this process. Imagine you live here, with your family and your community. What would you want the Forest Service to do?
I understand and respect that you as individuals have a job to do, just as I as an individual have the responsibility to protect my family, my community, and myself. What we are talking about here is the potential wholesale destruction of a community and tourism-driven economy. Point blank. I spend my working hours researching, editing and writing about all aspects of the tourism and recreation industry. Tourists don’t choose to visit towns with toxic water, industrial helicopters buzzing around, and a disenchanted, spiritually disemboweled populace. The bottom line is, even within just the state of Colorado, there are countless other places to visit. Unless you want to see where the longest running mine fight in the country was lost, and corporate interests crushed a community. That doesn’t sound like an attractive draw, does it?
As a destination, Crested Butte is unique for its inspired culture, vast and largely primitive wild places, and quiet solitude. That is why people come here. Our economy already suffers due to geographic isolation, and nothing is going to ever change that. But it also maintains its niche in the tourism industry because of all the latter unique-though-challenging qualities. Lose those attributes and not only are we hard to get to, but the public’s perception of this valley as a pristine destination will be shattered. There won’t be any way to hide it; the national media will be and is already all over this issue, believe me. I’ve spoken with several big-name writers from New York and around the country that are keeping their fingers on the pulse of this project and pitching stories to some of the top magazines in the country.
My final plea: Approving a new mine on the most iconic mountain in the town’s viewshed, and in the town’s watershed, is a direct endorsement of the destruction of the town’s economy, and will put the public’s health at risk to an absolutely unacceptable degree. Mitigation is reactive, not proactive. Never mind the impacts to biological capital and ecosystems outside of our anthropocentric perspective. This is a lasting decision that will impact generations of families, flora and fauna. You hold my fate and that of countless others in your hands. Please do everything and anything you can to factor that into the decision-making process. I beg you, as individuals, and as an agency. This may be the most important and impactful set of decisions you ever make.
Thank you for your time and consideration of my comments. I realize it’s a bit out of tradition for a journalist to approach the Forest Service in this scenario, but for me personally it is too important not to comment.

Start with common sense

First off… that reference to Dickie Brown as Klinger from the TV show MASH by forester Jeff Burch at the Mt. Crested Butte mine meeting last week… that was funny. Lighten up people.
But on the main point, here’s what I heard more than once at the Forest Service-sponsored meetings on the mine. The Forest Service cannot categorically deny anyone a Plan of Operations for mining activities on public lands. But I didn’t hear the Forest Service representatives say they had to categorically approve a proposed Plan of Operations, either.
A friend described the Wednesday meeting in Mt. Crested Butte as “sobering.” Still, information that came from the meeting presents opportunity. There may be opportunity in trying to get the agency to look at the project as a whole and putting appropriate restrictions on the plan. Instead of picking up one crumb at a time, the whole cookie should be considered.
The agency seemed a bit off the mark when pressed by High Country Citizens’ Alliance president Billy Rankin that they had promised to look at everything as a whole instead of in pieces. While I understand that information the baseline studies produces will help with the big picture, there are a lot of pieces from this puzzle floating around right now.
There is a water quality issue with Coal Creek right now. I cannot overstate my dissatisfaction in the U.S. Energy response when questioned about the results of state tests showing huge spikes in heavy metals going into parts of Coal Creek. The right answer from U.S. Energy CEO Keith Larsen is not pushing off obligations and responsibilities, but rather standing up and saying unequivocally that the company would try to be a partner with the community and find out with the help of the town how to solve any pollution issues. Alas, that’s not where Keith went and that is disappointing. But it is a piece of the puzzle. It is a crumb.
Then there’s the drift issue. The state is allowing a prospecting drift, or tunnel, that will result in piles of waste rock that could ultimately pollute the water in the basin even more. They want to start that drift this summer. That should be a piece of the puzzle. It is another important crumb.
What appears to be a quick NEPA review of the proposed baseline studies through the Environmental Assessment process is another piece of the puzzle. The mining company would like those studies to ideally take place this coming summer. When U.S. Energy’s Fred Kraft wouldn’t even venture an approximate guess of the number of helicopter trips needed as part of the baseline studies, that should be a red flag to the Forest Service that more finite information is needed before even considering approval for the tests.
The helicopter issue appears to be a major concern for people in the tourist town of Crested Butte. It seems a bit rough to be flying what could be multiple helicopter trips every day starting July 1, which is the start of the six busiest weeks of the year. I like Jeff Deutsch’s suggestion to restrict the flights and let them fly moderately in June and not at all between July 1 and August 15. Protection of the environment, including the human environment, seems reasonable.
So there are some things the Forest Service can do and they should do them. They shouldn’t make a decision in a vacuum. If there is water pollution in Coal Creek from Mt. Emmons, if a new prospecting tunnel and its impacts are part of the greater but immediate plan that should all be considered as part of the process. That just makes common sense.
Another thing to take into consideration… if the Forest Service cannot ultimately refuse a PoO outright, there are other agencies that have permitting power as well and concerned citizens should be aware. The state, the county and the town of Crested Butte all have some legitimate regulating authority over these proposals.
Crumbs seem to again be falling from the cookie that is a proposed mine a few miles from Crested Butte. While I again reiterate that I wish it were not necessary to talk at all about this issue, it appears we are at the new start of a long process… and putting common sense to work and looking at the big picture is the least everyone involved should be required to do.

Mt. CB mine meeting digs deeper, stirs passions

Forest Service obligated to approve a plan

As expected, the second of two U.S. Forest Service meetings concerning a proposal by representatives of the Mount Emmons Project to conduct geotechnical studies packed a bit more zip than the first. The second meeting was held Wednesday, January 26 in Mt. Crested Butte and drew more than twice as many people and took twice as long as the first meeting, which was held in Gunnison the night before. Read More »