Search Results for: emmons

CBMBA responds to Forest Travel Plan and Whetstone area situation

“My Wilderness experience is that experience…”

Overall, the mountain bike community fared pretty well under the proposed travel plan. Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association’s president John Chandler said the group is in contact with the Forest Service and recently submitted comments, mostly positive, on the travel plan for the Gunnison National Forest. Read More »

Softball season opening day June 7

Same old game with a few tweaks

Thank God it’s time for softball, far and away one of my personal favorite times of the year for a number of reasons.
First of all, it marks the official start of summer as far as I’m concerned. Read More »

State revising surface water rules

“We have a suite of issues we are concerned about”

Protecting the quality of Colorado surface waters seems like a no brainer. Who doesn’t want clean water, pristine creeks, rivers and lakes? But that’s where the simplicity ends. Applying and revising the rules and regulations that govern water protection are complex endeavors, and stakeholders often have competing or divergent agendas. Read More »

HCCA takes hard look at mine test proposals

Mining company asking for series of tests

High Country Citizens’ Alliance (HCCA) is busy reviewing a Plan of Operation (PoO) submitted by U.S. Energy on behalf of the Mt. Emmons Moly Company and Thompson Creek Metals to the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. The PoO is for a series of tests that the mining company wants to start in the summer of 2011. The companies hope to eventually mine molybdenum from Mt. Emmons. Read More »

Mining firm ready to move ahead with tests

Public can ask questions at open houses

The Mt. Emmons Moly Company is taking another stab at getting federal approval to do some studies around the proposed molybdenum mine just west of Crested Butte. The company plans to submit a proposal to both the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) by this Friday, April 2 that would eventually allow Mt. Emmons Moly Company to gather some data through soil samples, water monitoring and geotechnical data.
A similar proposal last year resulted in the Forest Service making it clear that such data gathering could involve an extensive Environmental Impact Statement process, but at the very least would entail an Environmental Assessment. Read More »