Gunnison Legals

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Meeting to be held in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room
at the Courthouse

•     Warrants and Transfers
•    Monthly Treasurer’s Report
•    Gunnison-Hinsdale Board of Human Services
•    Code Enforcement; Stop Work Order Dated 1/7/08; Phillip Schmidt and Cleo Duncan
•    Boundary Line Adjustment; Sections 26 and 27, Township 11 South, Range 88 West, 6th p.m.; Gary Wagner
•    Gunnison Fire Department Land Request
•    2009 Gunnison County Financial Audit; Auditor Selection
•    2009 Gunnison County Budget; Community-Based Organizations’ Grant Decisions
•    Consent Agenda:
    •    Acknowledgment of County Manager Signature; Ice Rink Advertising Agreement; Gunnison Valley Hockey Association; November 1st thru March 15th of Each Year
    •    Acknowledgment of County Manager Signature; Reimbursement Agreement; Gunnison/Hinsdale Youth Services, Inc.; Bright Beginnings Program, $3,665; Nurturing Parenting Program, $1,500
    •    Corporate Membership Agreement; Colorado Fitness; Gunnison County Employee Memberships; Calendar Year 2009
    •    Corporate Membership Agreement; The Gym; Gunnison County Employee Memberships; Calendar Year 2009
    •    Petition for Abatement or Refund of Taxes; 120 Elk Avenue; Sherman St. Holdings, LLC; 2007 Tax Refund of $7,348.45
    •    Petition for Abatement or Refund of Taxes; Tract 3 Wilson #2 Subdivision #483087 #511893; Jeffrey A. and Charmaine Clarke Trust #1; 2007 Tax Refund of $2,073.46
    •    Fixed Price Agreement for Cloud Seeding Professional Services; North American Weather Consultants; 11/15/08 thru 4/15/09
NOTE: This is a list of items tentatively scheduled for the Commissioners’ agenda. Items may be added up to 24 hours prior to the meeting, or deleted at any time. A final agenda will be prepared after the publication deadline for the newspaper. For further information or confirmation of specific times on the agenda, please contact the County Administration Office at 641-0248.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of November 21, 2008. #112104


December 19, 2008 ~ 9:00 a.m.
The Gunnison County Board of Commissioners and the Planning Commission
Planning Commission Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Blackstock Government Center
221 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, Colorado

HEARING DATE, TIME AND LOCATION: The Gunnison County Board of Commissioners and the Planning Commission on December 19, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. in the Planning Commission Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Blackstock Government Center, 221 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, Colorado, to hear public comment concerning a land use change permit application for the subdivision of a 5-acre parcel from a 155-acre tract.
APPLICANT: The applicants are Richard and Constance Elze.
PARCEL LOCATION: The parcel on which the land use change is proposed is located north of City of Gunnison on County Road 818 (Wiley Lane) approximately a ½ mile west of the intersection of County Road 730 (Ohio Creek) and County Road 818. The parcel is legally as the S2NE4, NW4, Section 2, Township 50 North, Range 1 West, N.M.P.M.
PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes to subdivide a 5-acre parcel from a 155-acre tract.  There is an existing residence, well and individual sewage disposal system on the proposed parcel. The remainder tract is restricted by a conservation easement.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The public is invited to submit verbal or written comments at the hearing, or to submit written comments by FAX (970) 641-8585, or by letter (to the County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO 81230), so long as they are received by 5 p.m. the afternoon before the date of the meeting so that they may be submitted for the public record during the hearing. A copy of the application is available in the County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO; additional information may be obtained by calling the Planning Department (970) 641-0360.
ADA ACCOMMODATIONS: Anyone needing special accommodations as determined by the American Disabilities Act may contact the Planning Department prior to the day of the hearing.
/s/ Cathie Pagano
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of November 21, 2008. #112101


December 19, 2008 ~ 10:00 a.m.
The Gunnison County Board of Commissioners and the Planning Commission
Planning Commission Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Blackstock Government Center
221 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, Colorado

HEARING DATE, TIME AND LOCATION: The Gunnison County Board of Commissioners and the Planning Commission on December 19, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. in the Planning Commission Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Blackstock Government Center, 221 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, Colorado, to hear public comment concerning a land use change permit application for the subdivision of a 19.81-acre parcel into two lots, one 1-acre parcel one 18.81-acre parcel.
APPLICANT: The applicant is Becky Barkman.
PARCEL LOCATION: The parcel on which the land use change is proposed is located north of City of Gunnison at 900 County Road 13 (Slaughterhouse Rd). The parcel is legally described as 19.81 acres in the E2SE4NE4, Section 26, Township 50 North, Range 1 West, N.M.P.M.
PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes to subdivide a 19.81-acre parcel into two lots, one 1-acre parcel one 18.81-acre parcel. There is an existing residence, well and individual sewage disposal system on the 18.81-acre parcel. A single-family residence and individual well are proposed for the 1-acre parcel which will also be served a central wastewater treatment system. A shared driveway will access both parcels.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The public is invited to submit verbal or written comments at the hearing, or to submit written comments by FAX (970) 641-8585, or by letter (to the County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO 81230), so long as they are received by 5 p.m. the afternoon before the date of the meeting so that they may be submitted for the public record during the hearing. A copy of the application is available in the County Planning Department, 221 N. Wisconsin, Suite D, Gunnison, CO; additional information may be obtained by calling the Planning Department (970) 641-0360.
ADA ACCOMMODATIONS: Anyone needing special accommodations as determined by the American Disabilities Act may contact the Planning Department prior to the day of the hearing.
/s/ Cathie Pagano
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of November 21, 2008. #112103


—Preliminary AGENDA—
Friday, November 21, 2008

8:45 a.m.    •    Call to order; determine quorum
    •    Approval of Minutes
    •    Unscheduled citizens: A brief period in which the public is invited to make general comments or ask questions of the Commission or Planning Staff about items which are not scheduled on the day’s agenda.
9:00 a.m.    Site Visit Observations:
    Warren Wilcox, request for long-term asphalt batch/concrete batch plant at the existing McCabe’s Lane gravel pit, approximately 3 miles west of the City of Gunnison, 1.4 miles south of Highway 50, east of County Road #32 (McCabe Lane)
    Grindol-Hutchinson Subdivision, request for two lot subdivision, northeast of Almont, near the junction of County Rd 742 (Taylor River) and County Rd 744 (Spring Creek)
    Crested Butte Land Trust Subdivision, request for the subdivision of one 5-acre tract from a 36.77-acre parcel (known as the Niccoli Ranch). The parcel is located north of the intersection of Highway 135 and Cement Creek Road, adjacent to Highway 135.
9:30 a.m.    Hard Rock Paving & Redi-Mix, Inc. – Hollenbeck Pit work session/possible action, request to add a portable asphalt batch plant to the existing Hollenbeck Pit, located approximately 6 miles east of the City of Gunnison, ½ mile south of Highway 50, off of County Road #42.
10:15 a.m.    Break
10:30 a.m.    Blue Jay Condos and Cottonwood Grove Townhomes, Rommjo, LLC, represented by David Leinsdorf, work session/no action, 5 attached condominium units and 10 townhome units, (five duplexes); located west of the City of Gunnison, south of Highway 50.
12:00 p.m.    Lunch
1:00 p.m.    Elze Subdivision, work session/no action, request for the subdivision of one 5-acre tract from a 155-acre parcel, located on County Rd. 818 (Wiley Lane), approximately ½ mile west of the intersection of County Rd. 730 (Ohio Creek) and County Rd. 818.
1:45 p.m.    Barkman Subdivision, work session/no action, request for the subdivision of a 19-acre parcel into two lots, one 18-acre parcel and one 1-acre parcel, located north of the City of Gunnison at 900 County Road 13 (Slaughterhouse Rd.).
2:45 p.m.    Break
3:00 p.m.    Glatiotis Subdivision, work session/possible action, request for six lot subdivision, north of the City of Gunnison on County Rd. 13.
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in the Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room at 221 N. Wisconsin St. in Gunnison, across the street from the Post Office. This is a preliminary agenda; agenda times may be changed by the staff up to 24 hours before the meeting date. If you are interested in a specific agenda item; you may want to call the Planning Department (641-0360) ahead of time to confirm its scheduled time. Anyone needing special accommodations, please contact the Planning Department before the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of November 21, 2008. #112105

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