Gunnison Legals

—Notice of Rate Adjustment for—
Gunnison County Electric Association, inc.
P.O. Box 180 ~ 37250 West Highway 50
Gunnison, CO 81230-0180

You are hereby notified that Gunnison County Electric Association proposes to make the following changes in its tariffs to become effective January 1, 2009. The changes proposed will result in an overall annual revenue increase of approximately $1,154,000 or an average across all rate classes of 8%.
Approximately $362,000 (2.51%) of this increase is a direct result of wholesale power cost increases from our power supplier, Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, also effective January 1, 2009.
The remaining approximate $792,000 (5.49%) is to offset increased Association operating expenses and system improvements needed to continue to provide reliable service for the GCEA membership.
The board, key staff and employees of GCEA certainly understand the effect this increase will have on your household budget and want you to know that we will do everything we can to assist you in the months ahead. We encourage each of you to be very aware of your energy usage, make wise energy use choices and to utilize community resources available to help conserve and lower your monthly bills.
The proposed changes are listed below:

    Existing Rates                    Proposed Rates
General Service (rate code 11, 12, 41, 42)        General Service (rate code 11, 12, 41, 42)
Service Availability Charge:                Service Availability Charge:
    Single Phase        $14.50            Single Phase        $16.00
    Three Phase        $27.20            Three Phase        $30.00
Energy Charge                    Energy Charge
    Per kWh            $0.10408            Per kWh            $0.11279
Time of Use (rate code 13, 16)            Time of Use (rate code 13, 16)
Service Availability Charge:                Service Availability Charge:
    Single Phase        $24.20            Single Phase        $26.70
    Three Phase        $34.75            Three Phase        $38.25
Energy Charge                    Energy Charge
    On Peak – Per kWh        $0.19772            On Peak – Per kWh        $0.21667
    Off Peak – Per kWh        $0.03746            Off Peak – Per kWh        $0.03746
Large Power (rate code 43)                Large Power (rate code 43)
Service Availability Charge:        $131.00        Service Availability Charge:        $145.00
Energy Charge                    Energy Charge
    Per kWh            $0.03735            Per kWh            $0.03837
Demand Charge                    Demand Charge
    Per kW            $16.86            Per kW    $18.00
Lighting – Metered (rate code 61)            Lighting – Metered (rate code 61)
Commodity Charge                    Commodity Charge
    All kWh per kWh        $0.10800            All kWh per kWh        $0.11253
Security Lighting (rate code 61)            Security Lighting (rate code 61)
Lamp Charge                    Lamp Charge       
    175 watt Mercury Vapor    $14.50            175 watt Mercury Vapor    $15.25
    70 watt Metal Halide    $14.50            70 watt Metal Halide    $15.25
    Poles            $1.75            Poles    $1.85
Service Charges (All Rates)                Service Charges (All Rates)
Delinquent Fee:            $5.00            Delinquent Fee:        $10.00

All other consumers affected by the Industrial Rate Schedule and the Net Metering Schedule will be receiving individual notices.
The proposed and present tariff provisions are available for examination and explanation at the above listed Gunnison County Electric Association office. Anyone who desires to comment about the proposed changes may file written comments with the Association at P.O. Box 180, Gunnison, Colorado 81230-0180.
The Association will hold a public information hearing December 4, 2008 at 6:00 P.M. at the Association’s headquarters located at 37250 West Highway 50, Gunnison, CO 81230.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of November 28 and December 5, 2008. #112801

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