Gunnison Legals

JANUARY 21, 2009 ~ 5:30 P.M.
303 North Main Street, Gunnison, Colorado 81230

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the above-named Association will be held at 303 North Main Street, Gunnison, Colorado 81230, on the 21st day of January 2009, at the hour of 5:30 p.m. of said day. The business to be taken up at the Annual Meeting shall be:
    (1)    Considering and voting upon the minutes of last members’ meeting;
    (2)    Considering and voting upon reports of officers and committees of the Association;
    (3)    Considering and voting upon the acts of directors and officers of the Association;
    (4)    Election of directors to fill the offices the terms of which are then expiring.
    (5)    No other matters.
Dated this 17th day of December 2008.
Janice English, Secretary
Gunnison Savings and Loan Association
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of January 2 and 9, 2009. #010202


—Request for letters of interest for participation—
in the Taylor Local Users Group Process
The Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District

The Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District is one of four signatories to the Taylor Park Reservoir Operation and Storage Exchange Agreement that was executed in August 1975. This forms the basis under which the release patterns from Taylor Park Reservoir are determined each year.
Each year, the UGRWCD seeks input and direction from local users of the Taylor River, Taylor Park Reservoir, and the main stem of the Gunnison River above Blue Mesa as to how the reservoir operations can best be optimized for stream fishery, reservoir fishery, irrigation, and rafting and boating purposes in the upper Gunnison basin.
The Board is seeking to appoint three citizen members to two-year terms on the Local Users Group from the following user groups:
1.    One member representing irrigation users along the Taylor River and Gunnison River main stem above Blue Mesa Reservoir, and
2.    One member representing wade fishermen along the Taylor River and/or Gunnison main stem above Blue Mesa Reservoir, and
3.    One member representing property interests along the Taylor River and/or Gunnison main stem above Blue Mesa Reservoir.
All persons appointed must be residents within the District and experienced and knowledgeable about river conditions along the Taylor and Gunnison Rivers. Selected members shall be notified in writing of their appointment. If interested in serving, please send to the District a letter of interest including the reason for your interest and the Local Users Group that you propose to represent. The Board will also consider letters of support or nomination from user groups of
interested individuals.
The deadline for submitting letters of interest is January 19, 2009. Please send letters of interest to: UGRWCD, P.O. Box 1330, Gunnison, CO 81230. Letters may also be faxed to: (970) 641-1162, or emailed to: [email protected]. For questions, please call 641-6065.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 9, 2009. #010901


January 15, 2009
Gunnison County Commissioners’ Meeting Room

DATE:    January 15, 2009
PLACE:    Gunnison County Commissioners’ Meeting Room
1.    10:00 a.m.    ● Call Regular Meeting to Order; Determination of Quorum; Verify Public Notice of Meeting
2.    10:05    ● Agenda Approval
3.    10:10    ● Committee Member Comments/Reports
4.    10:15    ● Approval of December 10, 2008 Meeting Minutes
5.    10:20    ● Shed Antler Issue Update
6.    10:25    ● Grazing Research Project Update
7.    10:35    ● Strategic Plan
            -Final Approval
            -Referral to BoCC
8.    11:00    ● BLM Travel Management Plan
9.    12:00 p.m.    ● Lunch
10.    12:30    ● DOW Mitigation Formula
11.    1:30    ● Big Game 5-year Season Structure
12.    2:00 p.m.    ● Adjourn
NOTE: This agenda is subject to change, including the addition of items up to 24 hours in advance or the deletion of items at any time. All times are approximate. Regular Meetings, Public Hearings, and Special Meetings are recorded and ACTION MAY TAKEN ON ANY ITEM. Work Sessions are not recorded and formal action cannot be taken. Two or more Gunnison County Commissioners may attend this meeting. For further information, contact the County Administration at 641-0248. If special accommodations are necessary per ADA, contact 641-0248 or TTY 641-3061 prior to the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 9, 2009. #010902


JANUARY 14, 2009
Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room
221 N. Wisconsin Street, Gunnison, CO

DATE:    January 14, 2009
PLACE:    Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room
    221 N. Wisconsin Street
    Gunnison, CO
1. 8:30 a.m.    ●    Work session – Gunnison Sage-grouse/Grazing Project Development
2. 3:00 p.m.    ●    Adjourn
NOTE: This agenda is subject to change, including the addition of items up to 24 hours in advance or the deletion of items at any time. All times are approximate. Regular Meetings, Public Hearings, and Special Meetings are recorded and ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON ANY ITEM. Work Sessions are not recorded and formal action cannot be taken. Two or more Gunnison County Commissioners may attend this meeting. For further information, contact the County Administration at 641-0248. If special accommodations are necessary per ADA, contact 641-0248 or TTY 641-3061 prior to the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of January 9 and 16, 2009. #010905


Preliminary AGENDA
Friday, January 9, 2009
the Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room
at 221 N. Wisconsin St. IN Gunnison, CO

8:45 a.m.    •    Call to order; determine quorum
    •    Staff comments
    •    Unscheduled citizens: A brief period in which the public is invited to make general comments or ask questions of the Commission or Planning Staff about items which are not scheduled on the day’s agenda.
9 a.m.    Review/possible action: Proposed amendments to Planning Commission Organization and Procedural Guidelines and recommendation for approval to Board of Commissioners.
The following items will be discussed in a general work session format; the only action to be taken will be direction from the Commission for the staff to prepare amendment language or other documents to discuss for action at a future Planning  Commission meeting:
10:00 a.m.    •    Discussion of language/possible amendment of the Gunnison County Land Use Resolution’s locational and residential density standards (Sections 10-102.A and 10-103.A), exempting subdivisions with fewer than four residences.
    •    Discussion of language/possible amendment of the “adjacent parcels” language of the Land Use Resolution’s Residential Density standard (10-104.A.4), including the possibility of evaluating density of non-adjacent parcels in determining allowed densities of proposed subdivisions.
    •    Identification (and discussion as necessary) by Planning Commission members and/or staff of other areas of the Land Use Resolution that may require modification.
    •    Discussion about using matrices to construct Planning Commission Findings in Recommendation and Decision documents, summarizing each regulatory requirement, the evidence supporting a finding of compliance (including avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation) or non-compliance, and the resultant finding
12 Noon    Possible work-through lunch or lunch break and resumption of work session on the above-listed items, to be determined by the Commission as necessary.
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in the Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room at 221 N. Wisconsin St. in Gunnison, across the street from the Post Office. This is a preliminary agenda; agenda times may be changed by the staff up to 24 hours before the meeting date. If you are interested in a specific agenda item, you may want to call the Planning Department (641-0360) ahead of time to confirm its scheduled time. Anyone needing special accommodations, please contact the Planning Department before the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 9, 2009. #010904


The County Commissioners of Gunnison County

At the regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Gunnison County, held in the Commissioners’ Room in the Gunnison County Courthouse, the County Seat, on the 25th of November 2008, vouchers were approved and warrants ordered drawn on the accounts as follows:
01-General Fund    283,939.19
02-Road & Bridge    74,596.36
03-Social Services    36,437.39
10-Airport Operations    41,161.00
12-Sales Tax    263,741.50
25-Library    20,288.48
32-Sage Grouse Mitigation    4.93
34-Risk Management    16,995.02
43-Capital Expenditures    65617.28
50-Sewer Districts    16,776.76
51-Water District    12,947.35
52-Landfill    58,274.11
70-Housing Authority    8,081.97
72-Assisted Living    3,040.65
80-Internal Service-I    107,807.98
82-Internal Service-II    25,370.37
90-Internal Service-III    9,503.30
91-Local Marketing Dist    89,650.19
92-Transportation Dist    54,855.89
    Total    $1,189,089.72
03-Delaware County Sheriff-Pr Svcs    150.00
03-Human Services Expense    3,158.44
3-Garfield Human Svcs-Travel    107.14
02-Black Canyon Hms-Drvway Prmt    75.00
25-Flying Petito Sisters-CD’s    100.00
01-M O’Reilly-Poll Worker    230.95
01-C Wilkins-Poll Worker    125.00
01-D Kuiper-Poll Worker    120.00
01-S Smith-Poll Worker    150.00
01-M Kaiser-Poll Worker    170.00
01-C Gonzales-Brito-Poll Worker    221.59
01-S Crittendon-Poll Worker    145.00
01-W Crittendon-Poll Worker    221.59
01-N Gruber-Poll Worker    145.00
01-M Montana-Poll Worker    145.00
01-N Eleeson-Poll Worker    230.95
01-A Puglisi-Poll Worker    145.00
01-V Jiganti-Poll Worker    145.00
01-S Reeves-Poll Worker    221.59
01-L Jagaciewski-Poll Worker    145.00
01-C Jackson-Poll Worker    145.00
01-P Amlin-Poll Worker    120.00
25-Bob Willey’s-Off Supp    75.00
25-Rijks Fam Gallery-Pr Svcs    40.50
03-Hilltop Comm Resource-H S Exp    1,250.00
01-Circle of Concern Consort-Pstg    22.58
01-L Goetz-Office Supp    14.00
01-Innocorp Ltd-Implementation    280.00
01-H D Smith-Pharmacy Supp    1,110.72
25-S Mirolli-Contract Temp Help    70.24
01-G Cowboys Rodeo Tm-Implement    150.00
01-Cheyenne Mtn Resort-PrevGrant2    176.00
01-Jack’s Astro Access-G Vly Observ    1,419.80
01-Helene Brown-Discret Spending    405.54
25-Grand Cty Lib Dist-Bks    22.98
25-Jefferson Cty Pub Lib-Bks    9.99
25-Silt Branch Lib-Bks    29.95
**-Chg Fd Finance-Postage    76.27
**-Chg Fd R&B-Postage    242.65
01-Chg Fd Pub Health-Postage    71.31
10-Chg Fd Airport-Meals    248.54
25-Chg Fd G Lib-Postage    272.65
25-Chg Fd CB Lib-Postage    144.90
25-Chg Fd Literacy-Postage    70.71
01-U S Post Office-Postage    612.88
52-West Lbr Supply    602.30
**-City of Gunn-Utilities    9,909.32
**-Paper Clip-Office Supplies    5,963.84
**-Xerox-Maint Contract    400.77
**-Sweitzer Oil-Fuel    36,307.78
**-Qwest-Telephone    2,060.82
01-Co Pub Health-Lab Svcs    1,417.00
01-G Vly Hospital-Cancer Control    704.41
**-Co Counties Inc-Dues & Meetings    1,725.00
01-Safeway-Prisoner Meals    229.53
**-B&B Printers-Office Supp    1,283.75
01-TDS Telecom-Telephone    110.53
**_G Country Pub-Advertising    20,479.64
**-G County Elect-Utilities    1,016.62
12-Town of CB-Sales Tax Redist    56,395.91
80-Opportunity Shop-Shop Supplies    21.00
**-Monty’s Auto-Parts    1,951.54
80-Hartman Bros-Shop Supplies    20.46
02-Quill Corp-Office Supp    111.38
03-G Cty Sheriff-Prof Svcs    13.50
01-West Pmt Ctr-Law Library    712.10
**-Fullmers Hdwe-Op Supplies    1,231.76
**-G Vly Fam Phys-H S Expenses    485.00
01-J Reinman-Travel    392.26
01-G Cty Treas-Treas Redemptions    293.02
80-Honnen Eq Co-Parts    114.56
80-G Glass-Flat-Shop Supplies    103.13
80-Holy Cross Energy-Utilities    38.82
80-Wagner Eq Co-Repairs    1,596.25
**-Delta Montrose Elect-Utilities    828.61
**-G Fam Med Ctr-Prof Svcs    2,930.00
03-Std Tire-HS Exp    60.00
01-Marios-Meals    228.67
**-Alsco-Laundry    301.61
**-Blue Mesa Lbr-Bldg Repair    257.53
80-Safety Kleen-Eq Rental    402.31
**-Jerry Greene-Engineering    9,955.00
80-Henry’s Radio-Eq Dola Grant    7.75
**-Sherwin-Williams-FBO Bldgs    282.65
80-Tomichi Tire-Tires    943.00
**-G Country Shopper-Advertising    900.44
**-Schmalz Const-Light Ind Park     32,016.92
01-Cattlemen’s Days    10,000.00
12-Town of Mt CB-Sales Tax Redist    4,050.04
**-West Slope Fire-Eq Repair    2,732.90
12-Town of Marble-Sales Tax Redist    876.72
01-A Dunbar-Poll Worker    145.00
80-L Partch-Cell Phone    45.00
43-J Stone-Cell Phone    150.00
01-E Harriman-Mail in Judge    570.00
01-B Baril-Poll Worker    145.00
01-L McLain-Poll Worker    192.12
01-G Metal Shop-Bldg Mtce    175.00
**-Rocky Mtn Hdwe-Bldg Mtce    47.92
03-Hinsdale County-Admin    761.60
**-City of Gunn Oth-Sales Tax Redist    127,758.50
80-Hanson Eq-Parts    99.48
01-K Simillion-Travel    58.97
80-Gunn Tire Co-Repairs    45.00
01-Gunn Cty Extension-Postage    590.32
01-K Haynes-Poll Worker    145.00
80-Interstate Batteries-Parts    728.60
01-Crystal Mtce-Op Supp    49.50
10-W Cranor-Cell Phone    75.00
25-CB & Mt CB Chamber-Dues    40.00
02-Fed Express-Postage    24.34
02-M Crosby-Cell Phone    45.00
**-Roaring Fork Vly Coop-Fuel    711.36
01-A Guerrieri-Poll Worker    150.00
03-J Miles-H S Expense    750.00
92-Alpine Express-Ground Trans    23,732.07
25-Am Lib Assoc-Advertising    329.20
25-Atlantic-Magazines    24.50
25-Mother Earth News-Magazines    14.95
25-Popular Photography-Magazines    12.00
80-North Fork Svc-Parts    150.26
10-K Lucas-Cell Phone    45.00
10-GMCO Corp-Crack Sealant    4,722.50
80-G Gravel&Earthmoving-Inv Gravel    58,709.81
**-J Roberts Mtr Wks-Capp Ins Claim    2,411.23
01-Gunn W Fed CU-Credit Union    11,086.16
01-Chg Fd Sheriff-Postage    27.12
80-Munro Supply-Parts    1,112.56
**-Co Health Dept Landfill-State Fees    6,293.73
01-R Corbett-Cell Phone    35.00
01-K Schupp-Poll Worker    150.00
10-D Fry-Cell Phone    35.00
01-Fuller Adv Product-WIC     284.00
10-Arnie Butler & Co-Prof Svcs    3,500.00
01-CB Nordic Council    2,774.66
01-S Dominguez-Meals    34.57
10-United Parcel-Postage    89.18
02-Michael A Collins-Pr Svcs    2,620.00
25-Bio Environs-Prof Svcs    545.00
80-Sunsource-Eq Dola Grant    767.35
01-D Baumgarten-Travel    251.55
80-CB True Value-Shop Supplies    23.47
52-KRW Consulting-Pr Svcs    3,836.42
25-High Country News-Magazines    84.00
01-C Dawson-Health Init Imp    117.51
**-Alpine Inn-Prof Svcs    287.00
01-Galls-Op Supp    1,201.26
10-Rental Svc Corp-Op Supplies    16.00
25-Perma Bound-Books    214.40
52-ACZ Laboratories-Pr Svcs    2,785.00
25-Ingram Lib Svcs    3,464.92
**-Tyler Tech-Software Subscript    7,709.82
01-Chematox Lab-Pr Svcs    17.50
01-F Shipley-Poll Worker    145.00
03-City of Gunn Parks-H S Expenses    280.00
01-WSC Mtn Rescue-SAR Op Costs    100.80
52-United Co-Transportation    80.00
02-Gunn Const-Rental Eq    542.00
51-Treatment Tech-Op Supp    1,776.00
01-K Medina-Op Supplies    47.34
01-Gunn Security-Bldg Mtce    106.50
01-K Coleman-Poll Worker    150.00
25-Cliggett & Assoc-Pr Svcs    323.00
51-Hach Co-Op Supp    138.32
01-Sysco Fd Svc-Prisoner Meals    4,797.37
**-Waste Mgt-Prof Svcs    36.89
82-J Guy-Travel    145.08
01-Verizon Wireless-Cell Phone    49.21
03-Berfield’s Stage Stop-H S Exp    321.00
**-Gunn Country Collision-Cap Ins     4,124.96
01-Boss-Rental Eq    37.70
10-Consolidated Elect Dist-Op Supp    279.38
01-Silver World Pub-Subscription    30.00
50-USA Blue Bk-Op Supplies    403.69
10-Sign Guys & Gal!-Sign Matls    124.00
70-Lacy Const-Prof Svcs    5,500.00
01-Office Mach Sales-Eq Mtce    158.00
**-Amerigas-Utilities    3,449.80
25-Landmark Audiobks-CD’s    20.00
01-Fam Supp Reg-Garnishees    215.00
01-Firebrant-Mtgs    100.74
03-Ikon Office Sol-Eq Mtce    313.77
01-Physicians Sales-Op Supp    226.16
**-Tire Dist Sys-Vehicle Mtce    6,337.04
02-S McCormick-Cell Phone    35.00
10-Superior Alarm-Eq Mtce    178.00
01-Keefe Supply-Prisoner Meals    134.66
10-J Devore-Cell Phone    45.00
01-G Cty Fire Prot-Op Supp    301.80
80-Universal Tractor-Parts    136.18
01-R Connaway-Poll Worker    145.00
01-C Damron-Mail in Judge    570.00
01-C Summers-Mail in Judge    570.00
01-M Johnson-Poll Worker    150.00
01-K Edstrom-Poll Worker     145.00
01-B Fitzpatrick-Poll Worker    230.95
82-Dell Marketing–Replacement Eq     14,779.50
**-Central Dist-Op Supp    1,558.88
**-Dove Graphics-Prof Svcs    1,286.97
10-CDOT Div of Aeronaut-Dues    552.10
10-Front Range Fire-Eq Mtce    926.25
10-Lohf Shaiman Jacobs-Pr Svcs    376.25
92-Charlier Associates-A/R    4,628.26
51-UNCC-Subscriptions    48.24
90-Co State Treas-Unemp Benefits    3,717.00
10-Westover Controls-Eq Mtce    822.50
80-Kwiki Tire-Repairs    20.00
80-Lighthouse-Parts    126.00
70-Nan McKay & Assoc-Prof Svcs    214.00
01-J Berry-Poll Worker    150.00
25-Recorded Books-Bks    31.00
01-J Kelley-Nurse Fam Ptnrship    342.52
01-D Calins-Poll Worker    145.00
01-R Calkins-Poll Worker    180.10
01-M Venturo-Mail in Judge    570.00
01-R Reed-PC Mtgs    375.00
**-Schmueser Gordon-Pr Svcs    12,179.65
01-Tom’s Electric Mtr Svc-Eq Mtce    312.06
01-J Starr-Travel    2,211.09
03-State Forms-Office Supp    70.30
12-Town of Pitkin-Sales Tax Redist    705.50
25-Sunset-Magazines    16.00
01-Long Bldg Tech-Eq Mtce    90.25
01-Henry Schein-Lab Svcs    958.25
01-S Morrill-Cell phone    75.00
03-Tenderfoot-H S Exp    700.00
01-Hart Intercivic-Off Supp    39,790.46
**-GL Computer Svc-Comp System    179.99
02-J Dot Barry-Prof Svcs    895.97
01-C Worrall-Meals    164.42
01-C Smith-Cell Phone    45.00
01-Co Fitness-H C Membership    690.00
01-Sprint-Long Distance    200.96
01-D Folowell-Travel    78.96
25-Organic Gardening-Magazines    23.96
01-Midwest Cancer Screen-Lab Svc    370.30
25-Taste of Home-Magazines    18.00
12-Wells Fargo Broker Svc-Lease    48,780.49
**-CB News-Advertising    7,159.42
01-M Burt-Co Tr Immig Grant    57.99
02-A Moores-Cell phone    45.00
**-Walmart-Office Supp    582.74
10-S Spitzmiller-Cell phone    105.00
**-Sullivan Green Seavy-Pr Svcs    14,753.83
**-Alpine Surveying-Prof Svcs    1,820.00
25-L Sego-Maint Contract    300.00
10-Firehouse – Magazine    29.95
01-Lexis-Nexis Courtlink-EFile    13.50
70-Mt CB Wtr & Sewer-Utilities    556.44
51-Evergreen Analytical-Lab Services    248.00
02-Co LTAP – Training    45.00
51-David Neff Design-Bldg Imp    8,204.00
01-D Purnell-Travel    39.78
01-Louis & Co-Eq & Furn    59.73
25-Girl’s Life-Magazines    9.95
82-WSC Computers-Sys S/W Subscr    850.00
01-AFLAC-Supplementary Policies    1,194.42
52-Bobcat of the Rockies-Equipment    40,066.49
25-New York Times-Magazines    88.30
**-R Brown-Travel    209.85
01-Curves for Women-Prev Grant 2    120.00
70-State Farm Ins-Miscellaneous    325.00
25-Paragon Comp-Eq Mtce    80.00
01-United Reprog Supp-Plat Mach    109.91
02-Bur of Alcohol, Tob-State Fees    100.00
01-Moore Wallace-Printing & Publish    579.43
01-Katie’s Cookery-Meals    271.69
01-WSC Copy Ctr-Office Supp    40.10
**-Atmos Energy-Utilities    8,648.70
70-CHFA-Int Pmt    421.16
**-Kroger-Nurturing Parent    1,524.67
25-Country-Magazines    14.98
02-Drug Testing-Prof Svcs    52.00
80-Conservancy Oil-Gas    582.17
25-Fox Higgins Transport-Pr Svcs    4,656.25
01-K Stewart-HCBS Grant Exp    28.67
02-J Brekke-Cell Phone    45.00
01-Charles D Jones Co-Eq Mtce    31.82
01-GMPCS Pers Comm-Sat Phone    134.67
**-Amerigas – Utilities    590.00
01-J Sunderlin-Poll Worker    1,894.38
**-N Stevenson – Travel    424.48
01-B Goldberg-Poll Worker    125.00
01-A Goldberg-Poll Worker    120.00
80-Delta Implement-Parts    983.04
01-R McDermott-Pr Svcs    150.00
10-Emb Sportswear-Op Supp    370.74
01-M Marks-Travel    307.71
01-CB Weekly-Prev Grant 2    36.50
01-N Am Weather-Cloud Seeding    8,500.00
01-N Lypps-PC Mtgs    375.00
92-Airplanners-Contract Temp Help    7,281.97
**-NGS American-Admin Fees    4,083.26
91-Gunn/CB Tourism-Contract Svcs    80,632.33
01-J Stevenson-Landscaping    400.00
01-Prescript Alternatives-Pharm Sup    53.00
70-Pitchfork-HOA Dues    64.80
**-Wells Fargo Cr Card-Travel    36,938.43
01-West’s Home Ctr-Op Supp    42.75
01-Write on-Prev Grant 2    180.00
03-M Semlow-Title XX Training    236.70
01-Globalstar-Sat Phone    109.29
02-Williams Ent-Dep Rd Permit    265.00
25-PC Photo-Magazines    26.97
01-Robbins Auction-Pr Svcs    350.00
10-Golden Eagle Trash-Bldg Mtce    209.25
01-W Elk Mtn Rescue-Srch&Rescue    49.28
50-Ind Chem Lab-Op Supp    1,693.48
01-OMB Police Supply-Op Supp    158.95
01-Off of Res Eff-DOLA-ORE Grant    3,559.48
01-C Watt-Poll Worker    125.00
01-MW Co MHC-Prisoner Medical    263.00
**-A&B Mech-Bldg Imp    10,737.88
01-S Oates-Prof Svcs    200.00
01-Cook’s-Op Supp    164.93
02-Skyline Steel & Metal-Culverts    2,109.60
91-Marble Tourism Assoc-Pass thru    9,011.00
01-T Bullock-Poll Worker    150.00
01-C Diani-Poll Worker    168.40
43-Hinsdale Cty Sheriff-Equipment    1,436.00
01-L White-Poll Worker    145.00
**-Drug Testing-Pr Svcs    1,696.00
10-K Biesemeyer-Op Supplies    43.26
01-V Archuleta-Poll Worker    225.00
01-D Maguire-Judge’s Trng School    25.00
01-J Greer-Poll Worker    150.00
01-R Maguire-Poll Worker    145.00
01-J Gray-Mail in Judge    570.00
01-T Long-Poll Worker    145.00
25-The Economist-Magazines    119.00
25-Nat Health-Magazines    11.97
72-Wells Fargo Bank-Pr & Int    3,040.65
25-Co Lib Consort-Prof Svcs    180.00
92-S Truex-Meals & Lodging    610.53
01-R&S Northeast-Pharm Supp    2,550.95
01-I Billick-PC Mtgs    375.00
80-Norstar Ind-Parts    312.23
01-D Wise-Retirement    2,191.61
**-AT&T Mobility-Cell Phone    352.06
82-Tuck Comm-Eq Mtce    1,540.50
01-Montrose Cty-Heal Initi Imp    2,456.63
**-Qwest BusinessSvc-Long Dist    802.74
01-J Junkman-Mail in Judge    570.00
01-Cochran Fish&Wildlife-Pr Svcs    6,550.00
**-Laudick Napa Auto-Parts    341.27
92-Truex Mgt Svc-Prof Svcs    5,000.00
01-H Channell-Cell Phone    35.00
01-WSC-Meetings    295.00
01-Emp Sec Dept-Garnishees    170.00
01-COVA-Dues & Mtgs    50.00
01-J Cochran-Meals    130.03
51-City of GJ-Lab Svcs    122.80
01-R Karas-PC Mtgs    595.00
01-Brush Creek Airport-Deposits    26,073.42
03-M Cheever-Cell Phone    45.00
01-Sage Resources-Pr Svcs    4,083.02
01-Bank of America-Garnishees    695.72
01-H McClow-Poll Worker    170.00
**-Alice Pierotti-Training    1,170.00
01-P Gery-Poll Worker    150.00
01-L Holgate-Poll Worker    221.59
01-T&A Enterprises-Janitorial Svcs    4,100.00
01-Alpine Cleaning-Janitorial Svcs    4,900.00
01-C Wilson-Poll Worker    145.00
01-Montrose Mem Hosp-Autopsy    750.00
80-Fastenal Ind-Shop Supp    215.52
10-Time Warner Cable-Utilities    69.95
25-K McNamara-Training    1,000.00
43-Marriott Pueblo-W Slope Hazmat    18,648.45
01-OMNI Institute-Implementation    2,342.55
51-Water Treatment Chem-Op Supp    746.43
01-D Owen-PC Mtgs    125.00
01-T Rijks-Poll Worker    145.00
03-Energy Outreach Co-Enrgy Assist    1,952.38
03-W Slope Casa-Title XX Trng    1,100.00
01-K McFarland-Travel    237.51
92-Comm Banks of Co-Bank Fee    650.00
01-J Messner-PC Mtgs    375.00
01-M Birnie-Cell Phone    89.50
03-R Starnes-Travel    210.31
82-Mitchell & Co-Pr Svcs    400.50
25-Mothering-Magazines    22.95
**-W Slope Mtce-Prof Svcs    880.00
03-J Mason-Cell Phone    45.00
01-Bayer Heathcare-Pharm Supp    0.72
01-S Lumb-PC Mtgs    375.00
03-L Oltmann-Travel    722.94
03-Atmos Energy-H S Expense    154.01
01-Griffith Ctrs-Pr Svcs    919.77
01-G Howard-HCBS Grant Exp    22.82
10-Stampede Pest&Wd-Ranch R&M    981.78
**-Roshambo-Office Supp    561.75
01-Accurint-Software Subscriptions    30.00
52-Dish Network-Rental Eq    22.01
01-FNC-Invest Commissions/fees    560.96
25-Audubon-Magazines    20.00
90-Lincoln Nat’l-Life Ins Premiums    1,666.44
01-Techno Ply-Op Supplies    1,893.48
01-Main St Clinic-Light Program Exp    50.00
51-Gunn Shipping-Postage    76.90
01-M Mugglestone-Pr Svcs    2,295.42
03-Screen Works-Pr Svcs    160.00
90-ACE-USA-Life Ins Premiums    258.30
25-Barker Rinker Seacat-Pr Svcs    1,760.00
10-C Cadwell-Cell Phone    35.00
01-Facility Solutions-Bldg Mtce    12.56
10-K Gant-Cell Phone    35.00
10-Siemens Airfield Sol-Airfield Mtce    168.68
01-Staples-Off Supp    41.13
80-GJ Peterbilt – Parts    1,113.88
52-Toxco-Hazardous Waste Collect    266.00
03-S Ruble-Pr Svcs    7,548.20
01-J Diani-Poll Worker    225.00
01-G Davidson-Poll Worker    120.00
01-P Beach-Poll Worker    238.60
01-D Beach-Poll Worker    145.00
01-A Heller-Poll Worker    150.00
01-T Johnson-Poll Worker    145.00
01-S Stiles-Judge’s Trng School    175.00
10-Vericom Computers-Equipment    1,395.00
82-R&B Office Svcs-Sys S/W Subscr    1,296.00
01-Elk Mtn Planning Grp-Dola Ore    750.00
25-Donna Ford-Contract Temp Help    2,300.00
03-D Delany-Travel    760.21
03-C Gonzalez-Travel    19.38
70-Resident Check-Pr Svcs    80.00
03-M Call-Pr Svcs    300.00
01-N Salemme-Nurt Parent Exp    160.54
03-J Grant-Travel    307.03
80-Montrose Ford-Parts    628.96
01-Senter, Goldfarb-Pr Svcs    1,054.00
25-Southwest Art-Magazines    27.00
**-San Juan Training-Training    1,412.04
01-CPR Savers-Op Supp    638.50
01-L Brothers Photography-Pr Svcs    405.00
01-A-B&C Enterprises-Off Supp    68.88
01-Park Cty Sheriff-Prisoner Housing    1,800.00
43-Blueprint Networks-Const Costs    2,867.50
01-L Brown-Homemaker Grant    32.18
01-J Osborne-Prisoner Medical    220.00
01-P Sterling-Poll Worker    145.00
01-L Patin-Poll Worker    150.00
01-C Elze-Poll Worker    1,267.00
25-CES Electrical-Eq Mtce    560.22
03-Montrose Oral & Maxill-H S Exp    800.00
03-A & A Apiary-Dues    40.00
03-R Haga-Travel    687.80
03-Huerfano Cty Sheriff-Pr Svcs    30.00
01-Laureli Café-Meals    243.75
01-Arrowhead Trails-Economic Devt    2,500.00
43-Transport Tech-W Slope Hazmat    33,500.00
01-K Gazunis-Discret Spending    330.15
43-W Elk SAR-Dow Grant Passthru    2,494.40
01-R Lyon-Emp Fd    100.00
01-Chg Fd Sheriff-Postage    11.40
01-Fortney Refrigeration-Op Supp    1,814.15
02-G A Western-Const    60,969.44
01-Microflex-Op Supp    191.80
**-Paetec-Phone    566.26
    Total    $1,189,089.72
The above and foregoing is a condensed statement of the Commissioners’ Proceedings at the regular meeting held in the Commissioners’ Room in the County Courthouse in Gunnison, Colorado on the 25th of November, 2008. A. D.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 9, 2009. #010903


Tuesday, January 13, 2009
the Commissioner’s Meeting Room at the Courthouse

•    Swearing In of Elected Officials
•    Ratification of Annual Board Reorganization Decisions Made on January 6, 2009
•    Staff Luncheon; Finance and Personnel Departments; Palisades Restaurant
•    Ranchland Initiative
•    GMU 54 Limited Area Discussion
•    Visitor; Western Regional EMS Council Representative Robyn Funk; Program Discussion.
NOTE: This is a list of items tentatively scheduled for the Commissioners’ agenda. Items may be added up to 24 hours prior to the meeting, or deleted at any time. A final agenda will be prepared after the publication deadline for the newspaper. For further information or confirmation of specific times on the agenda, please contact the County Administration Office at 641-0248.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 9, 2009. #010908

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