Gunnison Legals


Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW155. Gunnison County, 750 Spring No. 1, a seep area comprised of four or more springs within a 20-foot radius of each other, tributary to the Little Cimarron River, a tributary of the Gunnison River, Water District 62.
Montrose County, Butte Lake Springs 1 through 4 are each located along the southwest edge of Butte Lake and are tributary to the Big Cimarron River, a tributary of the Gunnison River, Water District 62.
1.    Applicant: R & G Butte Rock Ranch, a Colorado limited liability company, c/o Mathis, Martin & Kidnay, P. O. Box 1487, Montrose, Colorado 81402, (970) 249-2546.
2.    Attorney: Stephen M. Mathis, Mathis Martin & Kidnay, P.O. Box 1487, Montrose, CO 81402, (970) 249-2546.
3.    Type of application: Application for Water Rights (Surface).
4.    Name of structures: 750 Spring No. 1
Butte Lake Spring No. 1
Butte Lake Spring No. 2
Butte Lake Spring No. 3
Butte Lake Spring No. 4
5.    Locations:
    A 750 Spring No. 1 is located in the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 36, Township 48 North, Range 6 West, N.M.P.M., 975 feet from the south section line and 1943 feet from the east section line, Gunnison County, State of Colorado.
    B. Butte Lake Spring No. 1 is located in the NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 15, Township 47 North, Range 6 West, N.M.P.M., 1801 feet from the south section line and 1161 feet from the east section line, Montrose County, State of Colorado.
    C. Butte Lake Spring No. 2 is located in the NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 15, Township 47 North, Range 6 West, N.M.P.M., 1953 feet from the south section line and 1083 feet from the east section line, Montrose County, State of Colorado.
    D. Butte Lake Spring No. 3 is located in the NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 15, Township 47 North, Range 6 West, N.M.P.M., 1862 feet from the south section line and 885 feet from the east section line, Montrose County, State of Colorado.
    E. Butte Lake Spring No. 4 is located in the NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 15, Township 47 North, Range 6 West, N.M.P.M., 1884 feet from the south section line and 839 feet from the east section line, Montrose County, State of Colorado.
6.    Drainage basin: Tributary to the Little Cimarron River (750 Spring No. 1) and to the Big Cimarron River (Butte Lake Springs 1 – 4), tributaries of the Gunnison River.
7.    Quantity:  750 Spring No. 1 
60 g.p.m., absolute
    Butte Lake Spring No. 1
15 g.p.m., absolute
    Butte Lake Spring No. 2
12 g.p.m., absolute
    Butte Lake Spring No. 3
4 g.p.m., absolute
    Butte Lake Spring No. 4
7 g.p.m., absolute
8.    Type of use: As to 750 Spring No. 1, stockwatering and wildlife watering. As to Butte Lake Springs Nos. 1-4, stockwatering, piscatorial and wildlife watering.
9.    Type of structure: Springs.
10.    Additional information: See Application for Water Rights (Surface) filed with the Water Court, Division 4, for further details. GUNNISON AND MONTROSE COUNTIES.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011603



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW165 (REF NO. 01CW227). Application to Make Absolute. Applicant: SOAP CREEK RANCH, LLC, a Colorado limited liability corporation, c/o Michael D. Durham, 5252 Lariat Drive, Castle Rock, CO 80101. (Send all pleadings and correspondence to John R. Hill, Jr., Bratton Hill, 232 West Tomichi Ave. Suite 202, Gunnison, CO 81230, (970) 641-1903. [email protected]). Original application 01CW227.  (a) Rock Spring located in the SE¼SE¼ Section 20, Township 49 North, Range 4 West of the N.M.P.M. at a point approximately 1100 feet from the east line and 600 feet from the north line of said Section 20. (b) Gulch Spring North located in the SE¼NE¼ Section 20, Township 49 North, Range 4 West of the N.M.P.M. at a point approximately 1200 feet from the east line and 2100 feet from the north line of said Section 20. (c) Gulch Spring Middle located in the SE¼NE¼ Section 20, Township 49 North, Range 4 West of the N.M.P.M. at a point approximately 1200 feet from the east line and 2200 feet from the north line of said Section 20. (d) Gulch Spring South located in the SE¼NE¼ Section 20, Township 49 North, Range 4 West of the N.M.P.M. at a point approximately 1150 feet from the east line and 2300 feet from the north line of said Section 20. Source: Soap Creek, a tributary of the Gunnison River for all structures. Appropriation date: August 15, 2001 for all structures. Amount claimed: 0.015 cfs absolute for each structure for stockwater. Conditional rights were perfected by watering of lessee’s livestock. The application on file with the Water Court contains a detailed statement of the work done during the diligence period. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011605



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW163 (REF NO. 01CW108). Case No. 08CW163. Applicant: Hidden Mine Ranch, LLC, P.O. Box 2144, Crested Butte, CO 81224. Application: For Finding of Diligence. Name of Structures: Upper Janet Spring, Kevin Spring, Ross Spring and Lower Janet Spring. Locations: Gunnison County, Upper Janet Spring, SW¼ of the SW¼ of the NW¼, Section 14, Township 14 S., Range 86 W., 6th P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 2,640 feet South of the North section line and 316.8 feet East of the West section line; Gunnison County, Kevin Spring, SW¼ of the NW¼, Section 14, Township 14 S., Range 86 W., 6th P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 1,689.6 feet from South of the section line and 2,534.4 feet East of the section line in Section 14; Gunnison County, Ross Spring, SW¼ of the NW¼, Section 14, Township 14 S., Range 86 W., 6th P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 1,083.23 feet South of the section line and 580.8 feet East of the section line in Section 14; and Gunnison County, Lower Janet Spring, SW¼ of the NW¼, Section 14, Township 14 S., Range 86 W., 6th P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 1,531.2 feet South of the section line and 1,584 feet West of the section line in Section 14. Source: All Springs are tributary to Baxter Gulch, which is tributary to the Slate River, which is tributary to the East River, which is tributary to the Gunnison River. Appropriation Date: June 1, 2000 for all Springs. Amount Claimed: 1.0 cfs for the Upper Janet Spring; 0.1 cfs for the Keving Spring; 0.1 cfs for the Ross Spring; and 0.1 cfs for the Lower Janet Spring. The Application contains a detailed outline of the work performed during the previous diligence period. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011604



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
1.     Name, address and phone number of applicant:
    United States of America, c/o Thomas R. Graf, Special Assistant United States Attorney,
    Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of the Interior, Rocky Mountain Region, 755 Parfet St., Suite 151, Lakewood, CO 80215. Telephone (303) 231-5353, extension 551.
2.    Name of structure: Juniper-Fir Spring, Rotten Rock Spring.
3.    Legal description of each point of diversion: All UTM data are from Zone 13 and use the NAD 83 (CONUS) Datum. Juniper-Fir Spring: Located on public land in the SE/4 SE/4 NW/4, Section 15, T48N R2E, New Mexico P.M.,approximately 2185 feet south of the north section line, and 2625 feet east of the west section line. 348259 mE 4254192 mN. Rotten Rock Spring: Located on public land in the NW/4 NW/4 NW/4, Section 13, T48N R2E, New Mexico P.M., approximately 537 feet south of the north section line, and 28 feet east of the west section line. 350732 mE 4254642 mN.
4.    Source: Juniper-Fir Spring: Unnamed tributary to Cochetopa Creek/Tomichi Creek/Gunnison River. Rotten Rock Spring: Unnamed tributary to Houston Gulch/Tomichi Creek/Gunnison River
5.     A. Dates of appropriation:
June 28, 1934
    B. How appropriation was initiated: The United States authorized use of the South Parlin allotment number 6317 and its associated water sources by grazing permittees.
    C. Date water applied to beneficial use: June 28, 1934
6.    Amount claimed: Juniper-Fir Spring: 0.0045 cfs, absolute. Rotten Rock Spring: 0.0006 cfs, absolute.
7.    Use(s): wildlife watering, livestockwatering The springs provide water for up to 559 cattle on the South Parlin allotment number 6317. The springs provide water for elk, deer, birds, pronghorn antelope, and small mammals.
8.    Name(s) and address(es) of owner(s) of land on which point of diversion and place of use(s) is (are) located: United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Gunnison Field Office, 216 N. Colorado, Gunnison, Colorado 81230. GUNNISON AND SUGUACHE COUNTIES.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011607



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW166. Applicant: Spritzer’s Meadow, LLC, 723 N. 10th Street, Unit D, Gunnison, CO 81230. Application: For Approval of Plan for Augmentation. Name of Structures: Spritzer Well No. 1, Spritzer Well No.2, Spritzer Well No. 3, Spritzer Well No. 4, Spritzer Pond, and Spritzer Pond Diversion. Locations: Spritzer Well No. 1, Gunnison County, NE1/4SW1/4NW1/4, Section 13, Township 50 N., Range 1 W., N.M.P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 1,675 feet from the North section line and 936 feet from the West Section Line; Spritzer Well No. 2, Gunnison County, NE1/4SW1/4NW1/4, Section 13, Township 50 N., Range 1 W., N.M.P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 1,941 feet from the North section line and 949 feet from the West section line; Spritzer Well No. 3, Gunnison County, NE1/4SW1/4NW1/4, Section 13, Township 50 N., Range 1 W., N.M.P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 1,639 feet from the North Section Line and 1,323 feet from the West section line; Spritzer Well No. 4, Gunnison County, NE1/4SW1/4NW1/4, Section 13, Township 50 N., Range 1 W., N.M.P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 1,915 feet from the North section line and 1,298 feet from the West section line; Spritzer Pond, Gunnison County, SW1/4NW1/4, Section 13, Township 50 N., Range 1 W., N.M.P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 1,185 feet from the West section line and 1,435 feet from the North section line; and Spritzer Pond Diversion, Gunnison County, SW1/4NW1/4, Section 13, Township 50 N., Range 1 W., N.M.P.M. Distance from Section Lines: 2,034 feet from the West section line and 1,411 feet from the North section line. Source: Ohio Creek, a tributary of the Gunnison River. Appropriation Date: May 15, 1882. Amount Claimed: 0.485 acre feet for each Well; 0.679 acre feet for Spritzer Pond; and 0.5 cfs for the Spritzer Pond Diversion. The Application contains a detailed outline of the proposed Plan for Augmentation. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011606



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW182. Applicant: Crested Butte Land Trust, P. O. Box 2224, Crested Butte, CO 81224. Application for Surface Water Right: Slate River Trailhead Spring 1, NE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 21, T13S, R86W, 6th PM. 1,922 feet from the south section line and 1,948 feet from the west section line. Source: Slate River, Gunnison River. Appropriation Date: 12/31/1970. Amount Claimed: 1.0 cfs absolute for irrigation for wildlife habitat, wetlands habitat stockwater, and fire protection.  Slate River Trailhead Spring 2 – NE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 21, T13S, R86W, 6th PM. 2,107 feet from the south section line and 1,628 feet from the west section line. Source: Slate River, Gunnison River. Appropriation Date: 05/23/2007. Amount Claimed: .5 cfs absolute for irrigation for wildlife habitat, wetlands habitat, stockwater, and fire protection. Slate River Trailhead Spring 3, NE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 21, T13S, R86W, 6th PM. 988 feet from the south section line and 1,419 feet from the west section line. Source: Slate River, Gunnison River. Appropriation Date: 05/23/2007. Amount Claimed: .1 cfs absolute for irrigation for wildlife habitat, wetlands habitat, stockwater, and fire protection. Slate River Trailhead Spring 4, NE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 21, T13S, R86W, 6th PM. 1,206 feet from the south section line and 1,721 feet from the west section line. Source: Slate River, Gunnison River. Appropriation Date: 05/23/2007. Amount Claimed: .1 cfs absolute for irrigation for wildlife habitat, wetlands habitat, stockwater, and fire protection. Slate River Trailhead Spring 5, NE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 21, T13S, R86W, 6th PM. 1,251 feet from the south section line and 1,668 feet from the west section line. Source: Slate River, Gunnison River. Appropriation Date: 05/23/2007. Amount Claimed: .1 cfs absolute for irrigation for wildlife habitat, wetlands habitat, stockwater, and fire protection. Slate River Trailhead Spring 6, NE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 21, T13S, R86W, 6th PM. 1,201 feet from the south section line and 2,555 feet from the west section line. Source: Slate River, Gunnison River. Appropriation Date: 05/23/2007. Amount Claimed: .1 cfs absolute for irrigation for wildlife habitat, wetlands habitat, stockwater, and fire protection. Slate River Trailhead Spring 7, NE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 21, T13S, R86W, 6th PM. 1,531 feet from the south section line and 2,534 feet from the west section line. Source: Slate River, Gunnison River. Appropriation Date: 05/23/2007. Amount Claimed: .1 cfs absolute for irrigation for wildlife habitat, wetlands habitat, stockwater, and fire protection. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011609



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW190.  Gunnison County, Water District No. 4, Applicant:  John L. Howell, Jr. and John Howell Minerals, LLC c/o Wilderson, O’Hayre, Dawson & Norris, P.C., 120 North Taylor Street, Post Office Box 179, Gunnison, Colorado 81230, 970-641-3326, fax 970-641-3094; Type of Application: Application For Water Rights (Conditional); Name of Structure: Cleopatra Mine and Well and Pipeline; Location: The Cleopatra Mine Well is located in Section 21, Township 51 North, Range 4 East, N.M.P.M., 2,323 feet East of the West section line and 2,457 feet North of the South section line of said Section 21, within the Cleopatra Lode Mining Claim. The pipeline starts at the entrance of the mine on the Cleopatra Lode Mining Claim, Survey No. 6507, crosses the George L. Lode Mining Claim, and the Snowflake Lode Mining Claim for use on the Alma Lode Mining Claim, Gunnison County, Colorado; Source: an unnamed tributary of Quartz Creek, a tributary to Tomichi Creek, a tributary to the Gunnison River; Quantity: 15 g.p.m., conditional; Appropriation Date: December 1880; Use: Household purposes, fire protection, the watering of domestic animals and livestock, and for the irrigation of not over one acre of home gardens and lawns. Plan of Augmentation: Applicant claims the well as an exempt well and thus no plan of augmentation is required. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011610



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW180. District Court, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401. Name, address and telephone number of Applicant: Jackson-Shaw / Taylor River Ranch, LLC a Colorado limited liability company, 4890 Alpha Road, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75244, (972) 628‑7429. (Send all pleadings to John R. Hill, Jr., Bratton Hill Wilderson & Lock, LLC, 232 West Tomichi Avenue, Suite 202, Gunnison, CO 81230 (970) 641-1903).
Description of the project: The setting: Taylor River Ranch is a proposed housing and recreational development which will require water for domestic, fishery, aesthetic, fire protection, irrigation, livestock, and commercial purposes. Taylor River Ranch is located approximately 15 miles northeast of the City of Gunnison in Gunnison County, Colorado in the Taylor River Canyon downstream of the confluence with Spring Creek. The property is approximately 2,000 acres in size. The existing land use for the project area is agriculture (hay production and livestock grazing). Existing vegetation on the project area is irrigated hay meadow (approximately 305 acres), with the remainder being non-irrigated native grass, brush, and woodland. Residential Lots and Ranch Headquarters: Currently there are 27 platted lots on the property, 24 of which are individual residential lots, each 35-acres or larger, and 3 common use lots. Applicant plans to add 4 additional residential lots. Each residential lot will have no more than 3 residences and up to one acre of lawn and garden will be served by an exempt well. Lots with more than one acre of irrigation will be irrigated with surface water in addition to well water. Well permits will be acquired for the individual residential lots prior to construction of any wells. A new ranch headquarters will be constructed on a 35-acre parcel which currently has an exempt well permit. Owners Complex: An owners complex will be constructed on a 35-acre lot to be known as the owners lot. The owners complex will require a non-exempt well which will provide water for domestic, irrigation, and commercial uses for the residents of Taylor River Ranch and their guests. This well will require a well permit and an approved plan for augmentation. Amenities: Two lined stream channels and ten lined ponds will be constructed on the property for piscatorial, aesthetic, recreational, irrigation, stockwater, augmentation, and fire protection purposes. The streams and ponds will require augmentation to replace depletions due to evaporation. The ponds will require storage rights for initial fill and for refill when drained for maintenance. Ranch Operations: The ranch will continue to be irrigated for pasture and production of hay, except for areas dried up as a result of construction of roads, buildings, and other amenities. CLAIM NO. 1 (Application for Conditional Underground Water Right B Owners Well) Name of Well: Owners Well. Legal description of well:  At a point in the SE1/4SE1/4 Section 29, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. approximately 715 feet from the south line and 550 feet from the east line of said Section 29. Source: Taylor River Alluvium. Depth: To be determined. Date of appropriation: December 29, 2008. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate manifested by filing of application for conditional water right. Amount claimed: 30 gpm conditional. Proposed use: a.)Irrigation: 20,000 square feet of lawn and garden located in the SE1/4SE1/4, Section 29, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. b.) Non-irrigation: Domestic for two private seasonal cabins. Commercial for the following private facilities: 3000 square foot club house, 1400 square foot Spa & Fitness Center, 1200 square foot recreation cabin, 500 square foot picnic structure with unisex toilet, and 1400 square foot outdoor swimming pool. One annual filling of swimming pool (pool volume equals 8400 cubic-feet). CLAIM NO. 2 (Application for Absolute Surface Right B Rarick Irrigating Ditch) Name of structure: Rarick Irrigating Ditch. Description of point of diversion: At the intersection of Rarick Gulch with the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch in the SW1/4NE1/4, Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M., at a point approximately 1557 feet from the north line and 2243 feet from the east line of said Section 29. Source: Rarick Gulch, tributary to the Taylor River. Amount claimed: 25 cfs, absolute. Date of appropriation: June 1,1891 based upon date of appropriation for Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch. How appropriation was initiated: Actual beneficial use of the claimed water for irrigation resulting from the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch intercepting the flow of Rarick Gulch and distributing it through the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch and irrigation of land under that ditch. Date water applied to beneficial use:  June 1, 1891. Use: Irrigation. Number of acres historically irrigated: 144 acres. Legal description of irrigated acreage: SE1/4NW1/4, SW1/4NE1/4 and SW1/4, Section 28; SE1/4, Section 29, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. Remarks: Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch has diverted the flow of Rarick Gulch for irrigation ever since the construction of the ditch intercepted the gulch. CLAIM NO. 3 (Application for Conditional Surface Right B Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch Second Enlargement) Name of structure: Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch Second Enlargement. Description of point of diversion: At the headgate of the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch in the NW1/4SW1/4, Section 22, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. The decreed location for the headgate of the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch is on the right bank of Spring Creek, at a point from which the northeast corner Section 25, Township 15 South, Range 85 West, 6th P.M., bears S 84° 20’ W, 3 miles and 21 chains (17,226 feet). An alternate point of diversion for the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch Second Enlargement is at the headgate of the Rarick Irrigating Ditch which is located at the intersection of the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch with Rarick Gulch in the SW1/4NE1/4, Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately1557 feet from the north section line, and 2243 feet from the east section line of said Section 28. Source of primary point of diversion: Spring Creek, tributary to the Taylor River. Source of alternate point of diversion: Rarick Gulch, tributary to the Taylor River. Amount claimed: 30 cfs, conditional. Date of appropriation:  December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007. Proposed use: Piscatorial, recreation, aesthetic and to fill and maintain the levels in Ponds A – F. Remarks: a.) Water diverted by the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch Second Enlargement will flow down the existing Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch for a distance of approximately 7,000 feet, and then at the confluence with Rarick Gulch continue into a newly constructed channel known as the Fishing Stream on property owned by the applicant. Water will also flow from the Ditch into a newly constructed channel known as the Amenity Stream on property owned by the applicant. The Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch Second Enlargement will be used during the irrigation season to the extent and at such times that ditch capacity is available over and above the amounts diverted for presently decreed irrigation use, and during the non-irrigation season when ditch and headgate conditions are suitable. b.) The capacity of the Fishing Stream will be 35 cfs and the capacity of the Amenity Stream will be 5 cfs. c.) The point at which water diverted by the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch Second Enlargement will return to the Taylor River will be located at the terminus of the Fishing Stream where it joins the Taylor River in the SW1/4SE1/4, Section 29, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 31 feet from the south section line and 1421 feet from the east section line of said Section 29. CLAIM NO. 4 Application for Conditional Surface Right B Taylor Pipeline) Name of structure: Taylor Pipeline. Description of point of diversion: The intake for the Taylor Pipeline will be located on the right bank of the Taylor River within the NE1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 2511 feet from the south section line, and 604 feet from the east section line of said Section 28. Source: Taylor River. Date of appropriation: December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007. Amount claimed: 10 cfs conditional. Proposed use: Piscatorial, recreation, aesthetic and to fill and maintain the levels in Ponds A – F. Remarks: a.) The Taylor Pipeline will be used to pump, transport and discharge water to two locations: 1) Into the beginning of the Fishing Stream, and 2) Into a southern lateral of the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch, which water will then flow into a constructed channel known as the Amenity Stream. b.) The point of discharge of the Taylor Pipeline into the beginning of the Fishing Stream will be located at the intersection of the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch with Rarick Gulch in the SW1/4NE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M., at a point approximately 1557 feet from the north line and 2243 feet from the east line of said Section 28. c.) The point of discharge of the Taylor Pipeline into the southern lateral of the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch will be located in the NE1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 2514 from the south line and 942 feet from the east line of said Section 28. d.) The point at which all water diverted by the Taylor Pipeline will return to the Taylor River will be located at the confluence of the Fishing Stream and the Taylor River in the SW1/4SE1/4 Section 29, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 31 feet from the south section line and 1421 feet from the east section line. e.) The Taylor Pipeline will be used fill and maintain the level in Ponds A, B, C, D, E, and F via the Amenity Stream. CLAIM NO. 5 (Application for Conditional Surface Right B Pond G Pipeline) Name of structure: Pond G Pipeline. Description of point of diversion: The intake for the Pond G Pipeline will be located on the left bank of the Taylor River within the SW1/4SW1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 666 feet from the south line and 809 feet from the west line of said Section 28. Source: Taylor River. Date of appropriation:  December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007. Amount claimed: 0.65 cfs conditional (based upon a sprinkler irrigation requirement of 25 gpm per irrigated acre). Proposed use: Irrigation of 11.5 acres in the S1/2SW1/4SW1/4 Section 28, and N1/2NW1/4NW1/4 Section 33, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. CLAIM NO. 6 (Application for Conditional Surface Right B Pond I Pipeline) Name of structure: Pond I Pipeline. Description of point of diversion: The intake for the Pond I Pipeline will be located on the right bank of the Taylor River within the NE1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 2511 feet from the south section line and 604 feet from the east section line of said Section 28. Source: Taylor River. Date of appropriation: December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007. Amount claimed: 0.42 cfs, conditional (based upon a flood irrigation requirement of 50 gpm per irrigated acre). Proposed use: Irrigation of 3.75 acres located in the NE1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. CLAIM NO. 7 (Application for Conditional Surface Right B Rarick Ditch No. 1) Name of structure: Rarick Ditch No. 1. Description of point of diversion: At a point in the NW1/4NE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. approximately 290 feet from the north line and 1950 feet from the east line of said Section 28. Source: Rarick Gulch, tributary to the Taylor River. Date of appropriation: December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007. Amount claimed: 0.85 cfs conditional. Proposed use: Irrigation of 7.62 acres in the NW1/4NE1/4 and NE1/4NW1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. CLAIM NO. 8 (Application for Conditional Storage Rights-Ponds A-F) Applicant claims conditional storage rights in six off channel lined reservoirs named Ponds A, B, C, D, E and F. The ponds are located in Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. The ponds will be used for piscatorial, recreational and fire protection purposes. In addition, Pond F will be used to store water to replace depletions resulting from irrigation, commercial, domestic, and pond evaporation uses. The combined storage capacity of the six reservoirs is 28.73 acre-feet and the total surface area at high water line is 4.53 acres. Specific details for each reservoir are contained in the following: 1.) Pond A is located in the NW1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 1611 feet from the south line and 2050 feet from the east line of said Section 28. The storage volume of Pond A is 8.25 acre-feet all of which is dead storage. The surface area at high water line is 1.39 acres, average depth is 5.9 feet height of dam is 2 feet and length of dam is 400 feet. 2.) Pond B is located in the NW1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 1511 feet from the south line and 2205 feet from the east line of said Section 28. The storage volume of Pond B is 1.51 acre-feet all of which is dead storage. The surface area at high water line is 0.40 acres, average depth is 3.8 feet, height of dam is 4 feet and length of dam is 600 feet. 3.) Pond C is located in the SW1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M.  at a point approximately 1108 feet from the south line and 2442 feet from the east line of said Section 28. The storage volume of Pond C is 4.35 acre-feet all of which is dead storage. The surface area at high water line is 0.80 acres, average depth is 5.4 feet, height of dam is 4 feet and length of dam is 700 feet. 4.) Pond D is located in the SW1/4SW1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 924 feet from the south line and 374 feet from the west line of said Section 28. The storage volume of Pond D is 0.31 acre-feet all of which is dead storage. The surface area at high water line is 0.24 acres, average depth is 1.3 feet, height of dam is 5 feet and length of dam is 515 feet. 5.) Pond E is located in the SW1/4SW1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 724 feet from the south line and 135 feet from the west line of said Section 28. The storage volume of Pond E is 1.00 acre-feet all of which is dead storage. The surface area at high water line is 0.30 acres, average depth is 3.3 feet, height of dam is 4 feet and length of dam is 340 feet. 6.) Pond F is located in the SE1/4SE1/4 Section 29, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 419 feet from the south line and 576 feet from the east line of said Section 29. The storage volume of Pond F is 13.31 acre-feet of which 8.56 acre-feet is live storage. The surface area at high water line is 1.40 acres, average depth is 9.51 feet, height of dam is 6 feet and length of dam is 400 feet. 7.) Name and capacity of structures used to fill reservoirs: Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch Second Enlargement – 43.3 cfs, Redden Elsinore Ditch – 14 cfs and Taylor Pipeline – 10 cfs. 8.) Legal description of point of diversion: a.) The headgate of the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch is described above. b.) The headgate of the Redden Elsinore Ditch is located in the NE1/4SE1/4, Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. The decreed location for the headgate of the Redden Elsinore Ditch is on the right bank of the Taylor River, at a point from which the east 1/4 corner of Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. bears N 73° 13’ E, 635 feet. c.) The intake for the Taylor Pipeline will be located on the right bank of the Taylor River within the NE1/4SE1/4, Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M., 2511 feet from the south section line and 604 feet from the east section line. The source for the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch is Spring Creek a tributary of the Taylor River and the source for the Redden Elsinore Ditch and Taylor Pipeline is the Taylor River. The rate of diversion for filling reservoirs: 5.0 cfs conditional. Dates of appropriation: December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007. Remarks: a.) Ponds A, B, C, D, E, and F will be excavated in the alluvium of the Taylor River. All of the ponds will be lined with an impermeable membrane and will be isolated from groundwater.  b.) The ponds will be filled under free river conditions during spring runoff. Thereafter, the ponds will normally be kept full throughout the year and will act as flow-through ponds continuously being refilled by the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch, the Redden Elsinore Ditch, and the Taylor Pipeline unless curtailed by downstream senior water rights. CLAIM NO. 9 (Application for Conditional Storage Rights BPond G) Name of reservoir: Pond G. Legal description of reservoir: In the SW1/4SW1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point 113 feet from the south section line and 612 feet from the west section line of said Section 28. Parcel on which reservoirs are located: Taylor River Ranch. Pond G will be an off-channel reservoir. Name and capacity of structures used to fill reservoir: Pond G Pipeline: 0.65 cfs, conditional. Legal description of point of diversion: The intake for the Pond G Pipeline will be located on the left bank of the Taylor River within the SW1/4SW1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 666 feet from the south section line, and 809 feet from the west section line of said Section 28. Source: Taylor River. Date of appropriation: December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007. Amount claimed: 8 acre-feet, conditional. Rate of diversion for filling reservoir: 0.65 cfs. Use: Pond G will be used for irrigation, piscatorial, recreational, and fire protection purposes. Number of acres historically irrigated: None. Number of acres proposed to be irrigated: 11.5 acres in the S1/2SW1/4SW1/4 Section 28 and N1/2NW1/4NW1/4 Section 33, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. Surface area at high water line: 1.50 acres. Maximum height of dam: 5 feet. Length of dam: 400 feet. Total capacity of reservoir: 8 acre-feet all of which is live storage. Remarks: Pond G will be excavated in the alluvium of the Taylor River. The pond will be lined with an impermeable membrane and will be isolated from groundwater. The pond will be filled under free river conditions during spring runoff. Thereafter, the pond will normally be kept full throughout the year and will act as a flow-through pond continuously being refilled by the Pond G Pipeline unless curtailed by downstream senior water rights.
CLAIM NO. 10 (Application for Conditional Storage Rights BPond H) Name of reservoir:  Pond H. Legal description of reservoir: In the SW1/4NW1/4 Section 33, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 1507 feet from the north section line and 1282 feet from the west section line of said Section 33. Parcel on which reservoir is located: Taylor River Ranch. Source: Pond H will be located on an unnamed stream in the W1/2 of Section 33, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M., tributary to the Taylor River. Date of appropriation: December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007.
Amount claimed: 8 acre-feet conditional. Use: Pond H will be used for livestock, piscatorial, recreational, and fire protection purposes. Surface area at high water line: 1.5 acres. Maximum height of dam: 10 feet. Length of dam: 200 feet. Total capacity of reservoir:  8 acre-feet all of which is live storage. Remarks: Pond H will be lined with an impermeable membrane. The pond will be filled under free river conditions during spring runoff. CLAIM NO. 11 (Application for Conditional Storage Rights BPond I) Name of reservoir:  Pond I. Legal description of reservoir: In the NE1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 2024 feet from the south section line and 216 feet from the east section line of said Section 28. Parcel on which reservoirs are located: Taylor River Ranch. Pond I will be an off-channel reservoir. Name and capacity of structures used to fill reservoir:  Pond I Pipeline:  0.42 cfs. Legal description of point of diversion: The intake for the Pond I Pipeline will be located on the right bank of the Taylor River within the NE1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 2511 feet from the south section line and 604 feet from the east section line of said Section 28. Source: Taylor River. Date of appropriation: December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007. Amount claimed: 4.0 acre-feet, conditional. Rate of diversion for filling reservoir: 0.42 cfs. Use: Pond I will be used for irrigation, piscatorial, recreational, and fire protection purposes. Number of acres historically irrigated:  None. Number of acres proposed to be irrigated:  3.75 acres in the NE1/4SE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. Surface area at high water line: 0.75 acres. Maximum height of dam: 3.0 feet. Length of dam: 200 feet. Total capacity of reservoir: 4.0 acre-feet all of which is live storage. Remarks: Pond I will be lined with an impermeable membrane and will be isolated from groundwater.  The pond will be filled under free river conditions during spring runoff. Thereafter, the pond will normally be kept full throughout the year and will act as a flow-through pond continuously being refilled by the Pond I Pipeline unless curtailed by downstream senior water rights. CLAIM NO. 12 (Application for Conditional Storage Rights BPond J) Name of reservoir:  Pond J. Legal description of reservoir: In the NW1/4NE1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. at a point approximately 290 feet from the north section line and 1950 feet from the east section line of said Section 28. Parcel on which reservoirs are located: Taylor River Ranch. Pond J will be an on-channel reservoir. Source: Rarick Gulch, tributary to the Taylor River. Date of appropriation:  December 1, 2007. How appropriation was initiated: Formation of intent to appropriate using existing structure, survey and staking of ponds, amenity stream and fishing stream begun on December 1, 2007 followed by commencement of excavation on December 10, 2007. Amount claimed: 1.50 acre-feet, conditional. Use: Pond J will be used for irrigation, piscatorial, recreational, and fire protection purposes. Number of acres historically irrigated: None. Number of acres proposed to be irrigated: 7.62 acres in the NW1/4NE1/4 and NE1/4NW1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. Surface area at high water line: 0.3 acres. Maximum height of dam: 10 feet. Length of dam: 200 feet. Total capacity of reservoir: 1.5 acre-feet all of which is live storage. Remarks: Pond J will be lined with an impermeable membrane. The pond will be filled under free river conditions during spring runoff. CLAIM NO. 13 (Application for Change of Water Right Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch) Name of structure for which change is sought: Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch. The Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch was decreed on October 25, 1921 in Civil Action No. 1635 for 10 cfs for irrigation under Priority 186 with appropriation date of June 1, 1891, and on April 29, 1941 in Civil Action No. 2021 for 33.3 cfs for irrigation under Priority No. 303 with appropriation date of June 15, 1882, all out of Spring Creek, a tributary of the Taylor River. The headgate of the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch is as described above. Historic diversions by the Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch: The average recorded diversion amounts for each month of the irrigation season for 1975 B 2007 are shown below along with the average rate of diversion for the month. [Table omitted here was filed with the application. For a copy contact Anita Peterson ([email protected]) at Bratton Hill Wilderson & Lock, LLC.] The maximum flow recorded through the ditch for this period was 51.7 cfs on June 1, 1998. Proposed changes: Applicant proposes to: a.) Change the place of use from a total of 6.55 acres in the SE1/4NW1/4 and S1/2 Section 28 Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. to 2.45 acres in the NE1/4SW1/4SW1/4 and NE1/4NW1/4SE1/4 Section 28 Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. b.) Add an alternate point of diversion of 0.81 cfs of Priority 186 and 2.71 cfs of Priority 303 to the Taylor Pipeline located as described above. Amounts to be diverted are shown in Exhibit 5. [Exhibit 5 filed with application. For a copy contact Anita Peterson ([email protected]) at Bratton Hill Wilderson & Lock, LLC.]. Remarks: 6.55 acres of historically irrigated lands will be dried up as a result of construction of roads and buildings for the Taylor River Ranch Project. The new place of use will be 2.45 acres of landscape irrigation in lots 8 and 15 of Taylor River Ranch which were not irrigated in the past. No change in point of diversion will be required. Return flows will return to the Taylor River at approximately the same locations as in the past. Addition of the alternate point of diversion will not, by itself, result in any change in place or type of use. CLAIM NO. 14 (Application for Change of Water RightBRedden Elsinore Ditch) Name of structure for which change is sought: Redden Elsinore Ditch. The Redden Elsinore Ditch was decreed on January 27, 1961 in Case No. 5590 for 14 cfs for irrigation out of the Taylor River under Priority 550 with appropriation date of June 1, 1934. The headgate of the Redden Elsinore Ditch is described above. Historic diversions by the Redden Elsinore Ditch: The average recorded diversion amounts for each month of the irrigation season for 1975 – 2007 are shown below along with the average rate of diversion for the month. [Table omitted here was filed with the application. For a copy contact Anita Peterson ([email protected]) at Bratton Hill Wilderson & Lock, LLC.] The maximum flow recorded through the ditch for this period was 17.2 cfs on June 15, 1999. Proposed changes: Applicant proposes to: a.) Change the place of use from a total of 3.57 acres in the SW1/4SW1/4 Section 28 and SE1/4SE1/4 Section 29, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. to 2.69 acres in the NE1/4SW1/4SW1/4 Section 28, Township 15 South, Range 84 West, 6th P.M. b.) Add an alternate point of diversion for 3.55 cfs of Priority 550 to the Taylor Pipeline located as described above. Amounts to be diverted are shown in Exhibit 5. Remarks: a.) the place of use will be changed for 2.69 acres of irrigated lands under the Redden Elsinore Ditch. 3.57 acres of historically irrigated lands will be dried up as a result of construction of roads, buildings, and lined ponds for the Taylor River Ranch Project. The new place of use will be 2.69 acres of landscape irrigation in lot 7 of Taylor River Ranch which were not irrigated in the past. No change in point of diversion will be required. Return flows will return to the Taylor River at approximately the same locations as in the past. b.) Addition of the alternate point of diversion will not, by itself, result in any change in place or type of use. The intake for the Taylor Pipeline will be constructed at the same location as the headgate of the Redden Elsinore Ditch. CLAIM NO. 15 (Application for Approval of Plan for Augmentation) Applicant proposes to augment the out of priority depletions occurring downstream of the Wayne N. Aspinall Unit resulting from diversions into the following structures by participation in the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District plan for augmentation for which approval is pending in Case No. 03CW49: a.) Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch (limited to 0.81 cfs of diversions under Priority No. 186 and 2.71 cfs of diversions under Priority No. 303). b.) Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch Second Enlargement. c.) Redden Elsinore Ditch (limited to 3.55 cfs of diversion under Priority No. 550). d.) Ponds A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I and J (pond evaporation only) Depletions from surface evaporation for Ponds A-F will be by exchange to Spring Creek Irrigating Ditch Second Enlargement and Taylor Pipeline. f.) Owners Well. g.) Pond G Pipeline. h.) Pond I Pipeline. Rarick Ditch No. 1. Augmentation of Owners Complex. The water supply for the Owners Complex will be the Owners Well. The Owners Complex will consist of irrigation, domestic and commercial uses (limited to owners and guests) as follows: a.) Two approximately 1,550 square foot cabins for use of guests and residents on an occasional basis (domestic use). b.) A 3,000 square foot clubhouse which will serve an average of 10 persons per day with the capability of hosting events with 100 persons in attendance occasionally (commercial use). c.) A 1,400 square foot Spa and Fitness Center with an average of 10 people per day using it (commercial use). d.) A 1,200 square foot recreation cabin with an average usage of 10 people per day . (commercial use). e.) A 500 square foot picnic structure (Liar’s Porch) with a unisex toilet with an average of 5 people per day using it (commercial use). f.) An outdoor swimming pool of 1400 square feet surface area and average 6 feet deep, volume 8400 cubic feet or 0.193 acre-feet. g.) 20,000 square feet of lawn and garden irrigation from the well around the ranch house and cabins. The total average in-house commercial use by 35 persons per day at 30 gpd per person is 1050 gpd. See Table 1 of AGuidelines on Individual Sewage Disposal Systems,@ revised 2000, which is attached to the UGRWCD Aspinall Substitute Supply Plan. The use category in the table which most closely resembles the uses planned for the Ranch House is ACountry Clubs.@ No full time employees are planned. The cabins and ranch house are planned to be occupied only on an intermittent basis, principally during the summer months. However, the estimates of water requirements presented in this report are based upon year-round occupancy and use. Proposed annual diversions will total 3.12 acre-feet and total depletions are estimated to be 1.19 acre-feet. Applicant proposes to replace the 1.19 acre-feet of depletions by exchange upstream from Blue Mesa Reservoir pursuant to Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District plan for augmentation for which approval is pending in Case No. 03CW49 or, when exchange opportunity does not exist, by releases from Pond F. Name(s) and address(es) of owner(s) or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be stored, including any modification to the existing storage pool: Applicant, see first paragraph. GUNNISON AND MONTROSE COUNTIES.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011608



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NUMBER: 08CW145. Applicant: Fred Shaw, 1330 Green Hill Road, Franklin, NC 27525. Taeco, LLC, Anthony Smith, Manager, 777 Ute Lane, Gunnison, CO 81230. Application for Surface Water Right: Lauren Elizabeth Spring and Pipeline – SW ¼ NW ¼ of Section 14, T51N, R4E, NMPM. 2,119 feet from the north section line and 1,071 feet from the west section line. Source: Quartz Creek and the Gunnison River. Appropriation date: 08/01/2006. Amount Claimed: 15 g.p.s. (0.033 cfs) conditional for domestic use in a single family dwelling, fire protection, irrigation, lawn, garden and vegetation irrigation and stockwater. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011601


JANUARY 14, 2009

Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room
221 N. Wisconsin Street, Gunnison, CO

DATE:    January 14, 2009
PLACE:    Blackstock Government Center Meeting Room
    221 N. Wisconsin Street
    Gunnison, CO
1. 8:30 a.m.    ●    Work session – Gunnison Sage-grouse/Grazing Project Development
2. 3:00 p.m.    ●    Adjourn
NOTE: This agenda is subject to change, including the addition of items up to 24 hours in advance or the deletion of items at any time. All times are approximate. Regular Meetings, Public Hearings, and Special Meetings are recorded and ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON ANY ITEM. Work Sessions are not recorded and formal action cannot be taken. Two or more Gunnison County Commissioners may attend this meeting. For further information, contact the County Administration at 641-0248. If special accommodations are necessary per ADA, contact 641-0248 or TTY 641-3061 prior to the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issues of January 9 and 16, 2009. #010905



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2003CW108.  AMENDED APPLICATION FOR STORAGE WATER RIGHT AND APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAN FOR AUGMENTATION INCLUDING EXCHANGE. Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District, 234 N. Main Street, Suite 3C, Gunnison, CO 81230, Attention: General Counsel; Telephone: 970.641.6065. CLAIM NO. 1 AMENDED APPLICATION FOR WATER STORAGE RIGHT. Name of Reservoir:     Lake San Cristobal. Legal description of location of dam: Left abutment of dam is located in Hinsdale County, in the NE¼NE¼SW¼ Section 15, Township 43 North, Range 4 West, N.M.P.M., at a point approximately 2260 feet east of the west section line and 2040 feet north of the south section line of said Section 15. Source: Lake Fork of the Gunnison River. Facts concerning appropriation:    The appropriation was initiated by resolution of the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District Board of Directors on April 28, 2003. Amount claimed: One annual fill in the amount of 950 acre-feet, conditional; A second annual fill in the amount of 950 acre-feet, conditional. Uses: Domestic, municipal, commercial, industrial (to include mining, milling and reclamation), irrigation, recreation, fishery and wildlife habitat and all other lawful beneficial uses within the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District directly or by augmentation or exchange. Surface area of high water line: Approximately 340 acres. Maximum height of dam in feet: Approximately four feet. Length of dam in feet: Approximately 85 feet. Total capacity of reservoir in acre-feet: 950 acre-feet, in addition to natural lake content of approximately 11,000 acre-feet. Active capacity: 950 acre-feet. Dead storage : None. Names and addresses of the owners of the land on which structures are located and upon which water will be stored are attached as EXHIBIT A. CLAIM NO. 2 AMENDED APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAN FOR AUGMENTATION INCLUDING EXCHANGE. Names of structures to be augmented: The District proposes to augment out-of-priority depletions by wells, surface diversions and ponds in the Lake Fork and Gunnison River basins, and the basins of tributaries thereof, within the boundaries of the District by providing a substitute water supply directly and by exchange. Out-of-priority depletions in the reach of the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River downstream from Lake San Cristobal can be augmented directly under this plan. Out-of-priority depletions in the reach of the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River upstream from Lake San Cristobal can be augmented under this plan by exchange. The District seeks approval of an appropriative right of exchange for this exchange. Out-of-priority depletions in the reach of the Gunnison River and its tributaries downstream of the structures listed below or the lower terminus of the instream flow water rights listed below can be augmented under this plan by exchange. The District seeks approval of an appropriative right of exchange for this exchange.
Stream Name    Local Calling Right
Tomichi Creek    Biebel Ditches No.1 and No.2
Stubbs Gulch    Graham Ditch
Powderhorn Creek    Schecker Ditch
Trout Creek    Johnson Ditch
Ohio Creek    CWCB Instream Flow
East River    East River No. 2 Ditch
Slate River     CWCB Instream Flow
Antelope Creek    Hamor Ditch
The reaches described above are within the boundaries of the District. Water right to be used for augmentation: The water right to be decreed to Lake San Cristobal as described above. Statement of Plan for Augmentation: Augmentation will be provided by releases of water from Lake San Cristobal as and when requests for release of water are made by the Division Engineer, Water Division No. 4 (Division Engineer), to provide replacement water sufficient to replace out-of-priority depletions by structures owned by holders of Augmentation Certificates issued by a Water Activity Enterprise owned by the District (Enterprise). The Enterprise will be managed jointly by the District, Hinsdale County, and the Town of Lake City. The District anticipates that the decree will provide that the Division Engineer should consult with the Colorado Water Conservation Board and the Colorado Division of Wildlife regarding the timing and quantity of releases. Depletions. The required augmentation for the depletions caused by the various structures within the District will be based upon the following assumptions: Domestic Indoor Use. To assure that adequate replacement water is delivered under this plan, diversion for indoor use for single family dwellings is assumed to be 350 gallons per dwelling unit per day, unless actual pumping records demonstrate otherwise to the satisfaction of the Division Engineer. Consumptive use of such diversions is ten percent (10%) where the dwelling utilizes a non-evaporative individual sewage disposal system and five percent (5%) where the dwelling unit is connected to a central wastewater treatment system. Lawn and Garden Irrigation. Consumptive use of diversions from wells completed within the alluvium and located within 100 feet of a live stream for lawn and garden irrigation has been determined using a modified Blaney-Criddle assessment adjusted for precipitation and temperature conditions in each elevation zone within the District, and will be calculated based upon the table included in the Amended Application. Pond Evaporation. The amount of replacement water for evaporation from ponds and other water surfaces in each elevation zone within the District will be calculated in accordance with the tables included in the Amended Application.  Stockwater. Consumptive use by horses, cows and other types of livestock is eleven (11) gallons per animal per day. Transit losses. Estimated to be 0.1% (0.001) of reservoir releases for each mile of distance from the reservoir to the point of the depletion being augmented. Other. Replacement water requirements for other uses, including irrigation, commercial and industrial uses, will be determined by applicants for Augmentation Certificates on a case-by-case basis, subject to review and approval by the Division Engineer. Implementation of the plan. The plan will be implemented as follows: Augmentation Certificates. Persons who are users of water diverted at points of diversion within the stream reaches described above, may apply to the Enterprise to purchase the right to direct release of augmentation water. Such rights will be evidenced by Augmentation Certificates. Upon receipt of an application, payment of all required fees and such other information as the Enterprise may require, the Enterprise will issue Augmentation Certificates to qualified water users entitling them to benefit from this plan for augmentation. The Augmentation Certificates will be issued in the amount requested by the applicant in increments of not less than 0.05 acre-foot of replacement water. It is incumbent upon each applicant for an Augmentation Certificate to determine the amount of water required to replace its depletions and to make application for same. Determination of the amount of replacement water required will be in accordance with the assumptions stated above. Number of Augmentation Certificates. The number of Augmentation Certificates to be issued by the Enterprise will limited by the amount of water decreed to Lake San Cristobal pursuant to the application described above and will not exceed the acre-foot equivalent of that amount as determined by this Court. Source of Replacement Water. Holders of Augmentation Certificates may identify as the source of replacement water for their out-of-priority depletions the water rights decreed to Lake San Cristobal described above and this plan for augmentation. Locations. The locations of the authorized points of diversion and places of use for water rights whose depletions are being augmented by this plan for augmentation will be defined on the Augmentation Certificates when the application for Augmentation Certificate is reviewed and approved by the Division Engineer. Listing. The Enterprise will maintain a permanent listing of the Augmentation Certificates, identifying the water rights whose depletions are being augmented by this plan for augmentation, the amount of replacement water purchased for each water right, and the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the water right. A current listing will be provided annually, or as requested, to the Division Engineer. GUNNISON AND HINSDALE COUNTIES.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011612



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW195. GUNNISON COUNTY. Unnamed stream fed by springs tributary to the Cimarron River. Cecil and Noelle Hernandez, c/o Patrick, Miller & Kropf, P.C., 730 East Durant St., Suite 200, Aspen, CO 81611, (970) 920-1028. APPLICATION FOR SURFACE WATER RIGHT AND WATER STORAGE RIGHT. First Claim: Name of structure: J and N Ditch. Legal description of location of point of diversion: Gunnison County, SW ¼ of the NE ¼, Section 4, Township 46 North, Range 6 West, of the N.M.P.M. at a distance of 2609 feet from the South section line and 2381 feet from the West section line. Source (tributary and river): Unnamed stream fed by springs tributary to the Cimarron River. Date of Appropriation: July 31, 2003. How appropriation was initiated: Field inspection, physical steps in the field, and formulation of intent to apply water to beneficial use. Amount claimed: 0.25 cfs, conditional. Use or proposed use: To fill and refill Rainbow Lake, described in the Second Claim herein, the uses of the water in Rainbow Lake will be for stockwatering, fire protection, recreation, piscatorial, wildlife propagation and aesthetic. If non-irrigation, describe purpose fully: The water right will be used supplement filling of Rainbow Lake which is primarily used for stockwatering of cattle owned by the applicant, additionally, the lake is used for fish and wildlife propagation, fishing, boating and fire protection of the applicant’s property. The name and address of owners or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing or diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be or stored, including any modification to the existing pool: Applicant. Second Claim: Name of reservoir: Rainbow Lake. Legal description of location of dam: The dam is located in Gunnison County, NW ¼ of the NW ¼, Section 4, Township 46 North, Range 6 West, of the NM Prime Meridian at a distance of 2964 feet from the North section line and 564 feet from the West section line. Source: Spring, an unnamed tributary of the Cimarron River and natural runoff. Date of Appropriation: July 16, 2002. How appropriation was initiated: Improvements to pond and application of water to beneficial use. Date water applied to beneficial use: July 16, 2002. Amount claimed: 60 acre feet, with the right to fill and refill when water is physically and legally available. Use: Stockwatering, fire protection, recreation, piscatorial, wildlife propagation and aesthetic. If non-irrigation, describe purpose fully: The lake is primarily used for stockwatering of cattle owned by the applicant, additionally, the lake is used for fish and wildlife propagation, fishing, boating and fire protection of the applicant’s property. Surface area of high water line: 2 acres. Maximum height of dam in feet: under 10 feet. Length of dam in feet: 1050 feet. Total capacity of reservoir in acre feet: 60 acre feet. Active capacity: 15 acre feet. Dead Storage: 45 acre feet. The name and address of owners or reputed owners of the land upon which any new diversion or storage structure, or modification to any existing or diversion or storage structure is or will be constructed or upon which water is or will be or stored, including any modification to the existing pool: Applicant. Remarks or any other pertinent information: The lake is constructed such that it has a shallow non-jurisdictional dam (10 feet or less), with a deeper center of the lake which is approximately 35 feet in depth. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011611


—Meeting notice—
Monday, January 26, 2009 at 5:30 p.m.
the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District
the District offices, 234 North Main Street, Suite 3B
(Main Place Building), Gunnison, CO

The Board of Directors of the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District and will conduct its regular board meeting on Monday, January 26, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the District offices, 234 North Main Street, Suite 3B (Main Place Building), Gunnison, Colorado. The public is encouraged to attend the meeting. An agenda will be posted at the District office prior to the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011614


—Meeting notice—
Monday, January 26, 2009 at 5:30 p.m.
the Upper Gunnison River Water activity enterprise
234 North Main Street, Suite 3B (Main Place Building)

The Board of Directors of the Upper Gunnison River Water Activity Enterprise will have a regular meeting on Monday, January 26, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District, 234 North Main Street, Suite 3B (Main Place Building). The public is encouraged to attend the meeting. An agenda will be posted at the District’s Office prior to the meeting.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011615


Gunnison County Electric Association, Inc.

Gunnison County Electric Association, Inc. receives funding from a Federal loan program administered by the Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and is subject to the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and the rules of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
In accordance with the Federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs).
The person responsible for coordinating this organization’s nondiscrimination compliance efforts is Michael V. Wells, Chief Executive Officer. To file a complaint on discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC  20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-5964 (TDD). Identity of complainants will be kept confidential except to the extent necessary to carry out the purposes of the rules and regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
/s/ Michael V. Wells
Chief Executive Officer
Gunnison County Electric Association, Inc.
PO Box 180
Gunnison, CO 81230
Effective 10-07-2008.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011613



Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, as amended, you are notified that the following is a resume of all applications filed in the Water Court during the month of December 2008.
The names, address of applicant, source of water, description of water right or conditional water right involved, and description of the ruling sought are as follows:
CASE NO. 2008CW146. Applicant: Stumpy Creek Ranch, 7554 Juniper St., Arvada, CO 80007. Application for Surface Water Right: Cabin Creek Waste Water Ditch – NE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 24, T48N, R6W, NMPM. 2,000 feet from the south section line and 2,400 feet from the west section line. Source: Cimarron River and the Gunnison River. Appropriation date: 05/20/1973. Amount Claimed: 1.65 cfs absolute for irrigation of 33 acres and stockwater. GUNNISON COUNTY.
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT you have until the last day of February 2009, to file with the Water Clerk, in quadruplicate, a Verified Statement of Opposition setting forth facts as to why a certain application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such a Statement of Opposition must also be served upon the applicant or the applicant’s attorney and an affidavit of certificate of such service shall be filed with the Water Clerk, as prescribed by C.R.C.P. Rule 5. (Filing fee: $158.00; Forms may be obtained from the Water Clerk’s Office or on our website at DARLEEN CAPPANNOKEEP, Water Clerk, Water Division 4, 1200 N. Grand Ave., Bin A, Montrose, CO 81401.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011602


Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Commissioner’s Meeting Room at the Courthouse

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
• Warrants & Transfers
• Monthly Treasurer’s Report
• Gunnison/Hinsdale Board of Human Services
• Gunnison Basin Sage-grouse Strategic Committee; Strategic Plan Presentation
• Bureau of Land Management February 12, 2009 Oil and Gas Lease Sale
• Habitat for Humanity Funding Request
• Jail Inspection
• Request for Extension of Final Plan Submittal for Whetstone Business Park
• Food Pantry Funding Request
• Lot Cluster Application; Marble Ski Area Condominium, Filing No. 1, Lots 1 and 2, County of Gunnison, State of Colorado; Kevin E. Palans
• Consent Agenda:
– 2009 Memorandum of Agreement; Gunnison County Pioneer and Historical Society; Community-Based Organization Funding; $3,800
– Acknowledgment of County Manager Signature; Independent Consultant Agreement; Between Gunnison County, Colorado and McBride Dale Associates, Inc.; Planning Commission Retreat
– Acknowledgment of County Manager Signature; Housing Needs Assessment Grant Contract.
NOTE: This is a list of items tentatively scheduled for the Commissioners’ agenda. Items may be added up to 24 hours prior to the meeting, or deleted at any time. A final agenda will be prepared after the publication deadline for the newspaper. For further information or confirmation of specific times on the agenda, please contact the County Administration Office at 641-0248.
Published in the Crested Butte News. Issue of January 16, 2009. #011624

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