School News

Cinco De Mayo Party
Grades K-3 will host a Cindo de Mayo party in the MPR on May 5, at 2:30 p.m. Any Mexican food donations would be greatly appreciated. Please plan to come to the fiesta!



Box Tops for Education
Just to let everyone know that all the hard work you do cutting out box tops for our school, really does pay off! We recently received a check for $324.70 from the Box Tops for Education program. Thanks for all your support!
Can you help us out?
Jennifer Read would like to borrow a hand held digital voice recorder to use for AP Exams on May 5-6. If you have one she might borrow, please call the school at 641-7720. Thanks.
Afghan School movie
The Journey With an Afghan School video will be presented on Monday, May 4, at 6 p.m. at the UCC church parlor. If you missed hearing about our sister school project in Afghanistan and want to see where Crested Butte is making an important contribution, please join us on Monday.
Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Next Thursday, May 7, is our last Teacher Appreciation Luncheon of the year. It also happens to coincide with National Teacher Appreciation Week so let’s try and make this one for the record books! Our theme is "Community Cookbook Favorites." If you don't have a cookbook yet you can always prepare your own favorite recipe. Please have your dish to the teachers lounge by lunchtime (anytime after 10:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.) on Thursday and if you need to pick up plates/dishes etc, you can drop by later that day beginning about 2:30 p.m. I will also need help with clean up beginning about the same time. Please email me or call with what you plan to bring so we have a good idea of what we might need or be short on. This has been an incredible luncheon year and I want to thank everyone who supports this important event throughout the school year. The staff and teachers truly love it and look forward to them each time we do this. Keep in mind our one nut allergy and a few vegetarians/gluten free diets so label your dish accordingly. Also, feel free to include your recipe or reference the name and page it can be found in the cookbook. Thanks again and happy cooking! Colette 349-0234, [email protected].
The Green Scene
The Play-Ground Theatre presents The Green Scene at CBCS on Monday, May 11 at 12:45 and 2:15 p.m. Introducing the world's first organic Super Hero, 'Super Natural', who is here to save the planet from the evil plans of "toxic waste." The audience can participate and share their knowledge of recycling, nutrition, and sustainable living in: "The Green Game Show." More info:
Senior Dinner
The senior dinner will be held on Tuesday, May 19, at 5:30 p.m. at the Club at Crested Butte. Please RSVP to Sharon Sharpe at 349-0447 or Connie at the school.
Kit Faragher Foundation
Students must have 2.5 GPA and financial need. Application available at Deadline is May 15.
Prom thank you
This year's prom, The Secret Garden, was a huge success and well attended by our high school students. This is one event that epitomizes the need for a "whole village" to jump in and make it work. Thank you to all the parent volunteers for their time and expertise in assembling sets, decorating, and returning for the tedious task of "clean up". Thank you to Elizabeth Bond and the Cabaret Theatre for generously donating the Mallardi Theatre for our 'garden' event. Bill Stevens and Clark's Market, as always, provided the lemonade and sodas for our very thirsty dancers. Thank you for your support. When we needed an abundance of flowers and greenery to complete the decor for our theme, Penni Ervin graciously brought her supply of wedding garlands and Helen Turner brought many baskets of ivy. Kelli Massey contributed a fabulous wooden archway which served as a beautiful gateway to 'the secret garden'. Thank you to those staff members who dedicated their time to help chaperone, although I think it was difficult for them to restrain themselves from joining the teens on the dance floor! Laura Millman, DJ extraordinaire, did such an outstanding job of selecting and playing music that the dance floor was packed with frenzied dancers all night long…ah youth! Chris Ladoulis created lasting memories for our party revelers by taking dozens of pictures. Alex Fenlon dragged himself out in the middle of that stormy night and took newspaper photos of our seniors at the end of the evening. What dedication! The prom committee worked diligently all year with fund raising and planning for this annual event and Joyce Lamb was the creative force that put the whole design together. See what I mean about a village! Thank you, thank you for all you've done to make such a fun, memorable evening for our wonderful high school students.
Brown Bag Lunches
Students should plan on "brown bagging" their own lunches the last week of school as the kitchen needs to inventory, pack and move out for construction. We are looking forward to a new kitchen and a new "commons", formerly the cafeteria and MPR, which will be fully operational by the start of school next fall. Thank you to Kathy and her entire crew for a phenomenal year! The climate, food service, etc. have never been better!
Track and Field schedule
HS Schedule
May 1-2: Tiger Invitational, Grand Junction. May 9-10: Regional Championships @ Grand Junction. May 14-16: State Championships @ Jeffco Stadium.
MS Schedule
Apr. 30: Salida Invitational @ Salida @ 3:45 p.m. May 2: Cedaredge Invitational @ Cedaredge @ 8 a.m.

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