School News

Mid-Timers’ Video
The senior class is sponsoring a video production, the “Mid-Timers in Crested Butte” at 7 p.m. at the Crested Butte Museum on Thursday, May 28. This presentation was prepared by the senior humanities class and features interviews with “local mid-timers.” Parents and community folks are invited to attend.



Memorial Day
There will be no school on Monday, May 25, in observance of Memorial Day. Enjoy the three-day holiday!

HS Winter Sports Banquet
The HS winter/spring sports banquet will be held at the Club at Crested Butte on Thursday, May 21, at 5 p.m. Basketball and track athletes and coaches will be hosted by the Titan Booster Club. Cost for parents and guests will be $20. RSVP to Joel Vosburg at 209-1581 or email to: [email protected]. The booster club is looking for five to six middle school volunteers to work this event from 3:30 to 8 p.m.

End of the Year Reminder
A reminder that report cards will be mailed out in early June. Please be sure that all fines and fees have been paid, including lunch bills. Return all textbooks and athletic uniforms, library books, etc. Individual report cards will be held until check-out is complete. P.S.: After the office closes for the summer, report cards will be unavailable until August.

Bike Helmets Needed
Sandy Robinson is looking for bike helmets to pass along to those students who are without protective head gear. Please bring helmets, those that are still in good shape, to Sandy in the PE office. Thanks for your help.

Breakfast Info for May 21
Any students arriving at school before 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 21, should go to the gym instead of the cafeteria. Please be aware that there will be a very limited student breakfast menu on May 21 because the HS awards program will be at 7:30 a.m. in the MPR/cafeteria.

Congrats to Band Students
This year’s Music in the Parks Festival took place May 1-3. It was a state-wide competition that is held every year. The Intermediate Band received a “superior” rating, the highest you can get, and first place in their category. No band in Crested Butte has ever received the “superior” rating! The Advanced Band received third place in their category and a “good” rating. Congratulations to our talented band members!

HS Graduation
CBCS seniors will graduate on Saturday, May 30, at 2 p.m. in the MPR. Congratulations and good luck, seniors!

Senior Dinner
The senior dinner will be held on Tuesday, May 19, at 5:30 p.m. at the Club at Crested Butte.

Messages from Colette
I just wanted to say thank you! to all my fellow foodies who helped make this year’s Staff Appreciation Luncheons so successful. Every luncheon was a success and the staff absolutely loved them. A special thanks to Susan, Monica, and Linda who most often answered the call to help with clean up, too. Thanks ladies! I want to also take this opportunity to ask for input for next season. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, etc. I would really appreciate it. Email me [email protected] with suggestions. Thanks again and have a great summer!! As program director for PTA I am looking for new ideas/suggestions for next school year. If anyone knows of something you think might be a great program to bring in for the kids/community I would love to hear about it. PTA is already beginning to gear up and plan for next year so let me know ASAP. Email me at [email protected] or give me a call at 349-0234 Thanks! Colette Kraatz.

Important Dates to Remember
May 19: Fourth grade Colorado program at 2 p.m. in the MPR.
May 20: Spring Art Show, 6 to 8 p.m. at The Piper Gallery.
—Fifth grade field trip to Denver.
—Eighth-grade trip to Sand Dunes.
May 21: HS Awards Program at 7:15 a.m. in the MPR.
—HS Winter/Spring Sports Banquet at the Club at Crested Butte, at 5 p.m.
May 22: Last day of school for Seniors!
May 25: Memorial Day, no school.
May 26: K-3 Field Day, 10 a.m. to noon.
—HS Graduation Practice, MPR at 2 p.m.
May 28: MS Awards and Eighth Grade Culmination Ceremony at 2 p.m. in the MPR.
—Fifth Grade Graduation, 10 to 11:30 a.m.
May 29: Kindergarten graduation at 11:30 a.m. in the MPR.
—MS Field Day, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
—All school dismissal at 12:30 p.m.! Have a swell summer!
May 30: HS Graduation at 2 p.m. in the MPR. Congratulations and good luck, seniors!

Brown Bag Lunches
Students should plan on “brown bagging” their own lunches the last week of school as the kitchen needs take inventory, pack and move out for construction. We are looking forward to a new kitchen and a new “commons,” formerly the cafeteria and MPR, which will be fully operational by the start of school next fall. Thank you to Kathy and her entire crew for a phenomenal year! The climate, food service, etc. have never been better!

Lunch Menu
Tuesday, May 19: Chicken and rice, veggies, fruit.
Wednesday, May 20: Mac and cheese, green beans, bread, fruit.
Thursday, May 21: Pancakes, sausage, hash browns, applesauce.
Friday, May 22: Hot dogs/bun, corn, fruit.
May 26 through May 29: No meals will be served in the cafeteria. Be sure to pack a lunch.

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