Crested Butte Community School News

Kindergarten Tuition Due

A reminder that Kindergarten tuition for December is now due. Parents may bring payments to the school office. Thank You.



Winter and Holiday Themed Cards

Winter and holiday themed art cards are available at the Paragon Art Gallery. These cards are created periodically throughout the year and sold at The Paragon to help support our art program. Please stop by The Paragon on the corner of 2nd and Elk any time from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

2009-2010 Giving Tree Final List for Teachers

The following list includes requests for teachers for donations to their classrooms. May be something to think about during this holiday season of giving. Kindergarten: AmieeDimon, Wiggly eyes from arts and crafts store,$10; The Mailbox subscription sent to POB 3514, $29.95. Kelly Winner, Lakeshore gift certificate 800-421-5354, $10 to $50. First Grade: Nicole Dickerson, Three plastic filing crates from Wal-Mart or Paperclip, $20. Second Grade: Stevie Kremer, Mailbox subscription for 2nd and 3rd grades, $29.95 Third Grade: Bobby Pogoloff, Geronimo Stilton books #10 and up,  $24; digital camera (used ok) $50 to $100. Melissa E. Dav Pilkey books $10 to $30; Oriental Trading Post gift certificate 800-228-2269, $10 to 50. Fourth Grade: Sarah Block, Money for field trips; The Mailbox subscription for intermediate, $29.95

Recyclable Items Needed

The Elementary Art Department is looking for the following recyclables this holiday season: bubble wrap (large or small bubbles), tissue paper (any color), wrapping paper tubes, and baby food jars. These items will be accepted at anytime throughout the year, not just at the holidays. Thank you for helping support our program!

Titan Booster Club Volunteers

Parents/Students: The Titan Booster Club is looking for volunteers to help run the concession stand during home game events. If you are interested please contact Cindy Grogg at 349-5885 or 596-0960.

Have any books to donate??

Scottie Earley-Moss (K-5 Reading Interventionist) is looking for new or gently used books for her students. Some examples: Magic Tree House, Junie B. Jones, Diary of a Wimpy Kid—Anything age-appropriate would be great!

Lunch Guests

Parents are more than welcome to have lunch with their students in the cafeteria. However, we ask that you please call the office before 9 a.m. to reserve a meal. We are running a bit short of lunches by the time HS students eat. Thanks for your cooperation.

Financial Aid Night for Senior Parents

All parents who are completing the FAFSA should attend. December 10, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at CBCS.

Jaycees Scholarship

Scholarship is available for seniors. Deadline is December 28. See Jennifer for an application.

Mensa Scholarship Essay Contest

Essay contest for college-bound seniors. Deadline is January 15.

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