Southwest Series Results

Giant Slalom Race 1
Grommet Boys (8-9)
1. Kevin Healey, Crested Butte
2. Josiah Tunkey, Crested Butte
3. Levi Parr, Crested Butte
4. Zach Siegel, Montrose Menehune Girls (10-11)
1. Nora Healey, Crested Butte

Menehune Boys (10-11)
1. Thomas Taaca, Crested Butte
2. Cameron Pool, Frisco, Colo.
3. Lucas Foster, Telluride
4. Ben Vermillion, Crested Butte
5. Garrett Pierson, Crested Butte
6. Izzac Nixon, Montrose
7. Jakob Siegel, Montrose

Breaker Girls (12-13)
1. Katie Pool, Frisco, Colo.
2. Colleen Healey, Crested Butte
3. Bailey Pierson, Crested Butte

Breaker Boys (12-13)
1. Tom Underwood, Gunnison

Youth Men (14-15)
1. Beecher Cooney, Telluride
2. Josh Gallen, Flagstaff, Ariz.
3. Andres Adamich, Gunnison

Master Men (30-39)
1. Andrew Adamich, Gunnison

Giant Slalom Race 2
Grommet Boys (8-9)
1. Kevin Healey Crested Butte
2. Josiah Tunkey Crested Butte
3. Zach Siegel Montrose
4. Levi Parr Crested Butte

Menehune Girls (10-11)
1. Nora Healey Crested Butte
Menehune Boys (10-11)
1. Cameron Pool, Frisco, Colo.
2. Thomas Taaca, Crested Butte
3. Ben Vermillion, Crested Butte
4. Lucas Foster, Telluride
5. Izzac Nixon, Montrose
6. Garrett Pierson, Crested Butte
7. Jakob Siegel, Montrose

Breaker Girls (12-13)
1. Colleen Healey, Crested Butte
2. Bailey Pierson, Crested Butte

Breaker Boys (12-13)
1. Tom Underwood, Gunnison

Youth Men (14-15)
1. Josh Gallen, Flagstaff, Ariz.
2. Beecher Cooney, Telluride
3. Andres Adamich, Gunnison

Master Men (30-39)
1. Andrew Adamich, Gunnison

Slalom Race 1
Grommet Boys (8-9)
1. Kevin Healey, Crested Butte
2. Josiah Tunkey, Crested Butte
3. Levi Parr, Crested Butte

Menehune Girls (10-11)
1. Nora Healey, Crested Butte

Menehune Boys (10-11)
1. Cameron Pool, Frisco, Colo.
2. Lucas Foster, Telluride
3. Thomas Taaca, Crested Butte
4. Ben Vermillion, Crested Butte
5. Izzac Nixon, Montrose

Breaker Girls (12-13)
1. Colleen Healey, Crested Butte
2. Katie Pool, Frisco, Colo.
3. Bailey Pierson, Crested Butte
Breaker Boys (12-13)
1. Tom Underwood, Gunnison

Youth Men (14-15)
1. Beecher Cooney, Telluride
2. Josh Gallen, Flagstaff, Ariz.
3. Andres Adamich, Gunnison

Master Men (30-39)
1. Andrew Adamich, Gunnison

Slalom Race 2
1. Grommet Boys (8-9)
2. Kevin Healey, Crested Butte
3. Levi Parr, Crested Butte
4. Josiah Tunkey, Crested Butte

Menehune Girls (10-11)
1. Nora Healey, Crested Butte

Menehune Boys (10-11)
1. Cameron Pool, Frisco, Colo.
2. Thomas Taaca, Crested Butte
3. Lucas Foster, Telluride
4. Ben Vermillion, Crested Butte
5. Izzac Nixon, Montrose
6. Garrett Pierson, Crested Butte

Breaker Girls (12-13)
1. Colleen Healey, Crested Butte
2. Katie Pool, Frisco, Colo.
3. Bailey Pierson, Crested Butte

Breaker Boys (12-13)
1. Tom Underwood, Gunnison

Youth Men (14-15)
1. Beecher Cooney, Telluride
2. Josh Gallen, Flagstaff, Ariz.
3. Andres Adamich, Gunnison

Master Men (30-39)
1. Andrew Adamich, Gunnison

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