School News

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
There will be no school on Monday, January 18, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.



No Skis on Bus
Now that the elementary ski program is about to start, parents are reminded that students may not transport skis, snowboards, and/or ski poles on the school buses. Please make other arrangements to get your child’s gear to school on his or her ski days. Thanks for your cooperation.

Old Rock Library Winners
All 9th and 10th graders with a current library card at the public library were entered in their recent drawing. The names were chosen and Olivia Bray, Abby Whiting, and Cal Fenerty are the lucky winners and have prizes waiting for them at the Old Rock Library. Next month, anyone who’s checked out a book since the first of this year will be entered, so get on over to the library and select a book!

Report Cards
First semester ends on Fri., January 15 and report cards will be going out in the mail soon afterwards. Please check with your student to make sure that all fines and fees have been paid, uniforms returned, books brought back, etc., so that we may send out his/her report card. Call the school if you have any questions.

Student Health Fair
The student health fair will be offered for students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and all new and Resource students, on January 21-22 in the media center. We are desperate for volunteers to help with the Health Fair! If you are able to donate any time at all, it would be much appreciated. Please contact Dawn Helman at 641-7710, ext. 5009 to volunteer. Thanks for your help.

Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Happy New Year! Next Thursday, January 21 is the next Staff Appreciation Luncheon. Please have your dish to the teachers lounge between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. (if we can spread it out everyone gets something yummy!). Collette could use extra help with cleanup this month as she won’t be able to get there until after 3 p.m. Remember to label your plates/utensils/etc., you want back and pick them up as soon as possible. RSVP to [email protected] and let her know what you can bring. Thanks again everybody for making this a special day for the staff!

Final Exams
The week of January 11 is the last week of the semester, and HS students will be on a final exam schedule. Of particular importance is the change in dismissal time on Wednesday, January 13 and Friday, January 15. On both of these days, HS students will be dismissed at 12:17 p.m. Students have been given a copy of their schedule. which must be signed by parents and returned ASAP.

Helmets for Children
Thomas P. Moore, M.D., Ph.D. at Rocky Mountain Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Clinic will provide free ski and snowboard helmets to children in need of helmets this year. If your child is in need of a helmet, please talk with his or her teacher to get more information.

GCEA Scholarship
Gunnison County Electric Association scholarship is available to dependents of GCEA. The deadline is February 2. See Jennifer for an application.

Colorado Masons Scholarship
Money is available for students going to college or vocational school in Colorado. Financial need considered. Interview required. The deadline is March 1.

Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarships
Scholarships are available for history, nursing, and teaching. The deadline is January 15. See Jennifer for an application.

Best Buy Scholarship
Students in grades 9-12 are eligible. Factors considered include grades, community service, and work. The deadline is February 15.

Attention Junior Parents

Students were recently given a letter about junior meetings and ACT/SAT registration. Please review this letter and call the counseling office to set up your individual junior meeting.

Sophomore Night
Sophomore Info Night will be February 16 and 17 at 6 p.m. at CBCS. Every sophomore and his/her parent should attend one session. RSVP to 641-7720.

Athletic Schedules
HS Basketball: Fri., January 15: Crested Butte vs Aguilar at Crested Butte, (V only), at 6 & 7:30 p.m. Thurs., January 21: Crested Butte at Primero (JV Boys and V boys and girls, at 4, 5:30, 7 p.m. Fri., January 22: Crested Butte at Holy Trinity (V only) at 5, 6:30 p.m.
MS Girls Basketball: Thurs., January 14: Crested Butte 7th & 8th vs Delta 8th B&A at Delta at 4 p.m. Sat., January 16: Crested Butte 7th vs TBD (2 games) at 8 a.m. at Olathe. Sat., January 16: Crested Butte 8th vs TBD (2 games) at Centennial at 8 a.m. Tues., January 19: Crested Butte 8th vs Centennial 8th B at Crested Butte at 4 p.m.

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