Skier sleekness, “Secret” workshop at Body, Mind and Spirit

Classes to sooth and tone skiers and a Self Empowerment and the Law of Attraction Workshop on the Secret Behind the Secret are featured this week in the Spirit, Mind & Body 2010 Winter Series. Saturday, January 16 from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m., relax and soothe sore muscles due to all types of winter skiing in the Ape’s Ski class at the Yoga for the Peaceful Studio, 114 Elk Avenue. This gentle yoga class will give your body what it needs to be ready to hit the slopes and terrain in the days ahead.
Also at the Yoga for the Peaceful Studio, the Yoga for Skiers class on Monday, January 18 from 5 to 6:15 p.m. is designed for winter sport aficionados dealing with tight hips, hamstrings, lower back, shoulder, and knee therapeutics. The use of all over body balancing postures will give you that extra edge for the next powder day. For more information about both yoga classes, call Monica at 349-0302.
If yoga is not your thing, the Active Isolated Stretching class for Skiers may be the choice for you. This free class, taught by Bill Smith on Wednesday, January 20 from 8 to 9 a.m. at the Union Congregational Church, 403 Maroon Avenue, will improve flexibility and balance, which improves your downhill or Nordic skiing. Plus it prevents injuries and can address chronic pain. Call Bill at 349-5664 for more information about Active Stretching and other classes.
Millions saw the DVD “The Secret” and read the book, but many thought it too materialistic and simplistic. In the Self Empowerment and the Law of Attraction Workshop on the Secret Behind the Secret, view the clip from the “Secret” of Morris Goodman as he recovers from injuries after crashing his airplane in 1981. Told he would never walk, speak, or function normally again, he now travels the world inspiring and uplifting thousands with his astounding story. How he was able to heal exemplifies the depth and discipline required to make real the “simple” concept that you attract your reality. Bring a dish to share for the potluck, discuss the premises and learn process. Call 349-6464 for more information about this workshop held at the Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce, 601 Elk Avenue from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Monday, January 18.

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