Going all out for Mardi Gras

To the Editor:
This is a huge thank you from Crested Butte Mountain Theatre to so many fantastic individuals who made Mardi Gras 2010 happen.



First to Monica Carter who rallied to Mark Reaman’s call for the resurrection of Mardi Gras, and donated $500 to cover permits and fees, and also to Jamie Walton of trailsource.com, who covered all insurance and clean-up costs. With those donations in hand CBMT was able to proceed.
The Town of Crested Butte merits big recognition for going out of their way to help ensure the success of Mardi Gras 2010, and also the Marshal’s Office for watching over the crowds and keeping them safe, and The Mountain Express for adjusting their schedule and route.
Andrew Hadley spurred the effort to collect donations from several bars and restaurants and other business along Elk Avenue so that a substantial cash prize could be awarded to the best floats in the parade.
There were several notable floats that put smiles on the faces of the hundreds of spectators. Their efforts were greatly appreciated, and it is hoped they will return for a spectacular Mardi Gras in 2011.
There was a tie for the first place award for best float. Jay Nelson won for the sensational silver “Alien Disco on the Mothership,” which was piloted by the JKrewe, definitely claiming to be the Krewe who had the most fun. (They also did an excellent job on the post-parade clean-up!)
Sharing the first place award was the death-defying ring-of-fire flat-bed ski-jumping Alan Bernholtz, who thrilled the crowds lining Elk Avenue with his breath-taking athletic daring and prowess.
Honorable mention and $50 each goes to the Adaptive Sports “On the Beach” warm weather float and to Tony Wildman’s “Boiling Gumbo Pot.” Back in the Mallardi Cabaret Theatre there were several simmering crock-pots full of a variety of gumbos, and the aroma wafted down the stairs and into the street. By the time the last float passed by the line for gumbo tasting-tickets was out the door.
Lee Dickelman of the Paradise Café donated some amazing decorations and numerous cases of authentic New Orleans brew to accompany the dazzling array of gumbos (gumbi?). Kyleena Graceffa of the Lobar and The Secret Stash supplied several very special T-shirts as extra prizes.
All the tasters voted with a ticket for their personal favorite, and for his smokey duck and andouille creation, Andrew Hadley was the first place choice by numerous votes. Trea won second place for a great “gator gumbo,” and Josephine of Creative Catering took the third place prize for another flavorsome seafood creation. Honorable mention went to Christel Yehle, and she won a T-shirt too!
Some of the competitors were anonymous, but among those who contributed gumbos were: Mike Marchitelli, Loree Weisman, Felicia Alleman, Jessica Broussard, Aimee Macarak, and Mandy Sciortino.
The cash prizes for best float were achieved through donations from Kochevar’s, The Eldo, Studio West, Ryce, Talk of the Town, Maxwell’s Mountain Spirits, The Timberline Restaurant, The Brick Oven Pizzeria, the Ginger Café, McGill’s, The Sunflower, The Last Steep, The Bacchanale, Teocalli Tamale, and The Princess.
With a background selection of rollicking Cajun tunes, and the cozy atmosphere of a family friendly bistro, the Mallardi Cabaret was transformed into an intimate corner of New Orleans. With gratitude and best wishes to everybody who made Mardi Gras 2010 a spectacular success!

Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Bond
Managing Director
Crested Butte Mountain Theatre

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