Pilates, yoga, love—all at Spirit, Mind & Body

This week the Spirit, Mind & Body 2010 Winter Series features Reiki demonstrations, an Unconditional Love workshop and Vital Roots Yoga, Pilates for Skiers and Active Isolated Stretching for Well Being at Any Age classes.



From 3 to 5 p.m. at the Well Being Studio, 303 Belleview, Suite 3C, on Thursday, February 25, master Reiki teachers will be available to give sample Energy Sessions. Leading medical research institutions including Harvard, Duke and Scripps now use stress reducing techniques in their health care programs. Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Reiki and other forms of energy work have been documented to lessen pain and hasten healing because of their relaxing affect.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of “energy medicine.” As the practitioner holds the vision of well being and applies a traditional series of light touches to the crown, heart, solar plexus and limbs, the client is soothed into a resistant-free state, allowing the body and psyche to do its own healing. Come experience the delight and therapeutic affects of a session. For more information, call 349-6464.
Monday, March 1 from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. at the Yoga for the Peaceful Studio, 114 Elk Avenue is a Vital Roots yoga class. This yoga is a set series of postures for those who wish to focus on alignment, core structure in a warm room, which is inspired by the Bikram style of yoga. Call Trish at 349-0302 for background information.
Monday night, March 1, 6:30 p.m. upstairs at the Chamber of Commerce at 601 Elk Avenue is the Choosing Unconditional Love Workshop. Most of us live lives of conditional love, loving when the behavior or condition suits us. To love no matter the outer conditions is a spiritual practice. The practice does not mean liking or condoning what you do not like or feel is inappropriate. It is a practice that observes what is, acknowledges your feelings, and then bit by bit, thought by resonating thought, you move yourself on an emotional journey from disempowerment to empowerment, fear to trust, conditioned love to unconditioned love. Your emotions tell you when you are in harmony with your core essence of love and joy. Besides discussion there will be a short meditation, a video clip from a Law of Attraction workshop and handouts of techniques to experience unconditional love. For more information, call Barb Pachla at 209-5773.
Come on Tuesday, March 2, at 8:45 a.m. to learn stretching and losing techniques for ham strings and tight upper back muscles in Kenny Marks’ Pilates for Skiers class. “Pilates is one of the most well-balanced forms of exercise because it combines flexibility training with the benefits of weight lifting,” says Paula Newby-Fraser, winner of 23 triathlons. Ninety years ago Joseph Pilates developed a system of exercises that tap into the power of the mind-body connection. This workout regime features mat work and specially developed apparatus to build core strength and total body flexibility. Simple but elegant floor exercises and Pilates’ machine work encourage core muscles to lengthen and strengthen, lending grace and power to all your movements. The class will be held at the Western Pilates Studio, 214 6th Street (Ore Bucket Building). Call Kenny at 596-1714 for more details.
By following the Active Isolated Stretching protocol, flexibility is restored, adhesions between muscles break down, muscle spasms are reduced and the lymph system circulation is improved. “Limitations that I’d attributed to the inevitable effects of aging simply disappeared when practicing Active Isolated Stretching,” writes Ben Benjamin, Ph.D., author of Listen to Your Pain. “It’s so true—declines in flexibility are not inevitable because of aging. You can indeed feel younger again,” says Bill Smith, Certified Neuromuscular Therapist and ACE Certified Personal Trainer.
Come experience how at the Wednesday, March 3, 8:00 a.m. AIS Well Being At Any Age class at the Union Congregational Church, 403 Maroon Avenue. Please use the 4th St. entrance and bring a mat and a blanket to this by-donation class. Attention will be given to full body stretching to help tone the whole body. Call Bill at 349-2766 for more information.

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