School News

Immunization Update

Immunization Update: A TDAP vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) is required for all students in grades 6 through 12. This booster is recommended because teens are particularly susceptible to pertussis (whooping cough). If your student has already received the vaccine, please provide the office with documentation. Please use the rest of this school year and the summer to call your family physician or Public Health (641-0209) to update your child’s immunizations. Parents may choose exemption for medical, religious, or personal reasons. Please come to the office to sign an exemption form if you do not wish for your child to receive the vaccine. Contact Dawn Helman BSRN with questions at 641-7710, ext. 5009.

MS/HS Spanish Conversation Class

The free MS/HS Spanish conversation class is happening on Tuesday, March 30, from 3:45 to 4:15 p.m. in Sra. Heather’s room. This program is sponsored by Crested Butte Enrichment Committee.


Lost And Found

Please check the Lost and Found for missing items. We are overflowing! All items will be removed from the school during spring break and will be gone forever!


Class Pictures

Class pictures will be taken on Tuesday, March 30, in the morning. Information and order forms will be sent home as soon as they are available.


Talent Show

Sign up sheets are available for the annual all-school talent show, Thursday, April 1, at 5 p.m. There is a $5 sign up fee per act. Parents and community folks are invited to attend; admission is $3 per adult and $1 per student. Remember: all acts and costumes must be school-appropriate.


Babysitting Night Is Back, March 26

The CBCS Middle School Band is holding a babysitting fundraiser at the school on March 26 from 5 to 9 a.m. Drop your children off at the school for a night on the town. We will have games, movies, snacks and activities. Ages 4 through 9: all children must be potty trained; $8 for one child per hour; $12 per hour for two children from the same household; $15 per hour for three or more children from the same household. Please call Ms. Thompson at 641-7720, ext. 6312 to make a reservation.


PTA-Sponsored Cell Phone Drive

CBCS PTA is having a cell phone drive to raise funds to support our school and we are asking for your help. Unlike other fund raising projects, there are no products to buy and distribute. All we are asking is that you donate any unused cell phones that you have at home. Also, if you know of any businesses that provide cell phones to employees, please ask if there are unwanted cell phones they would like to donate. We don’t need the chargers or accessories. There is no cost to the school to participate in this program, so 100 percent of the proceeds will benefit the school. The drive will continue to April 23. Help us out by dropping off your unused cell phones to the school office and depositing them into the box. Thanks for your support! CBCS PTA.


Nordic Equipment

Parents, Please note that Nordic equipment from the Nordic Center is free for elementary students!


Missing Hoodie

Someone “borrowed” a brand new red “Carolina” hoodie from the girl’s locker room about three weeks ago. It belongs to a high school student who would like to have it back. At the time, the student just thought someone was cold and wanted to use it to run in; however, it would seem “someone” has taken a real liking to the red “Carolina” hoodie. If you have forgotten to return the hoodie, please do so ASAP. You may return it to the office. Thanks.


Staff Appreciation Luncheon

This Thursday, March 25 is the next staff appreciation luncheon. Call Colette at 349-0234 or email her at [email protected] and give her an idea of what you can bring. She will also need help with cleanup beginning about 2:30 the same day. Remember to label your things to make sure you get them back (you do not have to bring serving utensils). The teachers come in groups beginning at 11 a.m. and end with the high school staff eating just after 1 p.m. If you can stagger the foods according to whom you would like to get your offerings that would be helpful (sometimes there is nothing left for the later groups).I so appreciate all your help this year!


Library Prizes

Reminder—all 9th and 10th graders are encouraged to come to the Old Rock Library and check out a book, to be entered into the drawing for beanies from the Colorado Boarder. Drawing held March 31. Do not dally! Just c’mon in and we’ll help you find what you want to read!


Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship for 2011-2012

Competitive academic scholarships are available for young adults who are U.S. citizens with a minimum of two years of college, or a high school degree and two years of work experience. This is a $26,000 award to be used for studying abroad for approximately nine months. Study programs are available in 70 countries where Rotary has a presence. Application process is lengthy and deadline is April 25. Interviews will be held in Edwards May 22-23, 2010. Recent Ambassadorial Scholar Christie Renner will give a presentation on her Chile experience at the April 21 Rotary breakfast meeting. For more information, email [email protected] or or call Kay Gentry at 349-5755.


Gunnison County Education Assoc. Scholarship

Scholarship for a senior entering the field of education. The deadline is April 1. See Jennifer for an application.


Gunnison Savings & Loan Scholarship

Members of the association are preferred. Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. The deadline is April 2. See the office for an application.


Gunnison Elks Scholarship

Financial need is considered. The deadline is April 5. See the office for an application.


Rotary Club Scholarship

Scholarship is available to local seniors. The deadline is April 9. See a counselor for an application.


Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship

Scholarship available for a young woman pursuing a career in education. The deadline is April 16. See Jennifer for an application.


Basketball Scholarship

Delta Montrose Basketball Officials Assoc. scholarship available for senior basketball players. The deadline is April 16. See office for an application.


Track Schedules

Saturday, March 27: HS Track, Mickey Dunn Invitational in Grand Junction.

Saturday, April 3: HS Track, Cedaredge Invitational in Cedaredge at 8:30 a.m.

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