“Farewell my Beloved Queendom”

Dearest Buttians:
As many of you know I recently moved from our oasis in the mountains to the suburbs of Denver to go back to school. Even as I move forward with my personal goals I miss Crested Butte everyday and in every way. And it is for that reason that I just could not miss Soul Train Night.



It was yet another fabulous year! KBUT staff and volunteers did a great job making the LoBar look more like Studio 54, locals were decked out in the best Soul Train attire and, as usual, DJ LLL had the party moving with fabulous disco funk. I want to thank everyone for coming out year after year—folks like Nina, Sarah, Tanya, Kiki, and Jeannie—and tearing up the dance floor all night.
This year it was time for me to give up my crown. We had to choose a new queen, a queen qualified to rule with fairness and funk. We watched over the dance floor all night to see which ladies were giving it their all… ladies with not only a great costume, but a great attitude. Ladies drenched in sweat from shakin’ and groovn’ all night… we needed that person that embodied all that Soul Train Night is! We found her! I hope you all will give a disco fabulous welcome to your new Queen—Ms. Trainwreck (Stephanie White)! TW has been part of what makes Soul Train Night great for many years. Just ask to peek at her Soul Train photo albums the next time you see her.
So now this Queen can rest easy, knowing that the crown has been passed on to a soulful Buttian with great hips and a wild hair for all things seventies. Welcome Trainwreck to your new rule! And to everyone else in Crested Butte, I will miss you terribly, but I will see you next year at Soul Train Night!

Princess of Darkness
(aka Felicia Hermosillo)

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