Council learns about new WM recycling plan

 “We’re listening to the people”

The town of Crested Butte’s trash contractor got the council excited Monday night. During the regular Town Council meeting representatives of Waste Management (WM) discussed recent recycling improvements by the company with the council members.



Joy Henning of WM told the council the company was now collecting plastics with labels 1 through 7 in the valley. Until recently, the company had been collecting and recycling plastics 1 and 2. “We are trying to make a better recycling plan for the community,” Henning said.
“This is exciting,” said Councilperson Dan Escalante. “I got a text from a friend while I was camping this weekend when he heard. This is great.”
Mayor Leah Williams shared in the excitement. “We carry those recyclables to Denver regularly,” she said. “You have made my husband super-excited.”
WM representatives Stephanie Warner and Ken Stevens explained the scope of the expansion. Stevens even went Dumpster-diving in town before the meeting to show the council what type of plastic containers would now be recycled.
The containers included certain types of egg cartons, yogurt containers, syrup bottles and butter containers. Even prescription bottles could now be recycled, according to Stevens. “We are trying real hard to find alternative markets,” he said.
“I am thrilled Waste Management is listening to the people,” said Warner. “Expanding this program shows that the company is listening.”
Warner and Henning said plastics and glass could be comingled but should be as clean as possible. Cardboard, paper products, catalogues along with fiber containers like cereal boxes could be kept together but separated from the plastic and glass. WM cannot take any cardboard that keeps food cold or frozen, like lasagna boxes and six-pack beer holders.
Councilperson Jim Schmidt reminded everyone that it is best to put out recyclables the day of collection. “Our furry friends the bears probably like yogurt cups too,” he said. No one disagreed with that astute assessment of hungry Crested Butte wildlife.
Henning said people can find more details on what and how to recycle in the valley by going to the website at

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