Many thanks from Crested Butte South P.O.A.

To the Editor:
The Crested Butte South P.O.A. would like to extend a huge “thank you” to all those that donated their time, money, materials and equipment, and labor in 2009/2010 for the following:
2009/2010 Crested Butte South Rink Sponsors: Adam Chater Design, Inc (ADC), All Sports Replay, Alpengardener, Alpine Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, Altitude Auto, Inc., Buckhorn Geotech, Crested Butte Bank–Gunnison Bank & Trust, Crested Butte South Metro District, Crested Butte Electrical, Crested Butte Preferred Properties Diamond Blue Pool & Spa, Eagle Sales of Crested Butte, Flatiron Sports, Gardner Painting, Great Blue Heron, Inc., Gunnison Valley Disposal, Henning Electrical, Higher Ground Builders, LLC, JCI, Lacy Construction, Last Steep, Little Red Schoolhouse, Midget Hockey/East River Skating Association, Mt. Emmons Moly Company, Red Mountain Liquors, Remax/Rachael Baskfield, Renick Wood Floors, Rocky Mountain Trees & Landscaping, Inc., Sign Guys & Gal, Summit Construction, and Wright Angle Construction.
2009/2010 Crested Butte South Nordic Skiing Sponsors: Spann Ranches, Inc., Crested Butte South Metro District, Kieth “Snowcat” Henning, Graham “Flying Cracker” Ullrich, Roger & Corinne Cram, Kevin & Sonda Donovan, Kirk & Mary Haskell, Fitz & Kerry Young, Bill & Jane Chaney, Charley & Angela Dumas, Scott & Kara Miller, Eliane Wissocq & John mark Ventimiglia, and Fran & Diana Wickenhauser.
 2010 Crested Butte South Community Garden Sponsors: Rocky Mountain Trees & Landscaping, Inc., Crested Butte South Metro District, Paul Merck, Alpenglow Woodworks, and Bill Lacy.
2009/2010 Crested Butte South “Ice Making” Volunteers: Mark Goldberg, Robert Brodie, James Brennan, Dan Marshall, Josh Bock, Duane Johnson, Norman Whitehead, and Rick Ems and the CBFPD.
2009/2010 Nordic Grooming Volunteers: Kirk Haskell, Jason “Smash” Stubbe, Keith “I’ll be there” Henning, Al Smith, Graham “GPS Man” Ullrich.
2010 Crested Butte South Community Garden Volunteers: Angie Kray, Cathy Frank, Jessica Rutherford, Virginia Roark, Joan Ham, Pat Del Tredici, Dawn Howe, Amelia Rutherford.
2010 “Ballot” Volunteers: Kirk Haskell, Wythina Smith, Duane Johnson, Murphy Smith, Ali Smith, Cathy Frank, Angie Kray.
And George Hayes for your help with the Crested Butte South Ball Field.
And Al Smith, Jim Cerio, Elijah Valencia, and Pete (sorry we don’t know your last name) for your help with our new Half-Pipe.
Thank you all very much. Your donations and volunteerism have literally been enjoyed by thousands of Crested Butte South Residents and guests—and continue to help make our community a great one!
Many, many thanks!
Chris Behan and the Crested Butte South Property Owners Association

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