What a great couple of events

Dear Community:
Wow, what a great Fat Tire Bike Week and July 4th! Neither of these events would have been possible without the help and support of a lot of individuals and organizations. I would like to take this opportunity to humbly thank them all:
The Town of Mt Crested Butte, Crested Butte Mountain Resort, and the Mt. Crested Butte Town Center Community Association for their financial support in making the Karl Denson concert possible, FTBW co-organizers Drew Cesati, Allison Yeary, and Rob Strickland, Fat Tire 40 maestro Dave Ochs (giddy up!), Aaron Huckstep, Dana Allen, Ben and Michele Preston, and Dodson Harper of the Chainless Committee (these folks worked their tails off and put on the BEST Chainless ever), all of the amazing Lifeline Volunteers, all of the Fat Tire 40 and Chainless volunteers, Alpine Orthopedics, Buck Mayall and Rim Tours, Crested Butte Mountain Resort (for the great venues, media lodging, and event staffing), Glo Cunningham and the museum staff, Don Cook, Kay Peterson, Kent and Katie Eriksen, Donita’s, Dave Weins, Ethan Mueller, Daren Cole, Andy Eflin, the Towns of Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte (for all kinds of support and help), Jeff Whiteside, Debbie Gillman, Seann Cowling, Kerrie Ashbeck, Kristen Van Hoesen and Family, Alpine Lumber, Lacy Construction, the Lobar, Pemba Sherpa, the Dogwood, the Brick Oven, Richard Bond, Greg Hunt, Tony Veit, Bryan Turpin, Ron Pelinski, Dave Clayton, Acli-Mate, KBUT, New Belgium, Than Acuff, Dennis Hall, the Gas Café, Big Al’s, Black Tie Ski Rentals, all of the Chainless sponsors, the Mountain States Cup, Chuck Donnelly, Brian Riepe, Christian Robertson, Laci Wright, Annie Dyar, Kurt Kinscherf, Dr. Scott Drum and the HAP Lab, Crested Butte Mountain Guides, Alison Gannett, the Adaptive Sports Center, Trek, Specialized, Josh Borgemeyer, Squirt Lube, Yakima Racks, Matti Brown and Blackline Entertainment, Todd Bogart and Full Circle Presents, Susan Gellert and the Crested Butte Music Festival, Kevin McGruther and the Crested Butte Farmers’ Market, Tom Martin, Hank Smith, Ted Connor, and the rest of the Marshals from both towns, Event Marketing Group, Rodney Due and all of Public Works, Pepe Valian and crew, Joe Fitzpatrick, Jake Jones and all of the Crested Butte Parks and Rec folk, Mt. Crested Butte Parks and Rec, Mountain Khakis, Kuhl clothing, Beth Buehler, Jane Chaney, the Tourism Association, Mike Wirth and Titus Cycles, July 4th traffic directors Jim Guzzi and Barbara, William Buck and Buck Mountain Security, Alpine Pots, Kent Eriksen Cycles, Jayson Simon Jones, Taylor Anderson, Andrew Mungul, Aubrey Metts, Katie Mueller, all of the parade participants, Mike Horn and Stokelab, Yoga for the Peaceful, the Blythe Group, Jen Taylor, Rusty Spinney, Susan Parker, Xavi Fane, John Chandler and everyone with CBMBA, the Forest Service, Gunnison County, Chris Larsen and the Mountain Express, Ric Ems and the CBFPD, Dr. Moore, Heather Still (my wonderful wife), Lisa Lenander, the July 4th Food Court participants, Frida and the Radio Shack crew, Crested Butte EMS, Carmen Bell, and Gothic Mountain Waste.
Again, a huge thanks to you all!

Scott Still
Visitor Center/Events Manager
Crested Butte/Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce

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