The Gadfly: Enjoy the Mine

Sometimes I read things that make me so incredulous I can’t even muster a response. No, check that. It’s not that I can’t, it’s that I’m unwilling to remove the required years from my lifespan in order to do so. I read them, my blood begins to boil, my fists clench, my eyes spit fire, and I am then forced to return home to properly medicate my rage condition. Then, after some Bob Marley and some Sour D, I can begin to formulate a response free from f-bombs, while also keeping the drywall in my home intact. I am sure that Wells Fargo appreciates this, since it will soon be their drywall.


 Chuck Shaw and FOSM claims that “winter tourism overall accounts for 6 percent of Gunnison County’s total economy.” Of course, “since alpine skiing is only one component of winter tourism, it generates less than 6 percent of the county’s economy.” Really, Chuck? Did you really just go on record as saying that?
I’m no economist. I wasn’t even a business major. Or a recreation major, for that matter, although I’m pretty sure I got enough elective credits in that area to have received a Ph.D. My educational background being what it is, I am still pretty good at deciphering bull**** when I see it. Alpine skiing is responsible for less than 6 percent of the county’s total economy? Let’s run the numbers.
Gunnison’s a big county. One of the largest, square-mile wise, in Colorado. It’s understandable that our little resort doesn’t generate a lot of revenue for Marble. But guess what? I don’t live in Marble. I live in Crested Butte (sort of) (for now). I’m not so concerned about the economic viability of the Marble economy. I am concerned about the economic viability of the greater Crested Butte metroplex, though, seeing that I’m neither a trustafarian nor a retiree.
Crested Butte is, as far as I can tell, just about the only ski resort town I know of that generates bigger numbers in the summer than in the winter. That being said, let’s, for the sake of easy math, split the revenue at 60/40. Of the 40 percent winter number, from whence comes the remaining 36 percent of our winter money? Snow removal (tourists need snow moved)? The fish hatchery (tourists like to fish)? The concrete plant (tourists use concrete to build homes here)? Oh, of course, the marble mine. Can you honestly tell me that 6 percent is an accurate figure? Tourism drives the economy at the north end of the Gunnison Valley, Mr. Numbers Guy. Do your numbers take into account the fact that the people who come here to ski also eat at the restaurants, and buy the tee-shirts and the groceries, and see the movies, and pay the taxes? It seems to me that if Crested Butte Mountain Resort ceased to exist, or at least continues on its present decline, the impact on our local economy would be far greater than 6 percent.
 And here’s another fact that your math succeeds in ignoring: a lot of the people who come here in the winter come back in the summer. I have talked to countless tourists on the lifts who marvel at the beauty of this place, and I tell them that if they think it’s pretty now, they should see it when the wildflowers are out. Apparently this is no secret, though, since we just had such a nice July. Wouldn’t it be great if we could take some of those summer folks and get them here during the winter? Wouldn’t a better ski product help to accomplish this? But hey, what the hell do I know, especially when it comes to staticulation?
I don’t like stupid people. I don’t like liars, either. Nor do I feel particularly warm and fuzzy toward people who try to impose their desired lifestyle and/or value set upon me. Lately, though, there seem to be an inordinate number of these people running rampant in this valley. Not mentioning any names or even insinuating such people but—Jeez, some county commissioners. Town Council members. “Concerned” citizens. All content to watch this place wither and die. Go ahead. Sit on your hands. Do nothing. Or, take a cue from Chuck and wage war against growth, progress, and prosperity. It all infuriates me, especially when I’m fed blatant bull**** like “6 percent” and told that it is fact. I think Chuck’s smarter than that. Or maybe he’s not. Either way, I don’t like what he’s spewing. My only solace lies in knowing that, when stricken with future bouts of rage, I will still be able to self-medicate when I am forced to live in Aspen or Tahoe.
Enjoy the mine, dummies.

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