Kid’s Calendar

•    1st Annual Kids Costume contest and Souper Supper:  Family Dinner and Fall Fun all for FREE!!  Saturday OCT. 23 AT QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS, 4 – 6 PM.  Delicious Soups, Salads, and DESSERTS donated by local restaurants!  Beer from The Eldo! Games & Prizes!  Fun for the Whole Family!  Donations Welcome and all Proceeds Benefit Paradise Place Preschool!



•    Create with Kelly at The Trailhead Children’s Discovery Museum!  Join Kelly, our resident artist, every Wednesday beginning at 10:00 a.m. for an outstanding, guided art activity.  All ages welcome.  Located in the Outpost Building next to the Adventure Park at the base of the ski area in Mt. CB.  Open Wednesday – Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  970-349-7160.
•    Enrichment Programs for Kindergartners at The Trailhead Children’s Discovery Museum:  Ay Mateys!  The Trailhead is now enrolling for the upcoming High Seas Adventure, a 6 week program from November 3 – December 15.  Offering morning and afternoon half-day sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  (No sessions the week of Thanksgiving).  Please contact The Trailhead for pricing, transportation details, and more info.  970-349-7160.  [email protected].
•    Half-Day Art Enrichment Program for 4 and 5 year olds:  4 and 5 year old Pre-K and Half-Day Kindergarten students LOVE The Studio Art School’s Little Innovators Program.  Students explore, create, learn, and grow in an environment designed to stimulate creativity and build confidence.  Class focuses on exploration of all types of art mediums, discovery of the creative self, and instilling a can-do attitude through problem solving and perseverance.   In addition to visual art; music, literature, science, and movement are also incorporated.  Fridays beginning October 22 from 9am to noon.  Call 349-2799 to enroll or visit for more info.  
•    Local Foods Feast and Harvest Festival:  Celebrate the harvest and good old-fashioned fun at the first annual Harvest Festival. Activities include a petting zoo, hayride, pumpkin painting, sack races, tug-o-war, square dancing, storytelling, costume contest, bicycle jousting, Native American music and crafts. Live music all day, delicious local foods prepared by local chefs, and local beer and wine.  Brought to you by Paradise Food Project Farm-to-School and the Trailhead.  Sunday Oct 24, 11a.m.- 4 p.m., Mt. Crested Butte Base Area. $5 entry.
•    New New New Storytimes at the Old Rock Library!  Mondays AND Fridays at 10:30 for ages 3 and up, and continuing Wednesdays at 11:15 for babies and toddlers. Library storytimes will highlight the 6 early literacy skills recommended by the American Library Association, as well as incorporate titles from the Children’s Book List by the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. All this means is that it’s going to be fun!  See you there! Call 349-6535 for more information.”
•    The Old Rock Library’s FREE After School Science Program for kids in grades 1-5 continues every Wednesday from 3:45-4:45 p.m., with the following upcoming themes:  Oct. 27 To be determined, but we’ll be here!  Nov. 3 Snow/Water Cycle.  Nov. 10 Animal Autographs.  Please call Jen at the library at 349-6535 for more information.
•    After School KIDS PAINT Program!  This fall, The Pottery Place is offering complimentary beverages and snacks to kids who come in after school to paint pottery.  Starting directly after school M-F, kids ages 5 and up are invited to snack, socialize, and get creative painting pottery with artistic guidance from our staff.  Supervision and instruction is provided, and parents need not be present.  There is no additional cost for this program beyond the price of the chosen pottery pieces painted.  Call 349-2799 for more info.

If you would like to include your kids’ event or announcement in the calendar free of charge, please contact Melissa Neuner at [email protected] by Monday morning at 11am to be included in that Thursday’s edition of the paper.  

Calendar compiled by The Studio Art School and The Pottery Place, offering art and writing classes and workshops for kids and adults.  Located at 502 Belleview in Clark’s Market shopping center.

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