School News

Girl Scouts Food Drive
The Girl Scouts (juniors) will be doing a food drive through December 1. Any nonperishable food can be dropped at the designated boxes throughout the school. The Girl Scouts will take it to the food bank to distribute in December.



Meds at School
We are not permitted to administer any medication to students without prior parental approval or instruction. The only meds that may be administered during the school day are those that a parent has brought in and that include written instruction from the parent. We will not make phone calls home for verbal permission, but will be happy to keep medication for your child in the nurse’s office and make it available for him/her when needed. Thanks for your cooperation.

Daisy Girl Scout Troop Starting
Who May Join: Girls in kindergarten and first grade are eligible to join. When: The first and third Thursdays of each month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the CBCS elementary gym, starting November 18. If your child is interested in joining Daisy Girl Scouts, please send and email to Teresa Heitz at [email protected]. We also need a troop co-leader—even a once a month commitment would help.

End of the Quarter
Friday, November 5, was the end of the first quarter… already! Report cards should be mailed out or put in elementary students’ folders soon. Please be certain that all library books have been returned, all fees and fines, (including athletics), have been paid, uniforms returned etc., etc., so that your child will receive his/her report card.

Spanish Conversation Group
The Spanish Conversation Group will from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the library the second Tuesday of each month. This group is open to all interested 6th to 12th graders and is organized and funded by the CBCS Enrichment Program. Please call Kristen Tobiassen at 641- 7720, ext. 6325 if you have any questions.

Thank You from the Librarian
A huge thank you to all for making the 2010 Scholastic Bookfair a success! And more good news— we have received many overdue books from the present year and years past. If you have library books, please return them so that others may enjoy them too. As always, late fees do not apply.
Thank you, CBCS Library

Thanksgiving Holiday
School will be closed from Wednesday, November 24 through Friday, November 26, so that families may celebrate Thanksgiving together. If you plan to take your child out of school earlier or return later, please let us know in the office. Have a wonderful holiday!

Tardies, Tardies and More Tardies
We want parents to know that there are numerous tardies throughout the day by several of our students. This is extremely disruptive to the classroom learning environment and has become very frustrating for teachers and office staff. Students may not realize how disrespectful tardies are. In an effort to curtail this behavior, we are asking parents to speak to their children and encourage them to “get to class on time,” as punctuality is a positive life skill. Participation and citizenship grades are greatly affected by tardies.

Old Rock Library Science Program
The Old Rock Library’s After School Science Program for kids in grades 1-5 continues. This week’s topic on November 10 was Animal Autographs with the NPS. Join us on Wednesdays from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. at the library! Free!

Opportunity for Juniors
GCEA will select four juniors in their service territory for opportunities next summer. The Youth Tour is a leadership trip to Washington, D.C., and the Youth Camp is a leadership program in Steamboat. See counseling office for application. The deadline is December 27.

Athletic Schedules
MS Boys Basketball:, Thursday, November 11: Crested Butte 7th B vs Columbine 7th B at Crested Butte at 4 p.m.
Monday, November 15: Crested Butte vs Gunnison 7th A, B & 8th at Crested Butte at 4 and 5 p.m.

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