Dead Off

“ Like two drags fighting over a pair of pasties”

Dead Head Ed and Vinny Rossignol had a Grateful Dead ultimate throw down on the Mountain Express last Sunday that was a sight to behold.  Ed brought out the collection of vintage tapes that he only plays for his dog Rita.  He started out with a classic Wier drums to set the mood but Vinny was not impressed.  He decided to throw down strong with a medley of China cat, Cosmic Charlie and Sugar Magnolia.  It’s true that starting with such an amazing set would blow the doors of anyone’s soul but Ed was unfazed.  “China Cat?  That’s what you call classic Dead.  I’ll wipe my floor with your China Cat!”.  “You’ve never even been to San Francisco,” Vinny replied.  The gauntlet had been thrown.  It was a match-up like no one riding the bus had ever seen before.  Grateful Dead paraphernalia was strewn about.  The only participant of Gay Ski Week that happened to be riding the bus that afternoon said it looked liked, “two drag queens fighting over a pair of pasties.”
In the end, Ed and Vinny had to call a tie since neither one of them had listened to all of the music in their collection.  “I just have so many recordings,” Vinny said, “I’m still mulling over Sacramento Memorial Auditorium ’79.”  “How am I supposed to have a thorough throwdown with so many shows missing from my repertoire,” Ed replied.  Both parties promised to meet on the 12:15 bus next April 1st for a rematch. 

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