School News

Bradley Santelli: All A’s
Bradley Santelli’s grades on the first semester honor roll were recorded incorrectly. Bradley earned ALL A’s both for second quarter and first semester honor roll. Congratulations Bradley—our apologies for the error.
CSAP Exams will be March 14-17
Please avoid any unnecessary absences for students in grades 3 through 10. All missed exams must be made up. Please try to be here every day! In addition, the CBCS kitchen staff will be offering “super brain foods” to aid our students in doing the best they possibly can on their CSAPs.

Kindergarten Registration
Registration for next year’s kindergarten class will be held on Thursday, March 3, from 8 to 10 a.m. in the MPR. Parents should bring copies of immunization records and birth certificates, but it is not necessary to bring your child. Children who are 5 years old by September 30 are eligible to register. Early entrance applications for “highly advanced gifted children” are available through the school principal or on the gifted education page of the district website and must be completed by April 1.

Crested Butte and Gunnison Dusk to Dawn Lock-In
The Crested Butte Youth Council presents, “CB & Gunny Dusk to Dawn Lock-in” on Friday, March 4, 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. at the Gunnison Rec Center. All Crested Butte and Gunnison high school students welcome. $5 entry includes t-shirt, food and awesome prizes. All proceeds go to Dr. Faktor’s Rwandan Relief Project. Awesome prizes from Freeskier, Flashflight, local restaurants and more. Activities include: swimming, underwater hockey, wii comps, dancing, karaoke, dodgeball, bingo, movies, climbing and billiards. Attendees under 18 must bring a parent/guardian signed waiver (available at the office or from CBYC members). Students without a signed waiver will not be allowed in. Bring a sleeping bag, swimming suit, towel; all food is provided. Need transportation from Crested Butte? There’s a 5:20 p.m. and 8:20 p.m. RTA bus ($2) from the Four-way Stop that drops off by the Rec Center with a return bus at 7:50 a.m. the following day. For more information, contact Brooke at [email protected] or call (970) 214-2917.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
K-12 Parent-teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, March 9-10, from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Parents of MS and HS students will visit with teachers in the cafeteria and MPR while parents of elem. students will meet in their child’s classroom. Sign up sheets for elem. conferences were sent home with student on February 28. Please complete and return these forms to your child’s teacher no later than March 3. Thank you.

Chess Club
Chess Club will be offered in Lisa Kirk’s room, D233 on Thursday, March 3, from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. for students in grades 2 through 6. Attendance will limited to 20 students. There is a sign-up sheet in the office.

Strings Program Performance
Join us on Thursday, March 10, for a performance by the After School Strings Program at Rumors at 5 p.m. The program is funded by the Crested Butte Music Festival and the CBCS Enrichment Program.

Award for Sophomore Girls
The Women’s Foundation of Colorado will honor sophomore girls for academics and community service. Apply at Deadline March 14.

RBC Wealth Management Scholarship
Scholarship for students studying science, math, or engineering. Deadline March 8. Application available at

Janice Scott Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship available for seniors with GPA of 3.0 and community service and extracurricular activities. Parent income must be less than $100,000. Deadline March 31. See counseling office for application.

Summer Health Career Institute
Free healthcare career exploration opportunity for 16- and 17-year-old students funded by the Colorado Trust. Deadline March 31. Application available at

Health Career Opportunity for Sophomores and Juniors
Colorado Rural Health Scholars is a competitive, FREE program for sophomores and juniors interested in healthcare careers. Deadline March 25. Application available in counseling office.

American Public Works Assoc. Scholarship
Scholarship for students considering a career in public works including biology, civil or structural engineering, drafting, construction, architecture, geology, GIS, surveying, etc. Deadline March 16. See counselor for application.

Rotary Scholarship
Scholarship available for CBCS seniors or Crested Butte home schooled seniors. Deadline April 8. In addition to the application an interview will be required on April 20, 21, 22 or 25. Application available at

Buick Achievers Scholarship
Scholarship for seniors majoring in science, technology, engineering, math, business, finance, marketing, or design with a career interest in the automotive industry. Deadline March 31. Application available at

Colorado County Clerks Assoc. Scholarship
Scholarship available for seniors with 3.25 GPA, interest in government, business or political science, and financial need. Deadline March 15. See counselor for application.

Gunnison Elks Lodge Scholarship
Financial need considered. Deadline March 12. See counselor for application.

Colorado Lions Foundation Scholarship
All Colorado graduating seniors are eligible. Deadline March18. Application available at

Elks Ladies of Gunnison Scholarship
Deadline April 4. Preference to students attending vocational training program. See counselor for application.

Colo. Insurance & Business Education Foundation Scholarship
Student must have minimum 2.5 GPA and major in business, finance, or related field. Deadline April 1. See counselor for application.

Gunnison County Education Association Scholarship
Scholarship available for students pursuing a career in the teaching field. Deadline April 1. See counselor for application.

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