Briefs Gunnison County

It’s that time: pass closures scheduled
In order to accommodate the hunting season and businesses that benefit from late fall visitors, Cottonwood pass will be closed no later than November 7. Weather conditions could close it sooner.



According to county public works director Marlene Crosby, Kebler Pass will remain open to Irwin forks until the Monday after Thanksgiving unless there is a major storm that makes the road unsafe. If there is a lot of snow in the trees just over the top of the pass, the county may close the rest of the road before it closes the Irwin section.

Bear Ranch deal struck

The Board of County Commissioners signed an agreement with Bear Ranch, LLC on October 18 that would give Gunnison County a permanent easement across a portion of Bear Ranch to construct the Crested Butte to Carbondale Trail, a non-motorized trail to the north of County Road 12, or Kebler Pass.
It is just one piece of an exchange that would give billionaire owner Bill Koch about 1,800 acres of land near Bear Ranch—an exchange Koch originally sought through a bill introduced by former U.S. Congressman John Salazar.
 In addition to the easement, Bear Ranch would convey approximately 911 acres of land south of Blue Mesa Reservoir known as Sapinero Mesa and an inholding known as Orchid Draw west of Dinosaur National Monument in Utah.
Bear Ranch would also acquire lands to create a public trailhead and re-route the motorized Spring Creek Trail, as well as a non-motorized single track trail from the Ragged Mountain Trail to Highway 133 and public access to BLM lands at Jumbo Mountain.
As part of the deal, the county agreed to support Bear Ranch’s efforts to get federal legislation introduced for the land exchange. But before signing the agreement, the commissioners sought assurances that they could withdraw support if any portion of the agreement was removed from official legislation.
“In my mind I can support it as is as long as it stays whole, but if the Congress of the United States starts messing around with this and lops off one of these components or another—i.e. the parallel trail, to be precise—then I am not a supporter anymore. I don’t want an agreement or letter to imply support for a condition that I don’t agree with,” Channell said.
Deputy county attorney Art Trezise reworded the agreement to reflect that change, with the support of Bear Ranch. In addition to signing the agreement, the commissioners signed a letter to congressional representatives urging the introduction of legislation.

Distinguished budget award
The Gunnison County finance office received the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for their 2011 budget. The award is given for high quality budget documents that benefit citizens and other groups with a vested interest in that budget.
“I just wanted to thank the finance staff but really acknowledge this an award for the whole county… It really took the work of everyone,” said county manager Matthew Birnie. “[The approach] used by the finance department gives us much better info with which to manage and [lets citizens] understand what results we’re buying with their money.”

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