School News

Fall Break
School will be closed for Fall Break from Monday, October 10, through Friday, October 14. Classes resume on Monday, October 17.

Book Fair
The Book Fair will run from Monday, October 3, to Friday morning, October 7. Parents may browse the book selections anytime during the day and during parent/teacher conferences until 7 p.m. on October 5 and 6.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, October 5 and 6, from 4 to 7 p.m. Conferences for elementary students will be in the student’s classroom and parents of secondary students should meet in the cafeteria/MPR. Parents are encouraged to attend.

Chess Club
The Enrichment Program is offering a chess club for students grades 3 through 6 on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Mr. MacMillan’s classroom (room #111). The first session will be on Wednesday, October 19.

Creede Repertory Theatre
K-6 students were treated to a performance of The Wright Stuff, about the history of flight, by the Creede Repertory Theatre on Monday, October 3. Each student also received a book about the performance. The CBCS Enrichment Program would like to thank the Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley and the Crested Butte Arts Festival for helping fund the performances

Tardy Students
If a student receives four tardies in any class per quarter (and for each subsequent four tardies per quarter), the student’s citizenship grade will be lowered one level in that class. If a student receives more than four tardies in any class per quarter, the student, a parent/guardian, and the assistant principal will meet to create a behavioral contract. In addition, student athletes will be considered ineligible for one week for their fifth, and each subsequent tardy per class per quarter or for their tenth total tardy per quarter.

Kid’s Yoga
The Enrichment Program is offering a free kid’s yoga class for students grades 1 through 3 on Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Kelly Winner’s classroom (room #A102). The classes will run from Thursday, October 20 to November 17. Questions? Please contact Kelly [email protected].

Kindergarten and First Grade Girls
Daisy Scouts Informational/Organizational Meeting, October, 20 at 3:45 p.m., MPR. New and returning scouts and a parent are welcome to stop by, meet the leaders, sign up, receive a meeting schedule and learn about what it means to be a Daisy Scout.

Missing Ripstick

Someone “borrowed” Ethan Carroll’s blue Ripstick (skateboard-like thing) from the school playground while he was at u12 soccer practice on Thursday on September 22. It was on the premises at 4:30, but it was gone by 5:45. Thankfully, his helmet was left untouched. Although the ripstick does not have his name on it, it does have lots of stickers. Ripsticks are not a common item, and easy to spot. If “found” please return it to Camille’s 5th grade class or the school office, no questions asked. Thanks.

AP Exam Fee Waivers

All AP students are required to complete the AP exam in May. The AP exam fee is $87 per exam. Families wishing to apply for a fee waiver must submit the necessary paperwork to the counseling office by Friday, October 21. Please call the counseling office with questions.

After School Science Program
Upcoming subjects for the After School Science Program at the Old Rock Library: October 19, Build a Watershed; Wednesday, October 26, Spooky Science. Every Wednesday, except school breaks, from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. Kids aged 8 and older. Free! Call Jen at 349-6535 for more information.


Cross Country, Saturday, October 8: Aspen (MS & HS), at Aspen at 8 a.m. Saturday, October 15: Montrose Relays (MS&HS) at Montrose at 9 a.m.
HS Soccer, Thursday, October 6: Crested Butte vs Center (V), at Center at 4 p.m. Saturday, October 8: Crested Butte vs Alamosa (V) at Alamosa at 10 a.m. Tuesday, October 18: Crested Butte vs Telluride (V&JV) at Telluride 4 and 5:45 p.m.
HS Volleyball, Friday, October 7: 3 way with Sangre de Cristo and Custer County at Sangre de Cristo at 3PM. Saturday, October 15: Crested Butte vs Sargents JV and C Team at CBCS at noon.
MS Volleyball, Saturday, October 8: League Championships with Centennial and Olathe at Montrose at 8 a.m.

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