Meet the candidates for districts 1 & 2 Gunnison County Commissioners

Between now and the end of election season (that’s now), the Crested Butte News is asking the six candidates for Gunnison County Commissioner questions related to issues in the community. We have requested they keep their answers to 400 words or less. Remember, all qualified county voters get to cast a ballot for one candidate in each district.
We hope this forum has been helpful to voters before they mark their ballot…

—Mark Reaman



Stu Ferguson
district 1 candidate

What do you want to say to those who haven’t yet voted?
First, VOTE—Please. When I began to consider running for Commissioner, I started by asking what people felt was important for our County. I heard: It’s time for change; it’s time to pursue policies to promote the diversity of economic growth available, policies that encourage existing businesses, flexibility for our ranching community to be profitable, sustainable agri-business.
A survey conducted last year asked, “Why do you do business in Gunnison County?” One small business owner answered, “Because I can’t afford to leave.” Paul Holden’s remarkable study on the Economy of Gunnison County points out that small business owners have only one-half the earning power today as compared to thirty years ago. That is a huge red flag. I’ve contacted business owners who considered locating in Gunnison County but chose to locate elsewhere to understand the factors that drove their decision. Their response: it is too expensive to locate in Gunnison County because of the cost of lengthy planning processes, excessive fees and fighting to gain the flexibility needed to make a business profitable.
Our current county commissioners favored regulation over economic development for seven of the past eight years. Economic development has emerged as an afterthought only in the last year. Economic opportunity will be a priority for me the entire time I serve. I bring a balanced approach to the issues facing Gunnison County. I came to Gunnison after serving in the Army to attend graduate school at Western and like many of you, I stayed to make this my home for over 40 years. My career with the Police Department taught me about leadership, responsibility, and especially about people. Studying public administration as a graduate student at Western taught me about government and public policy. My experience as a successful small business owner during good and tough times added real, “in the trenches” business experience. And, my experience as Mayor of Gunnison for eight years allowed me to bring all those things together to serve our community.
During my tenure as Mayor we developed a balanced “Big Box” policy for large retail, our community voted to build a swimming pool, an awesome ice skating arena, and to develop a trails system all of which contribute to our quality of life and economic environment. We tackled the challenge of Gunnison Rising Annexation together through consensus. I can bring change in a positive, inclusive manner. Thank You.

Give me three people you’d like to share a ride with on the Silver Queen and one you’d want to share a T-bar ride with…
Silver Queen—anyone I haven’t met previously. T-Bar—anyone who won’t knock me down.


Steve Schechter
district 1 candidate

What do you want to say to those who haven’t yet voted?
I have been the ideas candidate in the District One race. My platform includes increasing energy efficiency and producing more local energy from our abundant renewable sources. Both measures aim to keep more money in people’s pockets, which can then be spent locally for increased business activity. The same is true for more local food production, which keeps our grocery money from escaping the county. I have a campaign plank promoting a county off-highway paved recreation trail system from Crested Butte to Gunnison to Curecanti Park. We could leverage Open Space money for GOCO funds to purchase easements and build the system. I have advocated for the RTA to begin a pilot program to bus skiers in from Front Range communities and DIA. High priced seats into the Gunnison airport discourage middle-class skiers from flying here. To encourage more visitors of every kind I would like to see an upgrade to the Gunnison-Crested Butte website with digital videos of the myriad activities in our valley to excite and hook viewers.
Retiring commissioner Hap Channel, in his letter in last week’s paper, argues that only Paula Swenson has the knowledge and experience to keep the County running smoothly. Past county commissioners learned their jobs without the government imploding. We have experienced senior county staff with institutional knowledge and experience to keep the County running smoothly. County Commissioners set policy and direct our local government. From the boards on which I currently serve, I have a record of learning quickly and always being prepared, including doing my own independent research. I have studied Colorado’s complex water laws; I have become a student of REA financing, governance and technology. These subjects are as complex as county governance, if not more so.
Forty percent of Gunnison County’s registered voters are unaffiliated; in three-way commissioner races, they have more choice, and can actually elect candidates outside of the two-party system. No one knows how this election will turn out. Don’t let someone else make your decision for you. I ask every citizen to vote their aspirations and dreams, not their fears, so that we can move forward to invest in ourselves and our communities.
Give me three people you’d like to share a ride with on the Silver Queen and one you’d want to share a T-Bar ride with…
While Stu, Paula, Jon, and Warren ride the quad, Polly and I will T-bar to the steeps. We will all meet up later to debate our day.


Paula Swenson
district 1 candidate

What do you want to say to those who haven’t yet voted?
First and foremost, I would like to thank my opponents in this race for the upstanding job they have both done. There have been no negative advertising or mud smearing at all. We have all three kept to what we can or would do in office and what our qualifications are. It is rare that you see this anymore, and I for one am thankful that this race has been all on a positive note and want to call this out to the community.
As we wind down the campaigning and get to voting, I want to thank you Gunnison County for allowing me to serve you for the past eight years. It has been a lot of hard work, but I have enjoyed it all and we have accomplished quite a bit. I am hopeful that you will decide that the work I have been doing is worthy of another four years and that my experience will help to move the new board forward. Whether it is economic development, sustainability of our environment and community, being fiscally responsible or anything else that is brought forward, I am committed, qualified and determined to continue to serve this wonderful community that I call home.
I would appreciate your vote on November 6.

Give me three people you’d like to share a ride with on the Silver Queen and one you’d want to share a T-bar ride with…
Silver Queen—Priscilla Jones, Keli Massey and Joann Arai-Brown…they always stand by me. T-bar—Jason Swenson, he is always by my side.

Jonathan Houck
district 2 candidate

What do you want to say to those who haven’t yet voted?
Make sure you get out there and vote! From the President down to Commissioners, take the time to make an informed decision and make your vote count!
I am asking for your vote! I am the most qualified, experienced, prepared and balanced candidate in District 2. I have a long track record of serving this valley as an educator and elected official. As a teacher I taught kids from Gunnison and Crested Butte. In my current role as project coordinator for GCSAPP we have lowered youth substance abuse valley wide. From years on Gunnison council, RTA board and as Mayor, I have gained the experience and developed the proven leadership skills needed. I will be a commissioner that brings people together and gets things done.
My relationship with the north end of the valley has been 20 years in the making. My wife, Roanne Rouse, is a Crested Butte native and we are committed to raising our kids as residents of this valley. We are familiar faces because we strive to be part of the valley-wide fabric and I approach governance in much the same way. What we have in common here in Gunnison County far outweighs the differences. It is those commonalities that my leadership can help harness to move us forward to better opportunities for families, businesses and smart growth regardless of where we live in Gunnison County.
As current Gunnison Mayor, I have good working relationships with both town councils. I have been working for the last few years with CBMR and WSCU to create opportunities to grow our two most important economic generators. Protecting our water, ranching operations and tourism are priorities as well.
As a father, small business owner, educator and elected official, I know we need to capture opportunities while protecting what we love about Gunnison County. You have my commitment to honest, transparent, hardworking leadership. I am invested, with you, to cultivate a stronger future for all of us. I have the energy, skills and temperament to get us moving forward again. I ask for your vote!

Give me three people you’d like to share a ride with on the Silver Queen and one you’d want to share a T-bar ride with…
On the Queen it is my wife, Roanne, and our kids Iris and Porter. I love sharing a ride up the T-Bar with Roanne too, now, if I could only catch her. Guess that is what happens when you marry a Crested Butte native who has been rippin’ that mountain since the age of three!

Polly Oberosler
district 2 candidate

What do you want to say to those who haven’t yet voted?
First off, get out and vote, it is vital to this country.
Secondly, I want to point out that we have coasted along in this county, and frankly nationwide for ten years with a lack of intensity and vision and it is inadequate. We have all suffered because of our complacency for years now and we all have to up our game. I intend to pick up the tempo with some innovation locally to try and grow this economy. We can both take care of the environment and prosper if we work together. None of this is rocket science, it boils down to good old fashioned hard work to fix what is broken and kick start originality for the future. It requires partnerships and understanding of each other, respect and alliances to bring real and meaningful growth and stability. We need to work together to keep our families here and business and ranching thriving. I can assemble the folks who are capable of turning things around, and I will.
If you haven’t voted fill in the box by my name for Gunnison County Commissioner District 2, the Unaffiliated candidate and the only one who truly understands the entire county!
Thirdly, we all are heavy hearted with the loss of Rick Miller this last week. He was a team player on Main Street and passionate about the success of this area. He gave of himself in government and alliances across the county. Rick was a classmate of mine and someone that we all knew to be funny, thoughtful and artistic, not necessarily in that order. He took life by the horns and lived it to its fullest. Join me in wishing his family peace and remembrance of a life well lived.

Give me three people you’d like to share a ride with on the Silver Queen and one you’d want to share a T-Bar ride with…
On the quad…Larry Tanning because he is so business smart and has so much passion for it. John Lennon for his vision. Katherine Hepburn for her deep understanding of life. The T-Bar…My hubby of course…he built it.

Warren Wilcox,
district 2 candidate

What do you want to say to those who haven’t yet voted?
I wish to thank all those who facilitated the discussion of important topics to Gunnison County residents. I admire all those who stepped forward in order to improve the situation for their constituents. I also wish to thank those who provided support during this difficult campaign season.
It is my intention to do everything I can to attract higher paying economic sectors in order to broaden, balance and stabilize our economy. I will work hard, along with the rest of the board to be very supportive of current businesses, and to be more business-friendly to those that wish to join our community as good neighbors. I will promote a positive atmosphere for everybody’s success. JFK said, “A rising tide lifts all boats,” and I agree. Less polarization, selfishness and more decorum and respect will result in a more civil tone, so that we might find positive solutions through inclusive interaction.
My personal goal for Gunnison County would be to have a more thriving economy, with higher pay for our citizens, so that our children, grandchildren, and graduates of high schools in Gunnison and Crested Butte, as well as WSCU who choose to remain in Gunnison County are able to find good paying jobs. Well paying jobs would allow them to have a family, a home, and to grow and prosper. The community would enjoy the benefit of their fresh, youthful energy, knowledge, skills and the growth of our tax base. Introduction of new businesses would partially protect us from hikes in our sales and property taxes.
I support the Federal Constitution and the Colorado Constitution as written, private property rights, and multiple uses of public lands for all citizens to enjoy.
I am asking for your vote for County Commissioner for District #2.

Give me three people you’d like to share a ride with on the Silver Queen and one you’d want to share a Poma ride with.
Any friendly people. As for the T-bar…My oldest son.

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