Benchtalk: August 4, 2017

Art, Ducks and Mountain Men

The last huge weekend of summer is here with the annual Crested Butte Arts Festival. Elk Avenue will be closed for the booths so get out and take a stroll down Crested Butte’s main street starting Friday. If you want to go back in time, head up Washington Gulch and check out the Mountain Man Rendezvous. The camp will seem like an 1800s trapper setting and those who stay out there immerse themselves in the time. Oh, and then there’s the Rotary Duckie race. That takes place Sunday afternoon and there’s opportunity to win cash and prizes so it can be a big weekend for everyone.

Sustainability Camp in Gunnison this month

The Coldharbour Sustainability Camp will be held August 14 to August 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Students in first to 12th grade are welcome to attend. Drop-off and pick-up will take place at the Gunnison Library. The cost is $200 for the whole week. Scholarships are available. The camp will be traveling around the valley to learn about sustainability development, and exploring the land at Coldharbour. Contact Mandy at [email protected]. Register at

B’nai Butte events coming up

Congregation B’nai Butte has a gathering next week. Rabbi Robbi Sherwin will be in town and making her regular rounds at the T-Bar and Rumors August 11 and 12. A Shabbat dinner will be held Friday at the home of Liska Blodgett on 71 Cinnamon Mountain Rd., Mt Crested Butte. Call Liska at (847) 769-7800 with questions. The main event for the week will be August 12 at 7 p.m. with a special Havdallah service and pot luck dinner at the home of Ynette and Jim Hogue, 16 Morning Glory Way, Mt Crested Butte. There will be guests from the Aspen Jewish community who will be hiking from Aspen that day and it will be a celebration for both communities getting together. Call Ynette at (970) 349-1103 for more info.

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Join others for an hour of German conversation on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. at the Princess. All levels are welcome. Call Shelley at (303) 746-1999 with questions.

“Wine for our Watershed” tix on sale

The High Country Conservation Advocates presents “Wine for our Watershed,” a wine tasting with local expert and certified sommelier Aaron Tomcak of Mountain Spirits Liquor, Thursday, August 24 at 5 p.m. On this summer evening at the Depot, sample four different wines paired with appetizers made from locally sourced ingredients. Tickets are $50 and all proceeds will benefit HCCA’s water quality work to keep our headwaters healthy. To reserve your seat, please visit


August 3- Marcia Dowell, Claudia Bucholz, Carissa Duncan, Alec Solimeo

August 4- Steve Katzman, Patrick Curvin, Gina Morgan, Susie Schechtman, Duane Vandenbusche, James Law

August 5- Michael Helland, Robyn Zimmerman, Jerry Falkner, Olivia Bray, Dahlila Hickey, Quinn Winter, Frank Kugel

August 6- Jeremiah Robinson, Marlene Stajduhar, Paul Merck, Steve Landry

August 7- Scott Meyers, Kelly Ward, Mara McLaughlin, Daniel Davenport, Carrie Jo Chernoff, Laura Cass

August 8- Beth Gallagher, Martha Walton, Gail Buford, Ruth Romer, Heather Talbot, Alexis Miller, John Wickett, Judy Williams,

August 9- Skye Houseman, Scott Millard, Happy Brown, Jan Washburn, Neil Windsor

CONGRATULATIONS: Callie Claire Schuyler and Brad Acre were married at the Duncanson’s home in Riverbend on June 17, 2017. photo by Tom Stillo
PHYSICIAN FOR KIDS: Dr. Jennifer Sanderford has established Crested Butte Pediatrics at 419 6th Street, Suite 202 above the Alpineer with Sopris Women’s Clinic. There will be an open house on Tuesday, August 15 from 5-7 p.m. and you can contact the office at (970)349-3333. photo by Lydia Stern
CONGRATULATIONS: Hayley Berryhill and Ian McMurtrey tied the knot on their tenth anniversary on June 13, 2017 at the Wedding Garden. photo by Alison White Photography

Cameo Question: Why is art important?

It helps you see the beauty in things that are not.
Ayla Scott
It’s the development of
Brandon McDaniel
Edible art is my favorite
medium and it sustains us!
Elizabeth Lamphere
It allows you to see things in a different perspective.
Gina Rose Wheatley
It brings people together.
Melissa Kontos

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