The Grand Finale of Vinotok!

Come celebrate nature, community and the harvest in this grassroots and homegrown festival centered around the turning of the seasons and the Autumn Equinox.

Bring your music, poetry and stories

Liar’s Night on Thursday, September 19 transforms Kochevar’s as community members gather to tell and hear tall tales, whoppers and adventure stories from the community with prizes for the best liar. The Green Man is announced. This is perhaps our most naughty, raucous evening.

But if you write poetry, short stories, essays, rants, songs or compose spoken word, we invite you to share your creativity at the Community Feast on Friday night, September 20, around the fire. At this time we also invite musicians of all kinds to bring their instruments for community jam sessions.

Come eat together

Everyone is welcome to share in a locally harvested, organic community feast provided by Mountain Oven at the Community Feast on Friday the 20th. The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. with Marcie Telander, D.Div. performing the ancient, non-denominational Handfasting Ceremony where couples, families, friends, partners and the entire community join in sharing vows and promises of re-commitment for a healthy, transforming future.

Immediately following at 6:30 p.m., enjoy a feast of seasonal, organic, regional and sustainably grown vegetables and meats. There is also a cash bar of hard apple cider, mead, wine and spiced rum. Live music by local musicians follows (bring your musical instruments), wreath making station, and poetry and short story reading by local writers (bring your words). Rain or shine, protected space will be provided in case of inclement weather. Wear your warm Vinotok best! Bring your own utensils as none are provided, but please no outside alcohol. Food does sell out. Advance tickets for the feast sold at the Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum, Octopus Coffee and Rumors Coffee & Tea House.


In Slovenian traditions, effigies were burned on the boss man’s lawn as a rib. These effigies have morphed into the Grump, a symbol of what we want to release from the previous year – what has blocked us. It is giving to the flames our grievances, to make room for what we want in the new year. 

Grump boxes can be found at Secret Stash, Mountain Earth, Kochevar’s, Mountain Spirits, the Dogwood, Tobacconist, Public House, T-Bar, Teocalli Tamale, Bonez, Talk of the Town, Crested Butte Post Office, Crested Butte South Post Office Annex, Crested Butte Post Office Annex, Old Rock Community Library, Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum, Rumors, A Daily Dose, Octopus Coffee, The Slogar, The Last Steep. Grump boxes will be collected Friday, September 20.

Go to dinner

If you are not part of the mumming crew one of the best ways to experience it is to be in a restaurant from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. The Vinotok Theatre Troupe will come into most restaurants on Elk Avenue from Donita’s to Kochevar’s (also including The Gourmet Noodle and the Dogwood). See the production. If you’re really feeling the spirit, offer the Troupe wine and bread from your table, as is the ancient tradition.

Wear a costume, make a head wreath, be in the streets

Community members are encouraged to dress in Medieval/Renaissance attire for any Vinotok event. Forest creatures and pan descendants also welcome. This is especially true for Liar’s Night, the Community Feast and Vinotok Day. Make a head wreath from natural materials you find on a nice long walk in the fall woods. You may also make your own head wreath at the Community Feast on Friday. Grab a poet’s shirt, lace up your corset, make a jester’s hat. 

On Vinotok Day as the mummers make their way through the restaurants; they will also be dancing in the streets. Dress up and meet them in the streets to dance to the live drums. While only the Vinotok Theatre Troupe will be mumming the restaurants, the streets should be full of community members dancing in costume.

Final Vinotok Events

Thursday, September 19

The Botsie Spritzer Memorial Liar’s Contest: 7 p.m. doors, lies begin at 8:30 p.m. at Kochevar’s. $10

Kochevar’s is transformed and community members gather to tell and hear tall tales, whoppers and adventure stories from the community with prizes for the best liar. The Green Man is announced. A naughty, raucous evening.

Friday, September 20

Community Feast: 5:30 p.m. on the 100 Block of Elk. $28 in advance; $33 at the door; $13 children 12 & under

An all organic, locally, regionally and sustainably sourced farm-to-table al fresco dinner of Whole Roast Pig & Pork Loin; Roasted Root Vegetables with Fresh Herbs; Slow-Cooked Hearty Greens with Onions & Cider; Local Salad with Vinaigrette; Fermented Vegetables; Sourdough Breads and Apple Crisp. Lovingly prepared by our community members at Burnells Farmhouse, Miso Green, Soupçon, Mountain Oven, Sunflower, Pedals & Pastries and the Last Steep. Cash bar of regional wines, hard cider, mead and hot spiced rum. Tickets at the Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum, Octopus and Rumors Coffee & Tea House.

Saturday, September 21

Mumming by cast and crew: 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Elk Avenue and adjoining restaurants and pubs

Cast and Crew of Vinotok produces a mini-theatre inside Elk Avenue restaurants to invite people to the performance of the trial.

Trial of the Grump: 7:30 p.m. (ish). Elk Avenue in front of the Talk of the Town

The community puts the Grump on trial with harvest maiden dances and a play of the Harvest Mother, Dragon, Knight and Green Man. The performance is amplified and lit so the community can hear and see the tale on the temporary stage.

Procession to the 4-Way and Bonfire: 8:30 p.m. (ish) Elk Avenue to the 4-Way

The cast and crew lead the community down Elk Avenue to the 4-Way Stop, Grump in tow, to meet his demise.  The bonfire and burning of the Grump will begin at approximately 8:30 p.m. and put out by 10:30 p.m. 

Vinotok is for everyone. We’ll see you in the streets!

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