Briefs: Crested Butte

By Mark Reaman

Runoff watch

Crested Butte town manager Dara MacDonald told the town council at the April 3 meeting that the town is starting to think about spring runoff issues. Staff is keeping an eye on Coal Creek, which rises dramatically and can sometimes get plugged with branches and boulders causing flooding. Public Works director Shea Earley said that historically the peak runoff comes sometime in early June, with the peak normally recorded in the first two weeks of June no matter how much snow has fallen.

Elk Ave. parklets

Applications for parklet permits for summer outdoor dining on Elk Avenue opened in February and 16 requests for the parklets have been submitted, compared to 14 last year. The summer parklet season will run from June 14 through October 4.


—The April 17 council meeting was cancelled given the school break, so the next town council meeting is scheduled for May 1.

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