
Get real?

It isn’t always easy at 9,000 feet in a tiny mountain village but when it’s sweet, it’s sweet. This weekend is …

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Trail blessings

Councilperson Jim Schmidt put out a plea last week for people to let him know if a group he is leading …

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Vision statement

It could be kind of funny. The Crested Butte Town Council is searching for a vision: A vision statement, actually. They …

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Obama is losing me…

“No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”—James Madison, 1795 Apparently we are supposed to live in …

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It’s not easy to go all kumbaya two weeks in a row, but every once in a while it puts local …

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Midseason blessings

Midwinter safety check. Stay aware but stop the dark season bitching… for at least a few minutes. For some reason I …

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