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Profile: Sigrid Cottrell

Sigrid Cottrell and her two tow-headed brothers would spend every summer 200 kilometers above the Arctic Circle in her mother’s homeland …

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PROFILE: Randi Stroh

In the key of life In a tiny unassuming shed-turned-studio on an authentically Crested Butte alley, you might be fortunate to …

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Profile: Ian Wrisley

Divinely Inspired With his sometimes wicked sense of humor, mischievous eyes and devilish smile, Ian Wrisley seems an unlikely candidate for …

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PROFILE: Pete Curvin

Long and lean, sporting an enviably substantial head of hair well past his shoulders, his broad smile beaming out from under …

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Profile: Todd Riceman

If it weren’t for his ever-present smile and warm demeanor, Todd Riceman’s six feet seven inches would be an intimidating presence …

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PROFILE: Anne Moore

“I was conceived in Crested Butte,” Anne Moore smiles, then pours herself a glass of Champagne and nestles into the couch …

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