Titans soccer squad continues annual pre-season training quest

Titans hit Fat City two years in a row

Not every high school soccer team does it. In fact, it’s probably safe to say no other high school soccer team does it. Before the first scrimmage of the season, the Crested Butte Titans essentially walk to their game—an 11-mile hike over a 12,500-foot mountain pass from the Elk Mountains to the Maroon Bells.



“We have arranged a Saturday scrimmage with the Aspen Skiers the last two years so we hike from Crested Butte to Aspen,” explained head soccer coach Than Acuff. “We meet at the Community School about six in the morning and get over to Aspen by the early afternoon on Friday.”
The entire team makes the trek. This year there were 28 kids. They start at the West Maroon trailhead seven miles from Crested Butte. Team members hike at their own pace, some in hiking boots and others in skateboard shoes. There are three checkpoints along the way. Overnight gear is packed into a Chevy Suburban and driven around to Aspen.
Being a Friday, the trail isn’t particularly crowded, especially that early in the morning. But the team has run into people who are bit shocked to see 28 high schoolers hiking to Aspen. “The most important thing is that we started with 28 kids and ended with 28 kids,” said Than.
“One guy was a little mad when he came up the trail because we were throwing rocks into the basin but we weren’t throwing them toward anyone,” said one Titan who didn’t want to be named. “The guy was kind of a jerk.”
Than’s original idea last year was to do a peak hike at the end of the two-a-day practice sessions. His soccer team at Colorado College had done a similar hike up Pike’s Peak every year. “But [Titan player] Mick Osmundson suggested we do a hike to West Maroon Pass and Mike Linehan said he had a house in Snowmass, so it all came together,” Than said. “The icing on the cake was getting a scrimmage with Aspen. It’s a good reward for the team after the heavy practice schedule at the end of the summer.”
For a lot of the kids it is the first time to make the hike to Aspen. “The view from the top is pretty incredible,” said freshman Titan player Graham Koval. “We hike up the ridge at the top and it is even better.”
Team captain Jenner Currier thinks the trip is a great idea. “It combines conditioning and a chance for the team to bond,” he observed.
At the end of the trail, the team takes the shuttle bus from the Maroon Bells into Aspen. Once in Fat City, the country bumpkins from Crested Butte take advantage of the big city. First stop is the Aspen recreation center, which includes an ice rink, climbing wall and swimming pool.
“It’s got everything you can possibly imagine, including a lounge with XBox 360,” said sophomore Ben Reaman. “There’s the swimming pool, basketball court, ping pong and pool tables.”
While the lifeguard put the team in “timeout” once last year for making a train down the waterslide, there were no incidents in 2009. “We still made a train down the slide,” said Ben. “We just didn’t get in trouble this year.”
After the rec center experience, the team takes a bus into town, hangs out around the pedestrian mall and then heads to dinner. Boogie’s Diner, a burger joint in downtown Aspen, is apparently a popular choice for the kids, along with Aspen pizza places.
The team gathers at the park in Aspen about 8 p.m. and then hires taxis up to the Snowmass house. There, it’s time to get in the hot tub, hang out, or perhaps watch a soccer movie. Then everyone should be in bed by around midnight. Most sleep outside on the deck.
Jenner Currier, a senior who has taken the trip twice, said everyone on the team enjoys hanging out in town. “We have a great time in Aspen,” he said. “It’s a fun experience.”
On game day Mike Linehan and Joe Currier started cooking at 6 a.m. for an 8:30 breakfast. This year, breakfast for 31 consisted of 120 pancakes, nine pounds of bacon, sausage, fruit, and gallons of orange juice.
“You had to see it to believe it,” said Currier. “It was a lot of fun.”
Linehan said he is excited to help provide a unique experience for the kids living in Crested Butte. “The kids were incredibly good,” he said.
After breakfast, it was off to the Aspen high school field where warm-ups started at 10 o’clock.
The Aspen field is different from Crested Butte. There is stadium seating and the field is made of Astroturf and lined for soccer, football and lacrosse. The track around the field is of proper length and made of soft material.
The game starts at 11 and three halves are played. This past Saturday, the varsity lost 3-1. The junior varsity lost 1-0.
“My credo is that soccer is life but there’s more to life than soccer,” said Than. “That’s kind of the idea behind this trip. It’s sort of a team-building experience but we don’t really do any formal team-building exercises. Overall, it’s turned out to be a great experience for everyone.”
The Titan captain agreed. “It’s a great idea,” said Jenner Currier. “I really like Aspen. It’s a great place to visit, but maybe not to live there. Still, the hike is great for the team.”

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