Crested Butte Briefs

Covering the town with fiber optics may be possible
Instead of people mooching free Internet wireless signals from local businesses, homes or public buildings, a plan is being explored to bring a fiber optic network to Crested Butte.
Local resident Erika Vohman and Jason Swenson of Internet Colorado want to apply for Federal Stimulus Funds for Underserved Rural Communities. A similar proposal is being put forth in Gunnison. They want the Town Council to look at details before the end of November and sign off on the proposal. The council gave an initial thumbs-up to the plan.
Vohman explained to the council Monday night that the plan would bring a “wireless mesh network” to town to provide low-cost, high-quality, high-speed Internet access to all areas of the town.
“It won’t cost the town anything and it has the potential to bring jobs and revenue to town,” said Vohman. “There is the potential to charge visitors for a day pass.”
Mayor Alan Bernholtz thought it was a great idea. “It would be a good benefit to the community,” he said.
The town staff will explore the details and options but the council gave the go-ahead to move forward.



Bear, bear go away
Chief marshal Tom Martin told the council that local bears have yet to hibernate. “They are still out every night,” he said. “The Department of Wildlife is hoping they begin hibernating in the next two weeks.”
If the bears, which have caused havoc all summer by breaking into houses, cars and garages, remain a problem next summer, the DOW has told Martin they will trap them and eliminate them. “That’s encouraging,” Martin said. The bears “have been a real problem all summer.
“The number of bear incidents was reduced when a couple of bears were trapped this summer,” Martin continued. “But there is still a good-sized bear in town causing problems.”

Other news…
Election ballots can be dropped off at the town hall from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day. The town is working with the county in a coordinated mail-in ballot, but voters can save postage and drop their ballots in a box at town hall.

The council will consider an ordinance allowing bed-and-breakfast operations in the B-3 zone. An individual has approached the town to open such a business at 421 Elk Avenue. The ordinance will be considered at the next meeting. The council will also consider an ordinance amending town building requirements for the R-2 residential district to clarify the maximum floor area ratio for all buildings on a lot.

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