GVS thanks Community Foundation for Soo Bahk Do support

Editor’s Note: This letter was originally sent to the Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley and is reprinted here at the author’s request.



 Dear Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley:

The students and staff of the Gunnison Valley School would like to thank you for your support of the GVS Soo Bahk Do program. This program has become an invaluable part of the school’s character education program and it would not be possible without your generous support.

GVS possesses a unique student population, and as such our students require unique programming, which is exactly what the partnership with West Elk Soo Bahk Do provides.

The Gunnison Valley School exists to reengage students who have been discouraged by their previous schooling experiences. Every student is pushed to become responsible for his or her education, personal choices and for the future. This approach aligns with the foundational belief of Soo Bahk Do that “we are at our best when helping others,” and that strong individuals build strong communities which in turn can build a stronger and more peaceful world. Because this alignment of beliefs exists between GVS and West Elk Soo Bahk Do, students are more apt to succeed not only in school but also to bring their best skills and talents into a broader community.

The support received from the Community Foundation absolutely benefits the students of GVS but ultimately is an investment in our community and its future leaders. Thank you for your generosity.



Susan Powers

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