School News

Thank You Titan Booster Club
A huge thank you to the Titan Booster Club for purchasing brand new uniforms for our MS track team. What a treat that will be for next year’s athletes! As always, and once again, CBCS is so appreciative for the generous support of the Booster Club and all they do for our athletic program. If you are interested in joining the Booster Club, please send your tax deductible donation to PO Box 2168, Crested Butte. Thank you!


Please Take Medications Home
Parents, if you have provided the school with medicine or any first aid supplies, please pick them up from the office by Friday, June 4. Any items left in the nurse’s office will be disposed of after school is out. Thanks.

Wrapping Up The Year
Please be sure to pay all fines, fees, and lunch bills, return all library books, text books, and athletic uniforms before the end of the year. Unfortunately, report cards and transcripts will be withheld until the student has cleared up these matters. Please call with questions. Thanks.

Leaving Early??
If parents plan to take students out of school before June 4, please be certain that students have cleaned out their cubbies/lockers, turned in all that should be turned in and picked up all that should be picked up before the end of the year! We cannot hold on to personal items and/or school projects over the summer. Thanks for all your help.

School’s Out for Summer!
Thank you for another great year! School will be dismissed on Friday, June 4, at 12:17 p.m. for the summer! Yeah! Have a safe and fun filled summer vacation. School will resume on Monday, August 30. Look for information to appear in the newspaper as we get closer to the start date.

Furniture Give-Away

The school will be giving away furniture on Friday, June 4, starting at 12:30 p.m. Please stop by and choose from the abundance of give away items, including desks, chairs, etc. All items may be found on the north side of the gym.

Student Directories Are In
The PTA student/parent directories are in and available in the office. The cost is $5. Please pick one up before school is out for the summer.

Lady Titans Stadium Cups
Help support the 2010 Lady Titans volleyball season by purchasing a “Lady Titans Stadium Cup.” These plastic cups are great for taking on picnics or walks with the family. A 16 oz. cup is only $3 or you may want to buy fie cups at the discounted price of $10! Order forms are in the office. All proceeds go to the Lady Titans volleyball team.

Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found—it’s overflowing with lost items! Everything will be removed from the school after June 4. Thanks.

High School Mountain Bike Team
Starting next fall Colorado will have a High School Mountain Biking League. There will be four races, two in September and two in October. We are in the beginning stages of organizing a Gunnison Valley Team, which should include riders from Crested Butte, Gunnison, and Lake City. The emphasis will be on having fun and learning to mountain bike. We will have an organizational meeting Tuesday, June 1, after school in Janae’s room (C 102) for all interested students (8th-11th grades), parents, and staff. Please help to spread the word!

8th Grade Graduation Party
Calling all 8th graders! Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Thursday June 3, and your 8th Grade Graduation Party at Mountaineer Square, CBMR from 6 to 9 p.m. with a DJ, dancing, games, food, friends, fun! Make sure you’re there! (Please note this is not a Middle School party—it is for 8th graders only!)

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