Council appears ready to relax rules to allow two-sided signs on Elk Avenue

Larger chalkboards in the future?

The issue of signs promoting businesses along Elk Avenue is the summer equivalent of snow banks along Elk in the winter. Every couple of years the Crested Butte Town Council must revisit the issue and this is the summer. The council will re-evaluate the sign ordinance at its upcoming meeting on Monday, July 19.



The issue came to the forefront after Danica Ayraud and Arvin Ram of Rumors Coffee and Tea House asked the council to consider larger chalkboard signs and allow them to be displayed with information on two sides. Currently the sign ordinance restricts such signs to being no larger than four square feet and only one side is allowed to show information.
“We are requesting the council allow the chalkboards to be five square feet and allow information to be on both sides,” Ayraud told the council last week. “We were told by the building department that our two-sided sign was okay because two separate businesses were using it [Rumors and Blue Moon Books, which share a building], but the cops came by on July 2 and told us it wasn’t in compliance and to turn it toward the street, which we did. Can we talk about this again?”
Councilperson Phoebe Wilson indicated she was ready to move ahead with some revisions to the regulations. “It’s becoming redundant at this point. I don’t think we need staff input on this even. Let’s deal with it,” she said.
Mayor Leah Williams said staff input was critical in any decision the council considers. “Whatever we do, we need input from our staff,” she countered.
“I don’t see a problem out there,” added councilperson Dan Escalante. “What they are asking for is reasonable.”
Town manager Susan Parker asked that a specific proposal for the changes be made so the staff could comment on any proposal. Ayraud said she would send a letter with the proposal to the town before the next meeting. She and Ram sent a formal request to the town Monday morning asking that the council allow chalkboards to be five square feet in size and double-sided.
“As a business owner on Elk Avenue I have found a chalkboard to be an integral part of bringing people into my store,” Ayraud and Ram wrote to the town. “Countless people walk by every day and can see what we offer and if we have an event that evening at a glance. Having a double-sided board allows for two-way traffic and for people to see it from a block away. Five square feet is enough space to write specials and events.”
The council will look at the issue and consider changes to the code at the July 19 council meeting.

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