The Bump-N-Jump is back

These are the good old days

It’s back people, the Bump-N-Jump.
CBMR and the Crested Butte News are joining forces to give you men and women of the moguls a chance to relive the glory days.
Saturday, April 2 is the day. $15 is the cost and includes entry into the Pond Skim later that day. Paradise Bowl is the place, center stage, under the Paradise Lift.
It will be a head-to-head competition open to alpine and telemark skiers as well as snowboarders with all three thrown into the mix.
Prizes for the top three men and top three women, including some cold hard cash and the coveted golden boot trophies, are on the line. There will also be a prize for the one person with the most Bump-N-Jump “steeze.”
Registration will be the day of the event from 9 to 10 a.m. on the Butte 66 deck with a kids’ competition from 10 to 11 a.m. and the adult competition kicking off with a competitors meeting at 11 a.m. at the bottom of the course.
Carry the energy from the Bump-N-Jump event back to the base area and toss yourself into the annual Pond Skim from 4 to 5 p.m. Registration for the Pond Skim is just $10 (remember $15 gets you into both) and will be held from 3 to 4 p.m. at Butte 66, with the skimming set to start at 4 p.m. For more information call CBMR at (970) 349-2217 or the Crested Butte News at (970) 349-0500 or go to
These are the good old days!

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